Quick Start - isosurface

Given 3D levelset data such as a CT scan, we can do:

using Meshing

A = rand(50,50,50) # 3D Matrix

points,faces = isosurface(A)

An iso-level is specified within the algorithm specification as follows:

using Meshing

A = rand(50,50,50) # 3D Matrix

points,faces = isosurface(A, MarchingCubes(iso=1))

Quick Start - GeometryTypes

Meshing is well-integrated with GeometryTypes.jl by extending the mesh constructors for convience.

The algorithms operate on a Function, AbstractArray, or SignedDistanceField and output a concrete AbstractMesh. For example, we can use the GeometryTypes API as follows, using HyperRectangle to specify the bounds:

using Meshing
using GeometryTypes
using LinearAlgebra: dot, norm
using FileIO

# Mesh an equation of sphere in the Axis-Aligned Bounding box starting
# at -1,-1,-1 and widths of 2,2,2 using Marching Cubes
m = GLNormalMesh(HyperRectangle(Vec(-1,-1,-1.), Vec(2,2,2.)), MarchingCubes()) do v
    sqrt(sum(dot(v,v))) - 1

# save the Sphere as a PLY file

For a full listing of concrete AbstractMesh types see GeometryTypes.jl mesh documentation.

Alternatively, we can use the isosurface API to sample a function:

using Meshing
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays

points, faces = isosurface(origin=SVector(-1,-1,-1.), widths = SVector(2,2,2.), samples = (40,40,40)) do v
    sqrt(sum(dot(v,v))) - 1

# by default MarchingCubes() is used, but we may specify a different algorithm as follows

points, faces = isosurface(MarchingTetrahedra(), origin=SVector(-1,-1,-1.), widths = SVector(2,2,2.), samples = (40,40,40)) do v
    sqrt(sum(dot(v,v))) - 1

Meshing Algorithms

Three meshing algorithms exist:

Each takes optional iso, eps, and insidepositive parameters, e.g. MarchingCubes(iso=0.0,eps=1e-6,insidepositive=false).

Here iso controls the offset for the boundary detection. By default this is set to 0. eps is the detection tolerance for a voxel edge intersection. insidepositive sets the sign convention for inside/outside the surface (default: false).

Users must construct an algorithm type and use it as an argument to a GeometryTypes mesh call or isosurface call.

Below is a comparison of the algorithms:

Algorithm TypeFace TypeUnique VerticesPerformanceInterpolation
Naive Surface NetsQuadYes~1xVoxel Edge Weight
Marching CubesTriangleNo/Partial1xLinear on Edge
Marching TetrahedraTriangleYes3xLinear on Edge

Visual Comparison: From left: Marching Cubes, Naive Surface Nets, Marching Tetrahedra


MarchingCubes(iso=0.0, eps=1e-3, reduceverts=true, insidepositive=false)
MarchingCubes(;iso=0.0, eps=1e-3, reduceverts=true, insidepositive=false)

Specifies the use of the Marching Cubes algorithm for isosurface extraction. This algorithm provides a good balance between performance and vertex count. In contrast to the other algorithms, vertices may be repeated, so mesh size may be large and it will be difficult to extract topological/connectivity information.

  • iso (default: 0.0) specifies the iso level to use for surface extraction.
  • eps (default: 1e-3) is the tolerence around a voxel corner to ensure manifold mesh generation.
  • reduceverts (default: true) if true will merge vertices within a voxel to reduce mesh size by around 30% and with slight performance improvement.
  • insidepositive (default: false) set true if the sign convention inside the surface is positive, common for NRRD and DICOM data
MarchingTetrahedra(iso=0.0, eps=1e-3, reduceverts=true, insidepositive=false)
MarchingTetrahedra(;iso=0.0, eps=1e-3, reduceverts=true, insidepositive=false)

Specifies the use of the Marching Tetrahedra algorithm for isosurface extraction. This algorithm has a roughly 2x performance penalty compared to Marching Cubes, and generates more faces. However, each vertex is guaranteed to not be repeated, making this algorithm useful for topological analysis.

  • iso specifies the iso level to use for surface extraction.
  • eps is the tolerence around a voxel corner to ensure manifold mesh generation.
  • reduceverts (default: true) if false, vertices will not be unique and have repeated face references.
  • insidepositive (default: false) set true if the sign convention inside the surface is positive, common for NRRD and DICOM data
NaiveSurfaceNets(iso=0.0, eps=1e-3, reduceverts=true, insidepositive=false)
NaiveSurfaceNets(;iso=0.0, eps=1e-3, reduceverts=true, insidepositive=false)

Specifies the use of the Naive Surface Nets algorithm for isosurface extraction. This algorithm has a slight performance advantage in some cases over Marching Cubes. Each vertex is guaranteed to not be repeated (useful for topological analysis), however the algorithm does not guarantee accuracy and generates quad faces.

  • iso specifies the iso level to use for surface extraction.
  • eps is the tolerence around a voxel corner to ensure manifold mesh generation.
  • reduceverts reserved for future use.
  • insidepositive (default: false) set true if the sign convention inside the surface is positive, common for NRRD and DICOM data

Abstract type to specify an algorithm for isosurface extraction. See:

  • MarchingCubes
  • MarchingTetrahedra
  • NaiveSurfaceNets


isosurface is the common and generic API for isosurface extraction with any type of abstract vector/vertex/face type.

function isosurface(sdf::AbstractArray{T, 3}, [ method::AbstractMeshingAlgorithm ],
                     [ VertType = SVector{3,Float64} ], [ FaceType} = SVector{3, Int} ] ;
                     origin = SVector(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0), widths = SVector(2.0,2.0,2.0))

function isosurface(f::Function, [ method::AbstractMeshingAlgorithm ],
                     [ VertType = SVector{3,Float64} ], [FaceType = SVector{3, Int} ] ;
                     origin = SVector(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0), widths = SVector(2.0,2.0,2.0)

isosurface is the general interface to all isosurface extraction algorithms.

Returns: (Vector{VertType}, Vector{FaceType})


  • VertType = SVector{3,Float64} (positional)
  • FaceType = SVector{3, Int} ] ; (positional)
  • origin = SVector(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0) (keyword)
  • widths = SVector(2.0,2.0,2.0) (keyword)
  • samples=(24,24,24) (keyword, function sampling only)

method must be an instance of an AbstractMeshingAlgorithm, e.g.:

  • MarchingCubes()
  • MarchingTetrahedra()
  • NaiveSurfaceNets()

If isosurface is called without a specified algorithm, it will default to MarchingCubes.

If a subtype of AbstractArray is specified, the mesh will be default be centered at the origin between (-1,1) in each axis. This may be overridden by specifying a new origin and widths for the axis-aligned bounding box using keywords of the same names. For example if we want our vertices in the range of (0,1), we can specify origin=SVector(0,0,0) and widths = SVector(1,1,1).

If a function is specified, it will be uniformly sampled in each axis by the amount specified in samples. The function is called using the specifed VertType.

Performance Tips:

  • ensure VertType, origin, and widths are all of the same type
  • ensure the element type of VertType is the same as the specified isolevel

See also:

  • MarchingCubes
  • MarchingTetrahedra
  • NaiveSurfaceNets


Meshing extends the mesh types in GeometryTypes for convience and use with visualization tools such as Makie and MeshCat. Any instance of an AbstractMesh may be called with arguments as follows:

    (::Type{MT})(df::SignedDistanceField{3,ST,FT}, method::AbstractMeshingAlgorithm)::MT where {MT <: AbstractMesh, ST, FT}
    (::Type{MT})(f::Function, h::HyperRectangle, samples::NTuple{3,T}, method::AbstractMeshingAlgorithm)::MT where {MT <: AbstractMesh, T <: Integer}
    (::Type{MT})(f::Function, h::HyperRectangle, method::AbstractMeshingAlgorithm; samples::NTuple{3,T}=_DEFAULT_SAMPLES)::MT where {MT <: AbstractMesh, T <: Integer}
    (::Type{MT})(volume::AbstractArray{T, 3}, method::AbstractMeshingAlgorithm; vargs...) where {MT <: AbstractMesh, T}

With the GeometryTypes API, the bounding box is specified by a HyperRectangle, or keyword specified origin and widths.

Some notes on VertType and FaceType. Since it is common to simply call HomogenousMesh or GLNormalMesh, we have added promotion and default type logic to the GeometryTypes API to improve type stability and therefore performance. Both the element type of the volume, element type of the vertextype, and type of iso in the AbstractMeshingAlgorithm are all promoted. This also allows the use of auto differentiation tools on the isosurface construction.

If for example a HomogenousMesh is requested, the default types will be Point{3,Float64} and Face{3,Int} Similarly, a GLNormalMesh specifies Point{3, Float32} and Face{3, OffsetInteger{-1,UIn32}} so these these types will be used.

See: isosurface for the generic API.