

A FiniteMPS can be created by passing in a vector of tensormaps:

data = fill(TensorMap(rand,ComplexF64,ℂ^1*ℂ^2,ℂ^1),10);

Or alternatively by

len = 10;
max_bond_dimension = ℂ^10;
physical_space = ℂ^2;

You can take dot products, renormalize!, expectation values,....

In our algorithms we typically make use of the fields .AC/.AR/.AL. Calling


gauges the state such that every tensor left of 3 is a left unitary matrix and to the right we have right unitary matrices. As a result you should have

norm(state) == norm(state.AC[3])

Note that every tensor should be a map from the virtual space to the virtual space ⊗ physical space. In other words, we need the input tensormaps to be of the type AbstractTensorMap{S,N,1}.


An infinite mps can be created by passing in a vector of tensormaps:

data = fill(TensorMap(rand,ComplexF64,ℂ^10*ℂ^2,ℂ^10),2);

The above code would create an infinite mps with an A-B structure (a 2 site unit cell).

Very analogous to the finite mps case we have:

norm(state) == norm(state.AC[3])


MPSComoving is a bit of a mix between an infinite mps and a finite mps. It represents a window of mutable tensors embedded in an infinite mps.

It can be created using:

mpco = MPSComoving(left_infinite_mps,window_of_tensors,right_infinite_mps)

Algorithms will then act on this window of tensors, while leaving the left and right infinite mps's invariant.

This state can be used to study impurities or local quenches.


Statistical physics partition functions can be represented by an infinite tensor network which then needs to be contracted. This is done by finding approximate fixpoint infinite matrix product states. However, there is no good reason why a single mps should suffice and indeed we find in practice that this can also be periodic.

In other words, the fixpoints can be well described by a set of matrix product states.

Such a set can be created by

data = fill(TensorMap(rand,ComplexF64,ℂ^10*ℂ^2,ℂ^10),2,2);

MPSMultiline is also used extensively in as of yet unreleased peps code.

You can access properties by calling
