How-to Guide 6: Port from (>=) Mimi v0.5.0 to Mimi v1.0.0

The release of Mimi v1.0.0 is a breaking release, necessitating the adaptation of existing models' syntax and structure in order for those models to run on this new version. We have worked hard to keep these changes clear and as minimal as possible.

This guide provides an overview of the steps required to get most models using the v0.9.5 API working with v1.0.0. It is not a comprehensive review of all changes and new functionalities, but a guide to the minimum steps required to port old models between versions. For complete information on the new version and its additional functionalities, see the full documentation.

To port your model, we recommend you update to Mimi v0.10.0, which is identical to Mimi v1.0.0 except that it includes deprecation warnings for most breaking changes, instead of errors. This means that models written using Mimi v0.9.5 will, in most cases, run successfully under Mimi v0.10.0 and things that will cause errors in v1.0.0 will throw deprecation warnings. your changes. These can guide Thus a good workflow would be:

  1. Update your environment to use Mimi v0.10.0 with
pkg> add Mimi#v0.10.0
  1. Read through this guide to get a sense for what has changed
  2. Run your code and incrementally update it, using the deprecation warnings as guides for what to change and the instructions in this guide as explanations, until no warnings are thrown and you have changed anything relevant to your code that is explained in this gude.
  3. Update to Mimi v1.0.0 with the following code, which will update Mimi to it's latest version, v1.0.0
pkg> free Mimi
  1. Run your model! Things should run smoothly now. If not double check the guide, and feel free to reach out on the forum with any questions. Also, if you are curious about the reasons behind a change, just ask!

This guide is organized into a few main sections, each descripting an independent set of changes that can be undertaken in any order desired.

  • Syntax Within the @defcomp Macro
  • The set_param! Function
  • The replace_comp! Function
  • Different-length Components
  • Marginal Models
  • Simulation Syntax
  • Composite Components (optional)

Syntax Within the @defcomp Macro

Type-parameterization for Parameters

The Mimi Change: To be consistent with julia syntax, Mimi now uses bracketing syntax to type-parameterize Parameters inside the @defcomp macro instead of double-colon syntax. h

The User Change: Where you previously indicated that the parameter a should be an Int with

@defcomp my_comp begin
    a::Int = Parameter()
    function run_timestep(p, v, d, t)

you should now use

@defcomp my_comp begin
    a = Parameter{Int}()
    function run_timestep(p, v, d, t)

Integer Indexing

The Mimi Change: For safety, Mimi no longer allows indexing into Parameters or Varaibles with the run_timestep function of the @defcomp macro with integers. Instead, this functionality is supported with two new types: TimestepIndex and TimestepValue. Complete details on indexing options can be found in How-to Guide 4: Work with Timesteps, Parameters, and Variables, but below we will describe the minimum steps to get your models working.

The User Change: Where you previously used integers to index into a Parameter or Variable, you should now use the TimestepIndex type. For example, the code

function run_timestep(p, v, d, t)
    v.my_var[t] = p.my_param[10]

should now read

function run_timestep(p, v, d, t)
    v.my_var[t] = p.my_param[TimestepIndex(10)]

Also, if you previously used logic to determine which integer index pertained to a specific year, and then used that integer for indexing, you should now use the TimestepValue type. For example, if you previously knew that the index 2 referred to the year 2012, and added that value to a parameter with

function run_timestep(p, v, d, t)
    v.my_var[t] = p.my_param[t] + p.my_other_param[2]

you should now use

function run_timestep(p, v, d, t)
    v.my_var[t] = p.my_param[t] + p.my_other_param[TimestepValue(2012)]

istimestep and istime

The Mimi Change: For simplicity and consistency with the change above, Mimi no longer supports the is_timestep or is_time functions and has replaced this functionality with comparison operators combined with the afformentioned TimestepValue and TimestepIndex types.

The User Change: Any instance of the is_timestep function should be replaced with simple comparison with a TimestepIndex object ie. replace the logic if is_timestep(t, 10) ... with if t == TimestepIndex(10) ....

Any instance of the is_time function should be repalced with simple comparison with a TimestepValue object ie. replace the logic if is_time(t, 2010) ... with if t == TimestepValue(2010) ....

The set_param! Function

The Mimi Change: The set_param! method for setting a parameter value in a component now has the following signature:

set_param!(m::Model, comp_name::Symbol, param_name::Symbol, ext_param_name::Symbol, val::Any)

This function creates an external parameter called ext_param_name with value val in the model m's list of external parameters, and connects the parameter param_name in component comp_name to this newly created external parameter. If there is already a parameter called ext_param_name in the model's list of external parameters, it errors.

There are two available shortcuts:

# Shortcut 1
set_param!(m::Model, param_name::Symbol, val::Any)

This method creates an external parameter in the model called param_name, sets its value to val, looks at all the components in the model m, finds all the unbound parameters named param_name, and creates connections from all the unbound parameters that are named param_name to the newly created external parameter. If there is already a parameter called param_name in the external parameter list, it errors.

# Shortcut 2
set_param!(m::Model, comp_name::Symbol, param_name::Symbol, val::Any)

This method creates a new external parameter called param_name in the model m (if that already exists, it errors), sets its value to val, and then connects the parameter param_name in component comp_name to this newly created external parameter.

The User Change: Any old code that uses the set_param! method with only 4 arguments (shortcut #2 shown above) will still work for setting parameters if they are found in only one component ... but if you have multiple components that have parameters with the same name, using the old 4-argument version of set_param! multiple times will cause an error. Instead, you need to determine what behavior you want across multiple components with parameters of the same name:

  • If you want parameters with the same name that are found in multiple components to have the same value, use the 3-argument method: set_param!(m, :param_name, val). You only have to call this once and it will set the same value for all components with an unconnected parameter called param_name.
  • If you want different components that have parameters with the same name to have different values, then you need to call the 5-argument version of set_param! individually for each parameter value, such as:
set_param!(m, :comp1, :foo, :foo1, 25)  # creates an external parameter called :foo1 with value 25, and connects just comp1/foo to that value
set_param!(m, :comp2, :foo, :foo2, 30)  # creates an external parameter called :foo2 with value 30, and connects just comp2/foo to that value

Also, you can no longer call set_param! to change the value of a parameter that has already been set in the model. If the parameter has already been set, you must use the following to change it:

update_param!(m, ext_param_name, new_val)

This updates the value of the external parameter called ext_param_name in the model m's list of external parameters. Any component that have parameters connected to this external parameter will now be connected to this new value.

The replace_comp! Function

The Mimi Change: For simplicity, the replace_comp! function has been replaced with a method augmenting the julia Base replace! function.

The User Change: Where you previously used

replace_comp!(m, new, old)

to replace the old component with new, they should now use

replace!(m, old => new)

Different-length Components

The Mimi Change: Through Mimi v0.9.4, the optional keyword arguments first and last could be used to specify times for components that do not run for the full length of the model, like this: add_comp!(mymodel, ComponentC; first=2010, last=2100). This functionality is still disabled, as it was starting in v0.9.5, and all components must run for the full length of the model's time dimension. This functionality may be re-implemented in a later version of Mimi.

The User Change: Refactor your model so that all components are the same length. You may use the run_timestep function within each component to dictate it's behavior in different timesteps, including doing no calculations for a portion of the full model runtime.

Marginal Models

The Mimi Change: For clarity, the previously named marginal attribute of a Mimi MarginalModel has been renamed to modified. Hence a MarginalModel is now described as a Mimi Model whose results are obtained by subtracting results of one base Model from those of another marginal Model that has a difference of delta with the signature:

The User Change: Any previous access to the marginal attribute of a MarginalModel, mm below, should be changed from

model = mm.marginal


model = mm.modified

Simulation Syntax

Results Access

The Mimi Change: For clarity of return types, Mimi no longer supports use of square brackets (a shortcut for julia Base getindex) to access the results of a Monte Carlo analysis, which are stored in the SimulationInstance. Instead, access to resulst is supported with the getdataframe function, which will return the results in the same type and format as the square bracket method used to return.

The User Change: Results previously obtained with

results = si[:grosseconomy, :K]

should now be obtained with

results = getdataframe(si, :grosseconomy, :K)

Simulation Definition Modification Functions

The Mimi Change: For consistency with julia syntax rules, the small set of unexported functions available to modify an existing SimulationDefinition have been renamed, moving from a camel case format to an underscore-based format as follows.

The User Change: Replace your functions as follows.

  • deleteRV! –> delete_RV!
  • addRV! –> add_RV!
  • replaceRV! –> replace_RV!
  • deleteTransform! –> delete_transform!
  • addTransform! –> add_transform!
  • deleteSave! –> delete_save!
  • addSave! –> add_save!

Composite Components (optional)

The Mimi Change: The biggest functionality addition of Mimi v1.0.0 is the inclusion of composite components. Prior versions of Mimi supported only "flat" models, i.e., with one level of components. This new version supports mulitple layers of components, with some components being "final" or leaf components, and others being "composite" components which themselves contain other leaf or composite components. This approach allows for a cleaner organization of complex models, and allows the construction of building blocks that can be re-used in multiple models.

The User Change: All previous models are considered "flat" models, i.e. they have only one level of components, and do not need to be converted into multiple layer models to run. Thus this addition does not mean users need to alter their models, but we encourage you to check out the other documentation on composite components to learn how you can enhance your current models and built better onces in the future!