Linear solvers

We suppose that the KKT system has been assembled previously into a given AbstractKKTSystem. Then, it remains to compute the Newton step by solving the KKT system for a given right-hand-side (given as a AbstractKKTVector). That's exactly the role of the linear solver.

If we do not assume any structure, the KKT system writes in generic form

\[K x = b\]

with $K$ the KKT matrix and $b$ the current right-hand-side. MadNLP provides a suite of specialized linear solvers to solve the linear system.

Inertia detection

If the matrix $K$ has negative eigenvalues, we have no guarantee that the solution of the KKT system is a descent direction with regards to the original nonlinear problem. That's the reason why most of the linear solvers compute the inertia of the linear system when factorizing the matrix $K$. The inertia counts the number of positive, negative and zero eigenvalues in the matrix. If the inertia does not meet a given criteria, then the matrix $K$ is regularized by adding a multiple of the identity to it: $K_r = K + \alpha I$.


We recall that the inertia of a matrix $K$ is given as a triplet $(n,m,p)$, with $n$ the number of positive eigenvalues, $m$ the number of negative eigenvalues and $p$ the number of zero eigenvalues.

Factorization algorithm

In nonlinear programming, it is common to employ a Bunch-Kaufman factorization (or LDL factorization) to factorize the matrix $K$, as this algorithm returns the inertia of the matrix directly as a result of the factorization.


When MadNLP runs in inertia-free mode, the algorithm does not require to compute the inertia when factorizing the matrix $K$. In that case, MadNLP can use a classical LU or QR factorization to solve the linear system $Kx = b$.

Solving a KKT system with MadNLP

We suppose available a AbstractKKTSystem kkt, properly assembled following the procedure presented previously. We can query the assembled matrix $K$ as

K = MadNLP.get_kkt(kkt)

Then, we can create a new linear solver instance as

linear_solver = MadNLPUmfpack.Solver(K)

The instance linear_solver does not copy the matrix $K$ and instead keep a reference to it.

linear_solver.tril === K

That way every time we re-assemble the matrix $K$ in kkt, the values are directly updated in linear_solver.

Then, to recompute the factorization inside linear_solver, one simply as to call:


Once the factorization computed, computing the backsolve for a right-hand-side b simply amounts to

MadNLP.solve!(linear_solver, b)

The values of b being modified inplace to store the solution $x$ of the linear system $Kx =b$.