Rules and Theories

Rule Syntax for Classical Rewriting

KindSupported in Left Hand SideOperatorSupported in Right Hand Side
Symbolic Rulex (pattern variables) $\\$:foo (symbol literals) $\\$x::Type (type assertions) $\\$$(2 + 3) (unquoting) $\\$a... (pattern variable destructuring, matches many subterms as a tuple) $\\$ Other literals are supported.=>x (pattern variables) $\\$:foo(symbol literals) $\\$a... (pattern variable destructuring) $\\$$(2 + 3) (unquoting) $\\$ Other literals are supported.
Dynamic RuleSame as above|>Dynamic rules can execute all valid Julia code. The pattern variables that matched are available (bound) in the r.h.s.. Other global variables in the execution module are bound. An additional variable _lhs_expr is bound, referring to the left hand side that matched the rule.
Equational RuleUnsupported==Unsupported

Rule Syntax for EGraphs Rewriting

KindSupported in Left Hand SideOperatorSupported in Right Hand Side
Symbolic Rulex (pattern variables) $\\$:foo (symbol literals) $\\$x::Type (type assertions) $\\$$(2 + 3) (unquoting) $\\$ Other literals are supported. Pattern variable destructuring is not supported.=>x (pattern variables) $\\$:foo(symbol literals) $\\$$(2 + 3) (unquoting) $\\$ Other literals are supported.
Dynamic RuleSame as above|>Dynamic rules execute valid Julia code. The pattern variables that matched are available (bound) in the r.h.s.. Other global variables in the execution module are bound. An additional variable _lhs_expr is bound, referring to the left hand side that matched the rule. NOTE: additionally, the _egraph variable is bound, referring to the current EGraph on which rewriting is happening.
Equational RuleSame as Symbolic Rules.==Same as left hand side of symbolic rules.

Theories are Collections and Composable

Theories are just collections, precisely vectors of the Rule object, and can be composed as regular Julia collections. The most useful way of composing theories is unioning them with the '∪' operator. You are not limited to composing theories, you can manipulate and create them at both runtime and compile time as regular vectors.

using Metatheory
using Metatheory.EGraphs
using Metatheory.Library

comm_monoid = commutative_monoid(:(*), 1);
comm_group = @theory begin
    a + 0 => a
    a + b => b + a
    a + inv(a) => 0 # inverse
    a + (b + c) => (a + b) + c
distrib = @theory begin
    a * (b + c) => (a * b) + (a * c)
t = comm_monoid ∪ comm_group ∪ distrib
8-element Array{Rule,1}:
 EqualityRule((a*b), (b*a))
 EqualityRule((a*(b*c)), ((a*b)*c))
 RewriteRule((1*a), a, false)
 RewriteRule((a+0), a, false)
 RewriteRule((a+b), (b+a), false)
 RewriteRule((a+inv(a)), 0, false)
 RewriteRule((a+(b+c)), ((a+b)+c), false)
 RewriteRule((a*(b+c)), ((a*b)+(a*c)), false)

Type Assertions and Dynamic Rules

You can use type assertions in the left hand of rules to match and access literal values both when using classic rewriting and EGraph based rewriting.

You can also use dynamic rules, defined with the |> operator, to dynamically compute values in the right hand of expressions. Dynamic rules, are similar to anonymous functions. Instead of a symbolic substitution, the right hand of a dynamic |> rule is evaluated during rewriting: the values that produced a match are bound to the pattern variables.

fold_mul = @theory begin
    a::Number * b::Number |> a*b
t = comm_monoid ∪ fold_mul
@areequal t (3*4) 12


You can escape values in the left hand side of rules using $ just as you would do with the regular quoting/unquoting mechanism.

example = @theory begin
    a + $(3+2) |> :something
1-element Array{Rule,1}:
 DynamicRule((a+5), :(:something), PatVar[a], false)



This pattern type matches on a function application but instead of strictly matching on a head symbol, it has a pattern variable as head. It can be used for example to match arbitrary function calls.


This type of pattern will match if and only if the two subpatterns exist in the same equivalence class, in the e-graph on which the matching is performed. Can be used only in the e-graphs backend


A pattern literal will match only against an instance of itself. Example:


Will match only against values that are equal (using Base.(==)) to 2.


Will match only against instances of the literal symbol :a.


Term patterns will match on terms of the same arity and with the same function symbol (head).


Pattern variables will first match on any subterm and instantiate the substitution to that subterm.



Rules defined as left_hand |> right_hand are called dynamic rules. Dynamic rules behave like anonymous functions. Instead of a symbolic substitution, the right hand of a dynamic |> rule is evaluated during rewriting: matched values are bound to pattern variables as in a regular function call. This allows for dynamic computation of right hand sides.

Dynamic rule

Rule(:(a::Number * b::Number |> a*b))

Rules defined as left_hand => right_hand are called symbolic rewrite rules. Application of a rewrite Rule is a replacement of the left_hand pattern with the right_hand substitution, with the correct instantiation of pattern variables. Function call symbols are not treated as pattern variables, all other identifiers are treated as pattern variables. Literals such as 5, :e, "hello" are not treated as pattern variables.

Rule(:(a * b => b * a))

This type of anti-rules is used for checking contradictions in the EGraph backend. If two terms, corresponding to the left and right hand side of an anti-rule are found in an [EGraph], saturation is halted immediately.


Construct a Rule from a quoted expression. You can also use the [@rule] macro to create a Rule.


Generates a rule with the prune attribute set to true, which deletes all other nodes in an e-class when applied (pruning). Can only be used with the equality saturation e-graphs backend.