How-to Guides Introduction

The following how-to guides provide steps to carry out several common real-world problems that Mimi is targeted at solving. They are a bit less detailed than the tutorials, and are thus targeted at a user with some level of experience with Mimi (likely obtained through moving through some or all of the tutorials).

If you find a bug in these guides, or have a clarifying question or suggestion, please reach out via Github Issues or our Mimi Framework forum. We welcome your feedback.

Available How-to Guides

  1. Construct and Run a Flat Model

    How-to Guide 1: Construct and Run a Model

  1. View and Explore Model Results

    How-to Guide 2: View and Explore Model Results

  1. Conduct Sensitivity Analysis

    How-to Guide 3: Conduct Sensitivity Analysis

  1. Work with Timesteps, Parameters, and Variables

    How-to Guide 4: Work with Timesteps, Parameters, and Variables

  1. Port to Mimi v0.5.0

    How-to Guide 5: Port to Mimi v0.5.0

  1. Port to Mimi v1.0.0

    How-to Guide 6: Port from (>=) Mimi v0.5.0 to Mimi v1.0.0