

A neighborhood is a geometry that is not attached to any specific point in space, and is free to slide over a domain of interest.

MetricBall(radii, rotation=nothing)
MetricBall(radius, metric=Euclidean())

A metric ball is a neighborhood that can be expressed in terms of a metric and a set of radii. The two main examples are the Euclidean ball an the Mahalanobis (ellipsoid) ball.

When multiple radii are provided, they can be rotated by a rotation specification from the ReferenceFrameRotations.jl package. Alternatively, a metric from the Distances.jl package can be specified together with a single radius.


N-dimensional Euclidean ball with radius 1.0:

julia> euclidean = MetricBall(1.0)

Axis-aligned 3D ellispoid with radii (3.0, 2.0, 1.0):

julia> mahalanobis = MetricBall((3.0, 2.0, 1.0))