EGraph Analyses and Extraction

Extracting from an E-Graph

Extraction can be formulated as an EGraph analysis, or after saturation. A cost function can be provided. Metatheory.jl already provides some simple cost functions, such as astsize, which expresses preference for the smallest expressions.

G = EGraph(:((log(e) * log(e)) * (log(a^3 * a^2))))
saturate!(G, t)
extractor = addanalysis!(G, ExtractionAnalysis, astsize)
ex = extract!(G, extractor)
ex == :(log(a) * 5)

Complex Example

Let's see a more complex example: extracting the smallest equivalent expression, from a trivial mathematics theory

distrib = @theory begin
	a * (b + c) => (a * b) + (a * c)
	(a * b) + (a * c) => a * (b + c)
powers = @theory begin
	a * a => a^2
	a => a^1
	a^n * a^m => a^(n+m)
logids = @theory begin
	log(a^n) => n * log(a)
	log(x * y) => log(x) + log(y)
	log(1) => 0
	log(:e) => 1
	:e^(log(x)) => x
fold_add = @theory begin
	a::Number + b::Number |> a + b
t = comm_monoid ∪ comm_group ∪ distrib ∪ powers ∪ logids ∪ fold_mul ∪ fold_add