
Minimizing the energy

There are a number of different possible energy-minimization algorithms, depending on the system size. Exclusive to finite systems are



Exclusive to infinite systems are




with a last algorithm - GradientGrassmann - implemented for both finite and infinite systems.

MPSComoving, which is a finite patch of mutable tensors embedded in an infinite MPS, is handled as a finite system where we only optimize over the patch of mutable tensors.


state = FiniteMPS(20,ℂ^2,ℂ^10);
operator = nonsym_ising_ham();
(groundstate,environments,delta) = find_groundstate!(state,operator,DMRG())

The DMRG algorithm sweeps through the system, optimizing every site. Because of its single-site behaviour, this will always keep the bond dimension fixed. If you do want to increase the bond dimension dynamically, then there are two options. Either you use the two-site variant of DMRG (DMRG2()), or you make use of the finalize option. Finalize is a function that gets called at the end of every DMRG iteration. Within that function call one can modify the state.

function my_finalize(iter,state,ham,envs)
    println("Hello from iteration $iter")
    return state,envs;

(groundstate,environments,delta) = find_groundstate!(state,operator,DMRG(finalize = my_finalize))


state = FiniteMPS(20,ℂ^2,ℂ^10);
operator = nonsym_ising_ham();
(groundstate,environments,delta) = find_groundstate!(state,operator,DMRG2(trscheme=truncbelow(1e-7)));

The twosite variant of DMRG, which optimizes blocks of two sites and then decomposes them into 2 MPS tensors using the svd decomposition. By truncating the singular values up to a desired precision, one can dynamically grow and shrink the bond dimension as needed. However, this truncation in turn introduces an error, which is why a state converged with DMRG2 can often be slightly further converged by subsequently using DMRG.


state = InfiniteMPS([ℂ^2],[ℂ^10]);
operator = nonsym_ising_ham();
(groundstate,environments,delta) = find_groundstate(state,operator,IDMRG1())

The DMRG algorithm for finite systems can be generalized to infinite MPS. The idea is to start with a finite system and grow the system size, while we are sweeping through the system. This is again a single site algorithm, and therefore preserves the initial bond dimension.


state = InfiniteMPS([ℂ^2,ℂ^2],[ℂ^10,ℂ^10]);
operator = repeat(nonsym_ising_ham(),2);
(groundstate,environments,delta) = find_groundstate(state,operator,IDMRG2(trscheme=truncbelow(1e-5)))

The generalization of DMRG2 to infinite systems has the same caveats as its finite counterpart. We furthermore require a unitcell ≥ 2. As a rule of thumb, a truncation cutoff of 1e-5 is already really good.


VUMPS is an (I)DMRG inspired algorithm that can be used to find the groundstate of infinite matrix product states

state = InfiniteMPS([ℂ^2],[ℂ^10]);
operator = nonsym_ising_ham();
(groundstate,environments,delta) = find_groundstate(state,operator,VUMPS())

much like DMRG, it cannot modify the bond dimension, and this has to be done manually in the finalize function.

Gradient descent

Both finite and infinite matrix product states can be parametrized by a set of unitary matrices, and we can then perform gradient descent on this unitary manifold. Due to some technical reasons (gauge freedom), this manifold further restricts to a grassmann manifold.

state = InfiniteMPS([ℂ^2],[ℂ^10]);
operator = nonsym_ising_ham();
(groundstate,environments,delta) = find_groundstate(state,operator,GradientGrassmann())

Time evolution


There is an implementation of the one-site TDVP scheme for finite and infinite MPS:

(newstate,environments) = timestep(state,operator,dt,TDVP())

and the two-site scheme for finite MPS (TDVP2()). Similarly to DMRG, the one site scheme will preserve the bond dimension, and expansion has to be done manually.

Time evolution MPO

We have rudimentary support for turning an MPO hamiltonian into a time evolution MPO.


two algorithms are available, corresponding to different orders of precision. It is possible to then multiply a state by this MPO, or to approximate (MPO,state) by a new state

state = InfiniteMPS([ℂ^2],[ℂ^10]);
operator = nonsym_ising_ham();
mpo = make_time_mpo(operator,0.1,WII());

This feature is at the moment not very well supported.


Quasiparticle ansatz

We export code that implements the quasiparticle excitation ansatz for finite and infinite systems. For example, the following calculates the haldane gap for spin-1 heisenberg.

th = nonsym_xxz_ham()
ts = InfiniteMPS([ℂ^3],[ℂ^48]);
(ts,envs,_) = find_groundstate(ts,th,VUMPS(maxiter=400,verbose=false));
(energies,Bs) = excitations(th,QuasiparticleAnsatz(),Float64(pi),ts,envs);
@test energies[1] ≈ 0.41047925 atol=1e-4

For infinite systems you have to specify the momentum of your particle. In contrast, momentum is not a well defined quantum number and you therefore do not have to specify it when finding excitations on top of a finite MPS.

Finite excitations

For finite systems we can also do something else - find the groundstate of the hamiltonian + $weight \sum_i | psi_i > < psi_i$. This is also supported by calling

th = nonsym_ising_ham()
ts = FiniteMPS(10,ℂ^2,ℂ^12);
(ts,envs,_) = find_groundstate(ts,th,DMRG(verbose=false));
(energies,Bs) = excitations(th,FiniteExcited(),ts,envs);


optimal expand

One possible way to expand the bond dimension is described in the original VUMPS paper. The idea is to look at the 2site derivative and add the most important blocks orthogonal to the current MPS. From the point of view of a local 2site update, this procedure is 'optimal'.

The state will remain physically unchanged, but a one-site scheme will now be able to push the optimization further.

th = nonsym_ising_ham()
ts = FiniteMPS(10,ℂ^2,ℂ^12);
changebonds(ts,OptimalExpand(trscheme = truncdim(1))) # expand the bond dimension by 1

random expand

This algorithm is almost identical to optimal expand, except we don't try to do anything 'clever'. The unitary blocks that get added are chosen at random.

svd cut

It is possible to truncate a state using the svd decomposition, this is implemented in svdcut.

th = nonsym_ising_ham()
ts = FiniteMPS(10,ℂ^2,ℂ^12);
changebonds(ts,SvdCut(trscheme = truncdim(10))) # truncate the state to one with bond dimension 10

VUMPS svd cut

A particularly simple scheme useful when doing VUMPS is to do a 2site update, and then truncating this back down. It changes the state itself, so cannot be used to do time evolution, but that is no problem for energy minimization.

leading boundary

For statmech partition functions we want to find the approximate leading boundary MPS. Again this can be done with VUMPS:

th = nonsym_ising_mpo()
ts = InfiniteMPS([ℂ^2],[ℂ^20]);
(ts,envs,_) = leading_boundary(ts,th,VUMPS(maxiter=400,verbose=false));

if the mpo satisfies certain properties (positive and hermitian), it may also be possible to use GradientGrassmann.


Sometimes we want to approximate the product of an MPO and a state by another state (for example during time evolution). The call signature is


for finite systems alg can be Dmrg,Dmrg2 while for infinite systems we have Idmrg1,Idmrg2 and VUMPS. It's important to mention that the actual implementation differs a bit from the usual Dmrg,Dmrg2,... for energy minimization but is rather inspired by it. For example, calling approximate with VUMPS actually uses an algorithm that has been described as VOMPS.


What follows is a medley of lesser known (or used) algorithms and don't entirely fit under one of the above categories.

Dynamical DMRG

Dynamical DMRG has been described in other papers and is a way to find the propagator. The basic idea is that to calculate $G(z) = < V | (H-z)^{-1} | V >$ , one can variationally find $(H-z) |W > = | V >$ and then the propagator simply equals $G(z) = < V | W >$.

fidelity susceptibility

The fidelity susceptibility measures how much the groundstate changes when tuning a parameter in your hamiltonian. Divergences occur at phase transitions, making it a valuable measure when no order parameter is known.


periodic boundary conditions

You can impose periodic boundary conditions on the hamiltonian itself, while still using a normal OBC finite matrix product states. This is straightforward to implement but competitive with more advanced PBC MPS algorithms.

exact diagonalization

As a side effect, our code support exact diagonalization. The idea is to construct a finite matrix product state with maximal bond dimension, and then optimize the middle site. Because we never truncated the bond dimension, this single site effectively parametrizes the entire hilbert space.

exact_diagonalization(periodic_boundary_conditions(su2_xxx_ham(spin=1),10),which=:SR) # find the groundstate on 10 sites