Library documentation


FiniteMPS{A<:GenericMPSTensor,B<:MPSBondTensor} <: AbstractFiniteMPS

Type that represents a finite Matrix Product State.


  • ALs – left-gauged MPS tensors
  • ARs – right-gauged MPS tensors
  • ACs – center-gauged MPS tensors
  • CLs – gauge tensors

Where each is entry can be a tensor or missing.


By convention, we have that:

  • AL[i] * CL[i+1] = AC[i] = CL[i] * AR[i]
  • AL[i]' * AL[i] = 1
  • AR[i] * AR[i]' = 1


FiniteMPS([f, eltype], physicalspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}},
          virtualspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}};
          normalize=true) where {S<:ElementarySpace}
FiniteMPS([f, eltype], physicalspaces::Vector{<:Union{S,CompositeSpace{S}}},
          normalize=true, left=oneunit(S), right=oneunit(S)) where {S<:ElementarySpace}
FiniteMPS([f, eltype], N::Int, physicalspace::Union{S,CompositeSpace{S}},
          normalize=true, left=oneunit(S), right=oneunit(S)) where {S<:ElementarySpace}
FiniteMPS(As::Vector{<:GenericMPSTensor}; normalize=false, overwrite=false)

Construct an MPS via a specification of physical and virtual spaces, or from a list of tensors As. All cases reduce to the latter.


  • As::Vector{<:GenericMPSTensor}: vector of site tensors

  • f::Function=rand: initializer function for tensor data

  • eltype::Type{<:Number}=ComplexF64: scalar type of tensors

  • physicalspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}}: list of physical spaces

  • N::Int: number of sites

  • physicalspace::Union{S,CompositeSpace{S}}: local physical space

  • virtualspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}}: list of virtual spaces

  • maxvirtualspace::S: maximum virtual space


  • normalize: normalize the constructed state
  • overwrite=false: overwrite the given input tensors
  • left=oneunit(S): left-most virtual space
  • right=oneunit(S): right-most virtual space
InfiniteMPS{A<:GenericMPSTensor,B<:MPSBondTensor} <: AbtractMPS

Type that represents an infinite Matrix Product State.


  • AL – left-gauged MPS tensors
  • AR – right-gauged MPS tensors
  • AC – center-gauged MPS tensors
  • CR – gauge tensors


By convention, we have that:

  • AL[i] * CR[i] = AC[i] = CR[i-1] * AR[i]
  • AL[i]' * AL[i] = 1
  • AR[i] * AR[i]' = 1


InfiniteMPS([f, eltype], physicalspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}},
            virtualspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}}) where
InfiniteMPS(As::AbstractVector{<:GenericMPSTensor}; tol=1e-14, maxiter=100)
InfiniteMPS(ALs::AbstractVector{<:GenericMPSTensor}, C₀::MPSBondTensor;
            tol=1e-14, maxiter=100)

Construct an MPS via a specification of physical and virtual spaces, or from a list of tensors As, or a list of left-gauged tensors ALs.


  • As::AbstractVector{<:GenericMPSTensor}: vector of site tensors

  • ALs::AbstractVector{<:GenericMPSTensor}: vector of left-gauged site tensors

  • C₀::MPSBondTensor: initial gauge tensor

  • f::Function=rand: initializer function for tensor data

  • eltype::Type{<:Number}=ComplexF64: scalar type of tensors

  • physicalspaces::AbstractVector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}}: list of physical spaces

  • virtualspaces::AbstractVector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}}: list of virtual spaces


  • tol: gauge fixing tolerance
  • maxiter: gauge fixing maximum iterations
WindowMPS{A<:GenericMPSTensor,B<:MPSBondTensor} <: AbstractFiniteMPS

Type that represents a finite Matrix Product State embedded in an infinte Matrix Product State.


  • left_gs::InfiniteMPS – left infinite environment
  • window::FiniteMPS – finite window Matrix Product State
  • right_gs::InfiniteMPS – right infinite environment


WindowMPS(left_gs::InfiniteMPS, window_state::FiniteMPS, [right_gs::InfiniteMPS])
WindowMPS(left_gs::InfiniteMPS, window_tensors::AbstractVector, [right_gs::InfiniteMPS])
WindowMPS([f, eltype], physicalspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}},
          virtualspaces::Vector{<:Union{S, CompositeSpace{S}}, left_gs::InfiniteMPS,
WindowMPS([f, eltype], physicalspaces::Vector{<:Union{S,CompositeSpace{S}}},
          maxvirtualspace::S, left_gs::InfiniteMPS, [right_gs::InfiniteMPS])

Construct a WindowMPS via a specification of left and right infinite environment, and either a window state or a vector of tensors to construct the window. Alternatively, it is possible to supply the same arguments as for the constructor of FiniteMPS, followed by a left (and right) environment to construct the WindowMPS in one step.


By default, the right environment is chosen to be equal to the left, however no copy is made. In this case, changing the left state will also affect the right state.

WindowMPS(state::InfiniteMPS, L::Int)

Construct a WindowMPS from an InfiniteMPS, by promoting a region of length L to a FiniteMPS.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for MPSMultiline. Check Documenter's build log for details.


Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for SparseMPO. Check Documenter's build log for details.


represents a general periodic quantum hamiltonian

really just a sparsempo, with some garantuees on its structure


This object manages the periodic mpo environments for an MPSMultiline
This object manages the hamiltonian environments for an InfiniteMPS
FinEnv keeps track of the environments for FiniteMPS / WindowMPS
It automatically checks if the queried environment is still correctly cached and if not - recalculates

if above is set to nothing, above === below.

opp can be a vector of nothing, in which case it'll just be the overlap
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for MPSKit.IDMRGEnvs. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Generic actions

Zero-site derivative (the C matrix to the right of pos)
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ∂∂C. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ∂AC. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ∂∂AC. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ∂∂AC2. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for c_proj. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ac_proj. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ac2_proj. Check Documenter's build log for details.


calculates the expectation value of op, where op is a plain tensormap where the first index works on site at

calculates the expectation value of op = op1op2op3*... (ie an N site operator) starting at site at

calculates the expectation value for the given operator/hamiltonian


find_groundstate(Ψ, H, [environments]; kwargs...)
find_groundstate(Ψ, H, algorithm, environments)

Compute the groundstate for Hamiltonian H with initial guess Ψ. If not specified, an optimization algorithm will be attempted based on the supplied keywords.


  • Ψ::AbstractMPS: initial guess
  • H::AbstractMPO: operator for which to find the groundstate
  • [environments]: MPS environment manager
  • algorithm: optimization algorithm


  • tol::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • maxiter::Int: maximum amount of iterations
  • verbose::Bool: display progress information
timestep(Ψ, H, dt, algorithm, environments)
timestep!(Ψ, H, dt, algorithm, environments)

Compute the time-evolved state $Ψ′ ≈ exp(-iHdt) Ψ$.


  • Ψ::AbstractMPS: current state
  • H::AbstractMPO: evolution operator
  • dt::Number: timestep
  • algorithm: evolution algorithm
  • [environments]: environment manager

approximate the leading eigenvector for opp
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for dynamicaldmrg. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for changebonds. Check Documenter's build log for details.

excitations(H, algorithm::QuasiparticleAnsatz, Ψ::FiniteQP, [left_environments],
            [right_environments]; num=1)
excitations(H, algorithm::QuasiparticleAnsatz, Ψ::InfiniteQP, [left_environments],
            [right_environments]; num=1, solver=Defaults.solver)
excitations(H, algorithm::FiniteExcited, Ψs::NTuple{<:Any, <:FiniteMPS};
            num=1, init=copy(first(Ψs)))

Compute the first excited states and their energy gap above a groundstate.


  • H::AbstractMPO: operator for which to find the excitations
  • algorithm: optimization algorithm
  • Ψ::QP: initial quasiparticle guess
  • Ψs::NTuple{N, <:FiniteMPS}: N first excited states
  • [left_environments]: left groundstate environment
  • [right_environments]: right groundstate environment


  • num::Int: number of excited states to compute
  • solver: algorithm for the linear solver of the quasiparticle environments
  • init: initial excited state guess
approximate(state::InfiniteMPS, toapprox::Tuple{<:Union{SparseMPO,DenseMPO},<:InfiniteMPS}, alg, envs = environments(state,toapprox))
approximate(state::MPSMultiline, toapprox::Tuple{<:MPOMultiline,<:MPSMultiline}, alg::VUMPS, envs = environments(state,toapprox))
approximate(ost::MPSMultiline, toapprox::Tuple{<:MPOMultiline,<:MPSMultiline}, alg::IDMRG1, oenvs = environments(ost,toapprox))
approximate(ost::MPSMultiline, toapprox::Tuple{<:MPOMultiline,<:MPSMultiline}, alg::IDMRG2, oenvs = environments(ost,toapprox))

Approximate an infinite MPO-MPS state (a state obtained by applying an iMPO to an iMPS) by an iMPS with a smaller bond dimension.

- The MPO-MPS state to be truncated is provided in `toapprox`, and the truncated state is initialized by the input `state`. The iMPO and iMPS can be periodic in the vertical direction (using `MPOMultiline` and `MPSMultiline`).
- The truncation algorithm can be chosen among `VUMPS`, `IDMRG1`, `IDMRG2`.

Groundstate algorithms

VUMPS{F} <: Algorithm

Variational optimization algorithm for uniform matrix product states, as introduced in


  • tol_galerkin::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • tol_gauge::Float64: tolerance for gauging algorithm
  • maxiter::Int: maximum amount of iterations
  • orthmaxiter::Int: maximum amount of gauging iterations
  • finalize::F: user-supplied function which is applied after each iteration, with signature finalize(iter, Ψ, H, envs) -> Ψ, envs
  • verbose::Bool: display progress information
IDMRG1{A} <: Algorithm

Single site infinite DMRG algorithm for finding groundstates.


  • tol_galerkin::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • tol_gauge::Float64: tolerance for gauging algorithm
  • eigalg::A: eigensolver algorithm
  • maxiter::Int: maximum number of outer iterations
  • verbose::Bool: display progress information
IDMRG2{A} <: Algorithm

2-site infinite DMRG algorithm for finding groundstates.


  • tol_galerkin::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • tol_gauge::Float64: tolerance for gauging algorithm
  • eigalg::A: eigensolver algorithm
  • maxiter::Int: maximum number of outer iterations
  • verbose::Bool: display progress information
  • trscheme: truncation algorithm for [tsvd]TensorKit.tsvd
DMRG{A,F} <: Algorithm

Single site DMRG algorithm for finding groundstates.


  • tol::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • eigalg::A: eigensolver algorithm
  • maxiter::Int: maximum number of outer iterations
  • verbose::Bool: display progress information
  • finalize::F: user-supplied function which is applied after each iteration, with signature finalize(iter, Ψ, H, envs) -> Ψ, envs
DMRG2{A,F} <: Algorithm

2-site DMRG algorithm for finding groundstates.


  • tol::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • eigalg::A: eigensolver algorithm
  • maxiter::Int: maximum number of outer iterations
  • verbose::Bool: display progress information
  • finalize::F: user-supplied function which is applied after each iteration, with signature finalize(iter, Ψ, H, envs) -> Ψ, envs
  • trscheme: truncation algorithm for [tsvd]TensorKit.tsvd
GradientGrassmann <: Algorithm

Variational gradient-based optimization algorithm that keeps the MPS in left-canonical form, as points on a Grassmann manifold. The optimization is then a Riemannian gradient descent with a preconditioner to induce the metric from the Hilbert space inner product.


  • method::OptimKit.OptimizationAlgorithm: algorithm to perform the gradient search
  • finalize!::Function: user-supplied function which is applied after each iteration, with signature finalize!(x::GrassmannMPS.ManifoldPoint, f, g, numiter) -> x, f, g


GradientGrassmann(; kwargs...)


  • method=ConjugateGradient: instance of optimization algorithm, or type of optimization algorithm to construct
  • finalize!: finalizer algorithm
  • tol::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • maxiter::Int: maximum amount of iterations
  • verbosity::Int: level of information display

Time evolution algorithms

TDVP{A} <: Algorithm

Single site TDVP algorithm for time evolution.


  • expalg::A: exponentiator algorithm
  • tolgauge::Float64: tolerance for gauging algorithm
  • maxiter::Int: maximum amount of gauging iterations
TDVP2{A} <: Algorithm

2-site TDVP algorithm for time evolution.


  • expalg::A: exponentiator algorithm
  • tolgauge::Float64: tolerance for gauging algorithm
  • maxiter::Int: maximum amount of gauging iterations
  • trscheme: truncation algorithm for [tsvd]TensorKit.tsvd
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for TaylorCluster. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for WII. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Leading boundary algorithms

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for VUMPS. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for GradientGrassmann. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Bond change algorithms


expands the bond dimension by adding random unitary vectors


QuasiparticleAnsatz <: Algorithm

Optimization algorithm for quasiparticle excitations on top of MPS groundstates, as introduced in this paper.


  • toler::Float64: tolerance for convergence criterium
  • krylovdim::Int: Krylov subspace dimension
FiniteExcited{A} <: Algorithm

Variational optimization algorithm for excitations of finite Matrix Product States by minimizing the energy of $H - λᵢ |ψᵢ><ψᵢ|$.


  • gsalg::A: optimization algorithm.
  • weight::Float64: energy penalty for previous states.