
MacroModelling.jl - fast prototyping of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models

MacroModelling.jl currently supports dicsrete-time DSGE models and the timing of a variable reflects when the variable is decided (end of period for stock variables).

As of now MacroModelling.jl can:

  • parse a model written with user friendly syntax (variables are followed by time indices ...[2], [1], [0], [-1], [-2]..., or [x] for shocks)
  • (tries to) solve the model only knowing the model equations and parameter values (no steady state file needed)
  • calculate first, second, and third order perturbation solutions using (forward) automatic differentiation (AD)
  • calculate (generalised) impulse response functions, and simulate the model
  • calibrate parameters using (non stochastic) steady state relationships
  • match model moments
  • estimate the model on data (kalman filter using first order perturbation)
  • differentiate (forward AD) the model solution (first order perturbation), kalman filter loglikelihood, model moments, steady state, with respect to the parameters

MacroModelling.jl helps the modeller:

  • Syntax makes variable and parameter definitions obsolete
  • MacroModelling.jl applies symbolic and numerical tools to solve for the steady state (and mostly succeeds without much help)
julia> using MacroModelling
julia> @model RBC_estim begin # c[0]^(-sigma)=beta/gammax*c(+1)^(-sigma)*(alpha*exp(z(+1))*(k/l(+1))^(alpha-1)+(1-delta)) c[0]^(-sigma) = beta * c[1]^(-sigma) * (alpha * exp(z[1]) * (k[0] / l[1])^(alpha - 1) + (1 - delta)) psi * c[0]^sigma * 1 / (1 - l[0]) = w[0] k[0] = (1 - delta) * k[-1] + invest[0] y[0] = invest[0] + c[0] + gshare * y[ss] * exp(ghat[0]) y[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^alpha * l[0]^(1 - alpha) w[0] = (1 - alpha) * y[0] / l[0] r[0] = 4 * alpha * y[0] / k[-1] z[0] = rhoz * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x] ghat[0] = rhog * ghat[-1] + std_g * eps_g[x] c_obs[0] = log(c[0]) - log(c[-1]) y_obs[0] = log(y[0]) - log(y[-1]) g_obs[0] = ghat[0] - ghat[-1] endModel: RBC_estim Variables: 12 Shocks: 2 Parameters: 10 Auxiliary variables: 0
julia> @parameters RBC_estim begin std_g = 0.0105 std_z = 0.0068 sigma = 1 alpha = 0.33 rhoz = 0.97 rhog = 0.989 gshare = 0.2038 delta = 0.024038461538461536 beta = 0.9923664122137404 psi | l[ss] = .33 w > 0 l > 0 y > 0 k > 0 c > 0 invest > 0 psi > 0 end
julia> get_solution(RBC_estim)2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys: ↓ Steady_state__States__Shocks ∈ 8-element Vector{Symbol} → Variable ∈ 12-element Vector{Symbol} And data, 8×12 adjoint(::Matrix{Float64}) with eltype Float64: (:c) (:c_obs) … (:y_obs) (:z) (:Steady_state) 0.571206 0.0 0.0 0.0 (:c₍₋₁₎) 0.0 -1.75068 0.0 0.0 (:ghat₍₋₁₎) -0.102612 -0.17964 0.146327 -6.32705e-17 (:k₍₋₁₎) 0.0314001 0.0549716 0.0102794 -6.53931e-17 (:y₍₋₁₎) -2.47039e-17 -4.32487e-17 … -0.956223 2.68323e-18 (:z₍₋₁₎) 0.342423 0.599475 1.27181 0.97 (:eps_g₍ₓ₎) -0.0010894 -0.0019072 0.00155352 -0.0 (:eps_z₍ₓ₎) 0.00240049 0.0042025 0.0089158 0.0068