Extended Examples

Spread Options

Below we define a set of various spread options that show how one can combine vanilla options into more complex payoffs.

using Miletus, Gadfly, Colors, Dates

import Miletus: Both, Give, Contract, WhenAt, value
import Base.strip

First define parameters for use in various contract and model definitions.

expirydate = Date("2016-12-25")
startdate  = Date("2016-12-1")
interestrate = 0.05
carryrate    = 0.1
volatility   = 0.15
K₁ = 98.0USD
K₂ = 100.0USD
K₃ = 102.0USD
L  = 11 # Layers in the binomial lattice / Number of time steps

Next we define a range of prices to use for plotting payoff curves.

price = K₁-1USD:0.1USD:K₃+1USD

Then we construct example analytical, binomial, and Monte Carlo test models that will be used when valuing the various vanilla and spread options at the defined start date.

gbmm = GeomBMModel(startdate, K₂, interestrate, carryrate, volatility)
crr  = CRRModel(startdate, expirydate, L, K₂, interestrate, carryrate, volatility)
mcm  = Miletus.montecarlo(gbmm, startdate:Day(1):expirydate, 10_000)

Next let's define a function for calculating the payoff curve of each spread at expiry over a range of asset prices. This function assumes that the provided date is the expiry date of all components within the contract c.

function payoff_curve(c, d::Date, prices)
    payoff = [value(GeomBMModel(d, x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), c) for x in prices]
    p = [x.val for x in payoff]
    r = [x.val for x in prices]
    return r, p

Next we will create a set of vanilla call and put options at separate strikes that will be used for construction of the different spread options. The included plots show the payoff of the option at the middle strike, K₂.

Vanilla Call Option

call₁ = EuropeanCall(expirydate, SingleStock(), K₁)
call₂ = EuropeanCall(expirydate, SingleStock(), K₂)
call₃ = EuropeanCall(expirydate, SingleStock(), K₃)
s₁,cp₁ = payoff_curve(call₁, expirydate, price)
s₂,cp₂ = payoff_curve(call₂, expirydate, price)
s₃,cp₃ = payoff_curve(call₃, expirydate, price)
plot(x = s₂, y = cp₂, Geom.line,
     Theme(default_color=colorant"blue", line_width = 1.0mm, panel_fill=nothing),
     Guide.title("Vanilla Call Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, call₂)
value(crr, call₂)
value(mcm, call₂)

Vanilla Put Option

put₁ = EuropeanPut(expirydate, SingleStock(), K₁)
put₂ = EuropeanPut(expirydate, SingleStock(), K₂)
put₃ = EuropeanPut(expirydate, SingleStock(), K₃)
s₁,pp₁ = payoff_curve(put₁, expirydate, price)
s₂,pp₂ = payoff_curve(put₂, expirydate, price)
s₃,pp₃ = payoff_curve(put₃, expirydate, price)
plot(x = s₂, y = pp₂, Geom.line,
     Theme(default_color=colorant"blue", line_width = 1.0mm, panel_fill=nothing),
     Guide.title("Vanilla Put Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, put₂)
value(crr, put₂)
value(mcm, put₂)

Now we will start to combine these vanilla calls and puts into various spread options.

Butterfly Call Spread

# Buy two calls at the high and low strikes
# Sell two calls at the middle strike
function butterfly_call(expiry::Date, K₁, K₂, K₃)
    @assert K₁ < K₂ < K₃
    c₁ = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₁)
    c₂ = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₂)
    c₃ = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₃)
    Both(Both(c₁,c₃), Give(Both(c₂,c₂)))

bfly₁ = butterfly_call(expirydate, K₁, K₂, K₃)

s,p_bfly₁ = payoff_curve(bfly₁, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
grn = colorant"green"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_bfly₁,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=  cp₁  ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₃,y=  cp₃  ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=grn,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y=-2cp₂  ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Butterfly Call", "call₁", "call₃", "-2call₂"],
     ["black", "red", "green", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Butterfly Call Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, bfly₁)
value(crr, bfly₁)
value(mcm, bfly₁)

Butterfly Put Spread

# Buy two puts at the high and low strikes
# Sell two puts at the middle strike
function butterfly_put(expiry::Date, K₁, K₂, K₃)
    @assert K₁ < K₂ < K₃
    p₁ = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₁)
    p₂ = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₂)
    p₃ = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₃)
    Both(Both(p₁,p₃), Give(Both(p₂,p₂)))

bfly₂ = butterfly_put(expirydate, K₁, K₂, K₃)
s,p_bfly₂ = payoff_curve(bfly₂, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
grn = colorant"green"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_bfly₂,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=  pp₁  ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₃,y=  pp₃  ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=grn,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y=-2pp₂  ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Butterfly Put", "put₁", "put₃", "-2put₂"],
     ["black", "red", "green", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Butterfly Put Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, bfly₂)
value(crr, bfly₂)
value(mcm, bfly₂)

Bear Call Spread

# Buy a call at the high strike
# Sell a call at the low strike
function bear_call(expiry::Date, K₁, K₂)
    @assert K₁ != K₂
    c₁ = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₁)
    c₂ = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₂)
    Both(Give(c₁), c₂)

bear₁ = bear_call(expirydate, K₁, K₂)
s,p_bear₁ = payoff_curve(bear₁, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s, y=p_bear₁,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=-cp₁   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y= cp₂   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Bear Call", "-call₁", "call₂"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Bear Call Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, bear₁)
value(crr, bear₁)
value(mcm, bear₁)

Bear Put Spread

# Buy a put at the low strike
# Sell a put at the high strike
function bear_put(expiry::Date, K₁, K₂)
    @assert K₁ != K₂
    p₁ = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₁)
    p₂ = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₂)
    Both(p₁, Give(p₂))

bear₂ = bear_put(expirydate, K₁, K₂)
r,p_bear₂ = payoff_curve(bear₂, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s,  y=p_bear₂,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁, y= pp₁   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂, y=-pp₂   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Bear Put", "call₁", "-call₂"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Bear Put Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, bear₂)
value(crr, bear₂)
value(mcm, bear₂)

Bull Call Spread

# Buy a call at the low strike
# Sell a call at the high strike
function bull_call(expiry::Date, K₁, K₂)
    @assert K₁ != K₂
    c₁ = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₁)
    c₂ = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₂)
    Both(c₁, Give(c₂))

bull₁ = bull_call(expirydate, K₁, K₂)
r,p_bull₁ = payoff_curve(bull₁, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_bull₁,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y= cp₁   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y=-cp₂   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Bull Call", "call₁", "-call₂"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Bull Call Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, bull₁)
value(crr, bull₁)
value(mcm, bull₁)

Bull Put Spread

# Buy a put at the high strike
# Sell a put at the low strike
function bull_put(expiry::Date, K₁, K₂)
    @assert K₁ != K₂
    p₁ = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₁)
    p₂ = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₂)
    Both(Give(p₁), p₂)

bull₂ = bull_put(expirydate, K₁, K₂)
r,p_bull₂ = payoff_curve(bull₂, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_bull₂,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=-pp₁   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y= pp₂   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Bear Put", "-put₁", "put₂"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Bear Put Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, bull₂)
value(crr, bull₂)
value(mcm, bull₂)

Straddle Spread

# Buy a put and a call at the same strike
function straddle(expiry::Date, K)
    p = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K)
    c = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K)
    Both(p, c)

strd₁ = straddle(expirydate, K₂)
r,p_strd₁ = payoff_curve(strd₁, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_strd₁,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=cp₂    ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y=pp₂    ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Straddle", "call₂", "put₂"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Straddle Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, strd₁)
value(crr, strd₁)
value(mcm, strd₁)

Strip Spread

# Buy one call and two puts at the same strike
function strip(expiry::Date, K)
    p = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K)
    c = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K)
    Both(c, Both(p, p))

strip₁ = strip(expirydate, K₂)
r,p_strip = payoff_curve(strip₁, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_strip,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=cp₂    ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y=2pp₂   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Strip", "call₂", "2put₂"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Strip Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, strip₁)
value(crr, strip₁)
value(mcm, strip₁)

Strap Spread

# Buy one put and two calls at the same strike
function strap(expiry::Date, K)
    p = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K)
    c = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K)
    Both(p, Both(c, c))

strap₁ = strap(expirydate, K₂)
r,p_strap = payoff_curve(strap₁, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_strap,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=2cp₂   ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y=pp₂    ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Strap", "2call₂", "put₂"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Strap Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, strap₁)
value(crr, strap₁)
value(mcm, strap₁)

Strangle Spread

# Buy a put at the low strike and a call at the high strike
function strangle(expiry::Date, K₁, K₂)
    p = EuropeanPut(expiry, SingleStock(), K₁)
    c = EuropeanCall(expiry, SingleStock(), K₂)
    Both(p, c)

strangle₁ = strangle(expirydate, K₁, K₃)
r,p_strangle = payoff_curve(strangle₁, expirydate, price)
blk = colorant"black"
red = colorant"red"
blu = colorant"blue"
plot(layer( x=s ,y=p_strangle,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blk,line_width=1.5mm)),
     layer( x=s₁,y=cp₃       ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=red,line_width=1.0mm)),
     layer( x=s₂,y=pp₁       ,Geom.line,Theme(default_color=blu,line_width=1.0mm)),
     Guide.manual_color_key("",["Strangle", "call₃", "put₁"],
     ["black", "red", "blue"]),
     Guide.title("Strangle Payoff Curve at Expiry"),
     Guide.xlabel("Stock Price"), Guide.ylabel("Payoff"))

value(gbmm, strangle₁)
value(crr, strangle₁)
value(mcm, strangle₁)

Coupon Bearing Bonds

Unlike a zero coupon bond, a coupon bearing bond pays the holder a specified amount at regular intervals up to the maturity date of the bond. These coupon payments, and the interest that can accumulate on those payments must be taken into account when pricing the coupon bond. The structuring of a coupon bond with Miletus provides an example of how to construct a product with multiple observation dates.

using Miletus, BusinessDays, Dates
using Miletus.TermStructure
using Miletus.DayCounts

import Miletus: Both, Receive, Contract, When, At, value
import Miletus: YieldModel
import BusinessDays: USGovernmentBond
import Dates: today, days, Day, Year

First let's show an example of the creation of a zero coupon bond. For this type of bond a payment of the par amount occurs only on the maturity date.

zcb = When(At(today()+Day(360)), Receive(100USD))
 │  ├─DateObs
 │  └─2023-10-13

Next let's define a function for our coupon bearing bond. The definition of multiple coupon payments and the final par payment involves a nested set of Both types, with each individual payment constructed from a When of an date observation and a payment contract.

function couponbond(par,coupon,periods::Int,start::Date,expiry::Date)
    duration = expiry - start
    bond = When(At(expiry), Receive(par))
    for p = periods-1:-1:1
        coupondate = start + duration*p/periods
        bond = Both(bond,When(At(coupondate), Receive(coupon)))
    return bond
couponbond (generic function with 1 method)

To construct an individual coupon bond, we first define necessary parameters for the par, coupon, number of periods, start date and expiry date.

par = 100USD
coupon = 1USD
periods = 12
startdate = today()
expirydate = today() + Day(360)

Now we can construct an instance of a coupon bearing bond.

cpb = couponbond(par,coupon,periods,startdate,expirydate)
 │  ├─Both
 │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─Both
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─When
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  └─2023-10-13
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  └─Amount
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     └─100USD
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  └─2023-09-13
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  └─2023-08-14
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  └─2023-07-15
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │     │  └─2023-06-15
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │  │  │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  │  │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │  │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │  │  │     │  └─2023-05-16
 │  │  │  │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │  │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │  │     │  └─2023-04-16
 │  │  │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │  │     │  └─2023-03-17
 │  │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  │  └─When
 │  │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │  │     │  └─2023-02-15
 │  │  │     └─Amount
 │  │  │        └─1USD
 │  │  └─When
 │  │     ├─{==}
 │  │     │  ├─DateObs
 │  │     │  └─2023-01-16
 │  │     └─Amount
 │  │        └─1USD
 │  └─When
 │     ├─{==}
 │     │  ├─DateObs
 │     │  └─2022-12-17
 │     └─Amount
 │        └─1USD
    │  ├─DateObs
    │  └─2022-11-17

Finally we can value this bond by constructing a yield curve and associated yield model and operating on the coupon bond contract with the defined yield model.

yc = ConstantYieldCurve(Actual360(), .1, :Continuous, :NoFrequency, Dates.today())
Constant Curve with r = 0.1, T = 2022-10-18 and Continuous Compounding
ym = YieldModel(yc, ModFollowing(), USGovernmentBond())
Miletus.YieldModel{Miletus.TermStructure.ConstantYieldCurve{Float64}, Miletus.DayCounts.ModFollowing, BusinessDays.USGovernmentBond}

Asian Option pricing

Asian options are structures whose payoff depends on the average price of an underlying security over a specific period of time, not just the price of the underlying at maturity. To price an Asian option, we will make use of a Monte Carlo pricing model, as well as a contract that considers a MovingAveragePrice

using Miletus, Gadfly, Colors, Dates

d1 = Dates.today()
d2 = d1 + Dates.Day(120)

Structing the model without currency units

m = GeomBMModel(d1, 100.00, 0.05, 0.0, 0.3)
mcm = montecarlo(m, d1:Day(1):d2, 100_000)
Monte Carlo Model
100000 Simulations everyday from 2022-10-18 to 2023-02-15
Yield Constant Continuous Curve with r = 0.05, T = 2022-10-18 

We can view the underlying simulation paths used for our Geometric Brownian Motion Model using Gadfly as follows:

theme=Theme(default_color=Colors.RGBA{Float32}(0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1))
p = plot([layer(x=mcm.dates,y=mcm.paths[i,:],Geom.line,theme) for i = 1:200]...,Theme(panel_fill=nothing))

Now let's value a vanilla European call option using a Geometric Brownian Motion Model.

o = EuropeanCall(d2, SingleStock(), 100.00)
value(m, o)

And value that same vanilla European call using a Monte Carlo Model

value(mcm, o)

Next we construct a fixed strike Asian Call option. Note the MovingAveragePrice embedded in the definition.

oa1 = AsianFixedStrikeCall(d2, SingleStock(), Dates.Month(1), 100.00)
 │  ├─DateObs
 │  └─2023-02-15
    │  ├─MovingAveragePrice
    │  │  ├─SingleStock
    │  │  └─1 month
    │  └─Give
    │     └─Amount
    │        └─100.0
value(mcm, oa1)

Similarly, we can construct a floating strike Asian Call option.

oa2 = AsianFloatingStrikeCall(d2, SingleStock(), Dates.Month(1), 100.00)
 │  ├─DateObs
 │  └─2023-02-15
    │  ├─SingleStock
    │  └─Give
    │     └─MovingAveragePrice
    │        ├─SingleStock
    │        └─1 month
value(mcm, oa2)