AbstractCondensedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}

The condensed KKT system simplifies further the `AbstractReducedKKTSystem by removing the rows associated to the slack variables $s$ and the inequalities.

At the primal-dual iterate $(x, y)$, the matrix writes

[Wₓₓ + Σₓ + Aᵢ' Σₛ Aᵢ    Aₑ']  [Δx]
[         Aₑ              0 ]  [Δy]


  • $Wₓₓ$: Hessian of the Lagrangian.
  • $Aₑ$: Jacobian of the equality constraints
  • $Aᵢ$: Jacobian of the inequality constraints
  • $Σₓ = X⁻¹ V$
  • $Σₛ = S⁻¹ W$
AbstractReducedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}

The reduced KKT system is a simplification of the original Augmented KKT system. Comparing to AbstractUnreducedKKTSystem), AbstractReducedKKTSystem removes the two last rows associated to the bounds' duals $(ν, w)$.

At a primal-dual iterate $(x, s, y, z)$, the matrix writes

[Wₓₓ + Σₓ   0    Aₑ'   Aᵢ']  [Δx]
[ 0         Σₛ    0    -I ]  [Δs]
[Aₑ         0     0     0 ]  [Δy]
[Aᵢ        -I     0     0 ]  [Δz]


  • $Wₓₓ$: Hessian of the Lagrangian.
  • $Aₑ$: Jacobian of the equality constraints
  • $Aᵢ$: Jacobian of the inequality constraints
  • $Σₓ = X⁻¹ V$
  • $Σₛ = S⁻¹ W$
AbstractUnreducedKKTSystem{T, MT} <: AbstractKKTSystem{T, MT}

Augmented KKT system associated to the linearization of the KKT conditions at the current primal-dual iterate $(x, s, y, z, ν, w)$.

The associated matrix is

[Wₓₓ  0  Aₑ'  Aᵢ'  -I   0 ]  [Δx]
[ 0   0   0   -I    0  -I ]  [Δs]
[Aₑ   0   0    0    0   0 ]  [Δy]
[Aᵢ  -I   0    0    0   0 ]  [Δz]
[V    0   0    0    X   0 ]  [Δν]
[0    W   0    0    0   S ]  [Δw]


  • $Wₓₓ$: Hessian of the Lagrangian.
  • $Aₑ$: Jacobian of the equality constraints
  • $Aᵢ$: Jacobian of the inequality constraints
  • $X = diag(x)$
  • $S = diag(s)$
  • $V = diag(ν)$
  • $W = diag(w)$
DenseKKTSystem{T, VT, MT} <: AbstractReducedKKTSystem{T, MT}

Implement AbstractReducedKKTSystem with dense matrices.

Requires a dense linear solver to be factorized (otherwise an error is returned).


Assemble the KKT matrix before calling the factorization routine.


Compress the Hessian inside kkt's internals. This function is called every time a new Hessian is evaluated.

Default implementation do nothing.


Compress the Jacobian inside kkt's internals. This function is called every time a new Jacobian is evaluated.

By default, the function updates in the Jacobian the coefficients associated to the slack variables.


Return a pointer to the KKT matrix implemented in kkt. The pointer is passed afterward to a linear solver.


Initialize KKT system with default values. Called when we initialize the InteriorPointSolver storing the current KKT system kkt.

is_inertia_correct(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, n::Int, m::Int, p::Int)

Check if the inertia $(n, m, p)$ returned by the linear solver is adapted to the KKT system implemented in kkt.

jtprod!(y::AbstractVector, kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, x::AbstractVector)

Multiply with transpose of Jacobian and store the result in y, such that $y = A' x$ (with $A$ current Jacobian).

regularize_diagonal!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, primal_values::AbstractVector, dual_values::AbstractVector)

Regularize the values in the diagonal of the KKT system. Called internally inside the interior-point routine.

set_jacobian_scaling!(kkt::AbstractKKTSystem, scaling::AbstractVector)

Set the scaling of the Jacobian with the vector scaling storing the scaling for all the constraints in the problem.