Classical Rewriting

There are some use cases where EGraphs and equality saturation are not required. The classical rewriting backend is suited for simple tasks when computing the whole equivalence class is overkill.

The classical rewriting backend can be accessed with the rewrite function, which uses a recursive fixed point iteration algorithm to rewrite a source expression. The expression can be traversed with a depth first (inner left expression) evaluation order, or with a breadth first (outer left expression) evaluation order. You can configure the evaluation order by passing the keyword argument order=:inner (default) or order=:outer to the rewrite function.

Note: With the classical rewrite algorithm, rules are matched in order and applied deterministically: every iteration, only the first rule that matches is applied. This means that when using the classical rewriting backend, the ordering of rules in a theory matters!. If some rules produce a loop, which is common for regular algebraic rules such as commutativity, distributivity and associativity, the other following rules in the theory will never be applied.

The classical rewrite algorithm is suitable for:

  • Simple Pattern Matching Tasks
  • Interpretation of Code (e.g. interpretation of an eDSL)
  • Non-Optimizing Compiler Steps and Transformations (e.g. Your eDSL –> Julia)
  • Simple Deterministic Manipulation Tasks (e.g. cleaning expressions)

For algebraic, mathematics oriented rewriting, please use the EGraph backend.

Rewriting loops are detected by keeping an history of hashes of the rewritten expression. When a loop is detected, rewriting stops immediately and returns the current expression.

Metatheory.jl is meant for composability: you can always compose and interleave rewriting steps that use the classical rewriting backend or the more advanced EGraph backend.


Let's simplify an expression in the comm_monoid theory by using the EGraph backend. After simplification, we may want to move all the σ symbols to the right of multiplications, we can do this simple task with a classical rewriting step, by using the rewrite function.

Step 1: Simplification with EGraphs
using Metatheory
using Metatheory.EGraphs
using Metatheory.Classic
using Metatheory.Library

@metatheory_init ()

comm_monoid = commutative_monoid(:(*), 1);
start_expr = :( (a * (1 * (2σ)) * (b * σ + (c * 1)) ) );
g = EGraph(start_expr);
saturate!(g, comm_monoid);
simplified = extract!(g, astsize)
:((σ * b + c) * ((2σ) * a))
Step 2: Moving σ to the right
moveright = @theory begin
	:σ * a 			=> a*:σ
	(a * :σ) * b 	=> (a * b) * :σ
	(:σ * a) * b 	=> (a * b) * :σ

simplified = rewrite(simplified, moveright)
:((b * σ + c) * ((2a) * σ))

Assignment to variables during rewriting.

Using the classical rewriting backend, you may want to assign a value to an externally defined variable. Because of the nature of modules and the RuntimeGeneratedFunction compilation pipeline, it is not possible to assign values to variables in other modules. You can achieve such behaviour by using Julia References(docs), which behave similarly to pointers in other languages such as C or OCaml.

Note: due to nondeterminism, it is unrecommended to assign values to Refs when using the EGraph backend!

safe_var = 0
ref_var = Ref{Real}(0)

reft = @theory begin
	:safe |> (safe_var = π)
	:ref |> (ref_var[] = π)

rewrite(:(safe), reft; order=:inner, m=@__MODULE__)
rewrite(:(ref), reft; order=:inner, m=@__MODULE__)

(safe_var, ref_var[])
(0, π)

A Tiny Imperative Programming Language Interpreter

Here is an example showing interpretation of a very tiny, turing complete subset of the Julia programming language. To achieve turing completeness in an imperative paradigm language, just integer+boolean arithmetic and if and while statements are needed. Since a recursive algorithm is sufficient for interpreting those expressions, this example does not use the e-graphs backend! Note how we are representing semantics for a different programming language by reusing the Julia AST data structure, and therefore efficiently reusing the Julia parser for our new toy language.

See this test file.

API Docs


This module contains classical rewriting functions and utilities


  • Base
  • Base.Meta
  • Core
  • MatchCore
  • Metatheory.Rules
  • Metatheory.Util

Compile a theory to a closure that does the pattern matching job Returns a RuntimeGeneratedFunction, which does not use eval and is as fast as a regular Julia anonymous function 🔥


This function executes a classical rewriting algorithm on a Julia expression ex. Classical rewriting applies rule in order with a fixed point iteration:

This algorithm heavily relies on RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.jl and the MatchCore pattern matcher. NOTE: this does not involve the use of EGraphs.EGraph or equality saturation (EGraphs.saturate!). When using rewrite, be aware of infinite loops: Since rules are matched in order in every iteration, it is possible that commonly used symbolic rules such as commutativity or associativity of operators may cause this algorithm to have a cycling computation instantly. This algorithm detects cycling computation by keeping an history of hashes, and instantly returns when a cycle is detected.

This algorithm is suitable for simple, deterministic symbolic rewrites. For more advanced use cases, where it is needed to apply multiple rewrites at the same time, or it is known that rules are causing loops, please use EGraphs.EGraph and equality saturation (EGraphs.saturate!).