
Present the results using fancy plots is an important part of solving optimization problems. In this part, we use the Plots.jl package which can be installed via de Pkg prompt within Julia:

Type ] and then:

pkg> add Plots


julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("Plots")

Once Plots is installed on your Julia distribution, you will be able to reproduce the following examples.

Assume you want to solve the following minimization problem.

Rastrigin Surface


\[f(x) = 10D + \sum_{i=1}^{D} x_i^2 - 10\cos(2\pi x_i)\]

where $x\in[-5, 5]^{D}$, i.e., $-5 \leq x_i \leq 5$ for $i=1,\ldots,D$. $D$ is the dimension number, assume $D=10$.

Population Distribution

Let's solve the above optimization problem and plot the resulting population (projecting two specific dimensions).

using Metaheuristics
using Plots

# objective function
f(x) = 10length(x) + sum( x.^2 - 10cos.(2π*x)  )

# number of variables (dimension)
D = 10

# bounds
bounds = [-5ones(D) 5ones(D)]'

# Common options
options = Options(seed=1)

# Optimizing
result = optimize(f, bounds, ECA(options=options))

# positions in matrix NxD 
X = positions(result)

scatter(X[:,1], X[:,2], label="Population")

x = minimizer(result)
scatter!(x[1:1], x[2:2], label="Best solution")

# (optional) save figure

Final Population

If your optimization problem is scalable, then you also can plot level curves. In this case, let's assume that $D=2$.

using Metaheuristics
using Plots

# objective function
f(x) = 10length(x) + sum( x.^2 - 10cos.(2π*x)  )

# number of variables (dimension)
D = 2

# bounds
bounds = [-5ones(D) 5ones(D)]'

# Common options
options = Options(seed=1)

# Optimizing
result = optimize(f, bounds, ECA(options=options))

# positions in matrix NxD 
X = positions(result)

xy = range(-5, 5, length=100)
contour(xy, xy, (a,b) -> f([a, b]))

scatter!(X[:,1], X[:,2], label="Population")

x = minimizer(result)
scatter!(x[1:1], x[2:2], label="Best solution")

# (optional) save figure

Final Population

Objective Function Values

Metaheuristics implements some methods to obtain the objective function values (fitness) from the solutions in resulting population. One of the most useful method is fvals. In this case, let's use PSO.

using Metaheuristics
using Plots

# objective function
f(x) = 10length(x) + sum( x.^2 - 10cos.(2π*x)  )

# number of variables (dimension)
D = 10

# bounds
bounds = [-5ones(D) 5ones(D)]'

# Common options
options = Options(seed=1)

# Optimizing
result = optimize(f, bounds, PSO(options=options))

f_values = fvals(result)

# (optional) save figure

Final Population


Sometimes, it is useful to plot the convergence plot at the end of the optimization process. To do that, it is necessary to set store_convergence = true in Options. Metaheuristics implements a method called convergence.

using Metaheuristics
using Plots

# objective function
f(x) = 10length(x) + sum( x.^2 - 10cos.(2π*x)  )

# number of variables (dimension)
D = 10

# bounds
bounds = [-5ones(D) 5ones(D)]'

# Common options
options = Options(seed=1, store_convergence = true)

# Optimizing
result = optimize(f, bounds, ECA(options=options))

f_calls, best_f_value = convergence(result)

plot(xlabel="f calls", ylabel="fitness", title="Convergence")
plot!(f_calls, best_f_value, label="ECA")

# (optional) save figure


Animate convergence

Also, you can plot the population and convergence in the same figure.

using Metaheuristics
using Plots

# objective function
f(x) = 10length(x) + sum( x.^2 - 10cos.(2π*x)  )

# number of variables (dimension)
D = 10

# bounds
bounds = [-5ones(D) 5ones(D)]'

# Common options
options = Options(seed=1, store_convergence = true)

# Optimizing
result = optimize(f, bounds, ECA(options=options))

f_calls, best_f_value = convergence(result)

animation = @animate for i in 1:length(result.convergence)
    l = @layout [a b]
    p = plot( layout=l)

    X = positions(result.convergence[i])
    scatter!(p[1], X[:,1], X[:,2], label="", xlim=(-5, 5), ylim=(-5,5), title="Population")
    x = minimizer(result.convergence[i])
    scatter!(p[1], x[1:1], x[2:2], label="")

    # convergence
    plot!(p[2], xlabel="Generation", ylabel="fitness", title="Gen: $i")
    plot!(p[2], 1:length(best_f_value), best_f_value, label=false)
    plot!(p[2], 1:i, best_f_value[1:i], lw=3, label=false)
    x = minimizer(result.convergence[i])
    scatter!(p[2], [i], [minimum(result.convergence[i])], label=false)

# save in different formats
# gif(animation, "anim-convergence.gif", fps=30)
mp4(animation, "anim-convergence.mp4", fps=30)

Pareto Front

import Metaheuristics: optimize, NSGA2, TestProblems, pareto_front, Options
using Plots; gr()

f, bounds, solutions = TestProblems.ZDT3();

result = optimize(f, bounds, NSGA2(options=Options(seed=0)))

A = pareto_front(result)
B = pareto_front(solutions)

scatter(A[:, 1], A[:,2], label="NSGA-II")
plot!(B[:, 1], B[:,2], label="Parento Front", lw=2)

Final Population

Live Plotting

The optimize function has a keyword parameter named logger that contains a function pointer. Such function will receive the State at the end of each iteration in the main optimization loop.

import Metaheuristics: optimize, NSGA2, TestProblems, pareto_front, Options, fvals
using Plots; gr()

f, bounds, solutions = TestProblems.ZDT3();
pf = pareto_front(solutions)

logger(st) = begin
    A = fvals(st)
    scatter(A[:, 1], A[:,2], label="NSGA-II", title="Gen: $(st.iteration)")
    plot!(pf[:, 1], pf[:,2], label="Parento Front", lw=2)

result = optimize(f, bounds, NSGA2(options=Options(seed=0)), logger=logger)