Adding a New Measure

Parameterized Measures

This is by far the most common kind of measure, and is especially useful as a way to describe families of probability distributions.

Declaring a Parameterized Measure

To start, declare a @measure. For example, Normal is declared as

@measure Normal(μ,σ) ≪ (1/sqrt2π) * Lebesgue(ℝ)

[ is typed as \bbR <TAB>]

A ParameterizedMeasure can have multiple parameterizations, which as dispatched according to the names of the parameters. The (μ,σ) here specifies names to assign if none are given. So for example,

julia> Normal(-3.0, 2.1)
Normal(μ = -3.0, σ = 2.1)

The right side, (1/sqrt2π) * Lebesgue(ℝ), gives the base measure. Lebesgue in this case is the technical name for the measure associating an interval of real numbers to its length. The (1/sqrt2π) comes from the normalization constant in the probability density function,

\[f_{\text{Normal}}(x|μ,σ) = \frac{1}{σ \sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^2}\ \ .\]

Making this part of the base measure allows us to avoid including it in every computation.

The (typed as \ll <TAB>) can be read "is dominated by". This just means that any set for which the base measure is zero must also have zero measure in what we're defining.

Defining a Log Density

Most computations involve log-densities rather than densities themselves, so these are our first priority. density(d,x) will default to exp(logdensity(d,x)), but you can add a separate method if it's more efficient.

The definition is simple:

logdensity(d::Normal{()} , x) = - x^2 / 2 

There are a few things here worth noting.

First, we dispatch by the names of d (here there are none), and the type of x is not specified.

Also, there's nothing here about μ and σ. These location-scale parameters behave exactly the same across lots of distributions, so we have a macro to add them:

@μσ_methods Normal()

Let's look at another example, the Beta distribution. Here the base measure is Lebesgue(𝕀) (support is the unit interval). The log-density is

function logdensity(d::Beta{(:α, :β)}, x)
    return (d.α - 1) * log(x) + (d.β - 1) * log(1 - x) - logbeta(d.α, d.β)

Note that when possible, we avoid extra control flow for checking that x is in the support. In applications, log-densities are often evaluated only on the support by design. Such checks should be implemented at a higher level whenever there is any doubt.

Finally, note that in both of these examples, the log-density has a relatively direct algebraic form. It's imnportant to have this whenever possible to allow for symbolic manipulation (using libraries like SymolicUtils.jl) and efficient automatic differentiation.

Random Sampling

For univariate distributions, you should define a Base.rand method that uses three arguments:

  • A Random.AbstractRNG to use for randomization,
  • A type to be returned, and
  • The measure to sample from.

For our Normal example, this is

Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, T::Type, d::Normal{()}) = randn(rng, T)

Again, for location-scale families, other methods are derived automatically.

For multivariate distributions (or anything that requires heap allocation), you should instead define a Random.rand! method. This also takes three arguments, different from rand:

  • The Random.AbstractRNG,
  • The measure to sample from, and
  • Where to store the result.

For example, here's the implementation for ProductMeasure:

@propagate_inbounds function Random.rand!(rng::AbstractRNG, d::ProductMeasure, x::AbstractArray)
    @boundscheck size( == size(x) || throw(BoundsError)

    @inbounds for j in eachindex(x)
        x[j] = rand(rng, eltype(x),[j])

Note that in this example,[j] might itself require allocation. This implementation is likely to change in the future to make it easier to define nested structures without any need for ongoing allocation.

Primitive Measures

Most measures are defined in terms of a logdensity with respect to some other measure, its basemeasure. But how is that measure defined? It can't be "densities all the way down"; at some point, the chain has to stop.

A primitive measure is just a measure that has itself as its own base measure. Note that this also means its log-density is always zero.

Here's the implementation of Lebesgue:

struct Lebesgue{X} <: AbstractMeasure end

Lebesgue(X) = Lebesgue{X}()

basemeasure(μ::Lebesgue) = μ

isprimitive(::Lebesgue) = true

sampletype(::Lebesgue{ℝ}) = Float64
sampletype(::Lebesgue{ℝ₊}) = Float64
sampletype(::Lebesgue{𝕀}) = Float64

logdensity(::Lebesgue, x) = zero(float(x))

We haven't yet talked about sampletype. When you call rand without specifying a type, there needs to be a default. That default is the sampletype. This only needs to be defined for primitive measures, because others will fall back on

sampletype(μ::AbstractMeasure) = sampletype(basemeasure(μ))