Flight Path & INS Data

The following are key functions related to obtaining flight path & INS data.

Load Flight Data

         traj_field::Symbol = :traj,
         ins_field::Symbol  = :ins_data;
         flight             = 1,
         line               = 1,
         dt                 = 0.1,
         silent::Bool       = false)

Get the minimum dataset required for MagNav from saved HDF5 or MAT file. Not all fields within the XYZ0 flight data struct are required. The minimum data required in the HDF5 or MAT file includes:

  • lat, lon, alt (position)
  • mag_1_uc OR mag_1_c (scalar magnetometer measurements)

If an HDF5 file is provided, the possible fields in the file are:

dtscalarmeasurement time step [s]
ttvectortime [s]
latvectorlatitude [deg]
lonvectorlongitude [deg]
altvectoraltitude [m]
vnvectornorth velocity [m/s]
vevectoreast velocity [m/s]
vdvectordown velocity [m/s]
fnvectornorth specific force [m/s]
fevectoreast specific force [m/s]
fdvectordown specific force [m/s]
Cnb3x3xNdirection cosine matrix (body to navigation) [-]
rollvectorroll [deg]
pitchvectorpitch [deg]
yawvectoryaw [deg]
ins_dtscalarINS measurement time step [s]
ins_ttvectorINS time [s]
ins_latvectorINS latitude [deg]
ins_lonvectorINS longitude [deg]
ins_altvectorINS altitude [m]
ins_vnvectorINS north velocity [m/s]
ins_vevectorINS east velocity [m/s]
ins_vdvectorINS down velocity [m/s]
ins_fnvectorINS north specific force [m/s]
ins_fevectorINS east specific force [m/s]
ins_fdvectorINS down specific force [m/s]
ins_Cnb3x3xNINS direction cosine matrix (body to navigation) [-]
ins_rollvectorINS roll [deg]
ins_pitchvectorINS pitch [deg]
ins_yawvectorINS yaw [deg]
ins_P17x17xNINS covariance matrix, only relevant for simulated data, otherwise zeros [-]
flux_a_xvectorFlux A x-direction magnetic field [nT]
flux_a_yvectorFlux A y-direction magnetic field [nT]
flux_a_zvectorFlux A z-direction magnetic field [nT]
flux_a_tvectorFlux A total magnetic field [nT]
flightvectorflight number(s)
linevectorline number(s), i.e., segments within flight
mag_1_cvectorMag 1 compensated (clean) scalar magnetometer measurements [nT]
mag_1_ucvectorMag 1 uncompensated (corrupted) scalar magnetometer measurements [nT]

If a MAT file is provided, the above fields may also be provided, but the non-INS fields should be within the specified traj_field MAT struct and the INS fields should be within the specified ins_field MAT struct and without ins_ prefixes. This is the standard way the MATLAB-companion outputs data.


  • xyz_file: path/name of flight data HDF5 or MAT file (.h5 or .mat extension required)
  • traj_field: (optional) trajectory struct field within MAT file to use, not relevant for HDF5 file
  • ins_field: (optional) INS struct field within MAT file to use, :none if unavailable, not relevant for HDF5 file
  • flight: (optional) flight number, only used if not in xyz_file
  • line: (optional) line number, i.e., segment within flight, only used if not in xyz_file
  • dt: (optional) measurement time step [s], only used if not in xyz_file
  • silent: (optional) if true, no print outs


  • xyz: XYZ0 flight data struct
get_XYZ20(xyz_h5::String; tt_sort::Bool=true, silent::Bool=false)

Get XYZ20 flight data from saved HDF5 file. Based on SGL 2020 data fields.


  • xyz_h5: path/name of flight data HDF5 file (.h5 extension optional)
  • tt_sort: (optional) if true, sort data by time (instead of line)
  • silent: (optional) if true, no print outs


  • xyz: XYZ20 flight data struct
get_XYZ20(xyz_160_h5::String, xyz_h5::String; silent::Bool=false)

Get 160 Hz (partial) XYZ20 flight data from saved HDF5 file and combine with 10 Hz XYZ20 flight data from another saved HDF5 file. Data is time sorted to ensure data is aligned.


  • xyz_160_h5: path/name of 160 Hz flight data HDF5 file (.h5 extension optional)
  • xyz_h5: path/name of 10 Hz flight data HDF5 file (.h5 extension optional)
  • silent: (optional) if true, no print outs


  • xyz: XYZ20 flight data struct
get_XYZ(flight::Symbol, df_flight::DataFrame; tt_sort::Bool=true,
        reorient_vec::Bool=false, silent::Bool=false)

Get XYZ flight data from saved HDF5 file via DataFrame lookup.


  • flight: flight name (e.g., :Flt1001)
  • df_flight: lookup table (DataFrame) of flight data HDF5 files
flightSymbolflight name (e.g., :Flt1001)
xyz_typeSymbolsubtype of XYZ to use for flight data {:XYZ0,:XYZ1,:XYZ20,:XYZ21}
xyz_setRealflight dataset number (used to prevent inproper mixing of datasets, such as different magnetometer locations)
xyz_h5Stringpath/name of flight data HDF5 file (.h5 extension optional)
  • tt_sort: (optional) if true, sort data by time (instead of line)
  • reorient_vec: (optional) if true, align vector magnetometer measurements with body frame
  • silent: (optional) if true, no print outs


  • xyz: XYZ flight data struct

Create Flight Data

create_XYZ0(mapS::Union{MapS,MapSd,MapS3D} = get_map(namad);
            alt            = 1000,
            dt             = 0.1,
            t              = 300,
            v              = 68,
            ll1            = (),
            ll2            = (),
            N_waves        = 1,
            flight         = 1,
            line           = 1,
            attempts::Int  = 10,
            mapV::MapV     = get_map(emm720),
            cor_sigma      = 1.0,
            cor_tau        = 600.0,
            cor_var        = 1.0^2,
            cor_drift      = 0.001,
            cor_perm_mag   = 5.0,
            cor_ind_mag    = 5.0,
            cor_eddy_mag   = 0.5,
            init_pos_sigma = 3.0,
            init_alt_sigma = 0.001,
            init_vel_sigma = 0.01,
            init_att_sigma = deg2rad(0.01),
            VRW_sigma      = 0.000238,
            ARW_sigma      = 0.000000581,
            baro_sigma     = 1.0,
            ha_sigma       = 0.001,
            a_hat_sigma    = 0.01,
            acc_sigma      = 0.000245,
            gyro_sigma     = 0.00000000727,
            fogm_sigma     = 1.0,
            baro_tau       = 3600.0,
            acc_tau        = 3600.0,
            gyro_tau       = 3600.0,
            fogm_tau       = 600.0,
            save_h5::Bool  = false,
            xyz_h5::String = "xyz_data.h5",
            silent::Bool   = false)

Create basic flight data. Assumes constant altitude (2D flight). May create a trajectory that passes over map areas that are missing map data. No required arguments, though many are available to create custom data.

Trajectory Arguments:

  • mapS: (optional) MapS, MapSd, or MapS3D scalar magnetic anomaly map struct
  • alt: (optional) altitude [m]
  • dt: (optional) measurement time step [s]
  • t: (optional) total flight time, ignored if ll2 is set [s]
  • v: (optional) approximate aircraft velocity [m/s]
  • ll1: (optional) inital (lat,lon) point [deg]
  • ll2: (optional) final (lat,lon) point [deg]
  • N_waves: (optional) number of sine waves along path
  • mapV: (optional) MapV vector magnetic anomaly map struct
  • flight: (optional) flight number
  • line: (optional) line number, i.e., segment within flight
  • attempts: (optional) maximum attempts at creating flight path on mapS
  • save_h5: (optional) if true, save xyz to xyz_h5
  • xyz_h5: (optional) path/name of flight data HDF5 file to save (.h5 extension optional)

Compensated Measurement Corruption Arguments:

  • cor_var: (optional) corruption measurement (white) noise variance [nT^2]
  • fogm_sigma: (optional) FOGM catch-all bias [nT]
  • fogm_tau: (optional) FOGM catch-all time constant [s]

Uncompensated Measurement Corruption Arguments:

  • cor_sigma: (optional) corruption FOGM catch-all bias [nT]
  • cor_tau: (optional) corruption FOGM catch-all time constant [s]
  • cor_var: (optional) corruption measurement (white) noise variance [nT^2]
  • cor_drift: (optional) corruption measurement linear drift [nT/s]
  • cor_perm_mag: (optional) corruption permanent field TL coef std dev
  • cor_ind_mag: (optional) corruption induced field TL coef std dev
  • cor_eddy_mag: (optional) corruption eddy current TL coef std dev

INS Arguments:

  • init_pos_sigma: (optional) initial position uncertainty [m]
  • init_alt_sigma: (optional) initial altitude uncertainty [m]
  • init_vel_sigma: (optional) initial velocity uncertainty [m/s]
  • init_att_sigma: (optional) initial attitude uncertainty [rad]
  • VRW_sigma: (optional) velocity random walk [m/s^2 /sqrt(Hz)]
  • ARW_sigma: (optional) angular random walk [rad/s /sqrt(Hz)]
  • baro_sigma: (optional) barometer bias [m]
  • ha_sigma: (optional) barometer aiding altitude bias [m]
  • a_hat_sigma: (optional) barometer aiding vertical accel bias [m/s^2]
  • acc_sigma: (optional) accelerometer bias [m/s^2]
  • gyro_sigma: (optional) gyroscope bias [rad/s]
  • baro_tau: (optional) barometer time constant [s]
  • acc_tau: (optional) accelerometer time constant [s]
  • gyro_tau: (optional) gyroscope time constant [s]

General Arguments:

  • silent: (optional) if true, no print outs


  • xyz: XYZ0 flight data struct