
Incorporate discrete and continuous time Markov processes as building blocks into probabilistic graphical models.

Based on MeasureTheory.jl

Mitosis defines its probability distributions, densities in terms of MeasureTheory.jl.

m = [1.0, 0.5]
K = Matrix(1.0I, 2, 2)
p = Gaussian(μ=m, Σ=K)

mean(p) == m

# output

Key concepts

Kernels or distribution valued maps

The core concept of Mitosis is the Markov kernel.

A kernel κ = kernel(Gaussian, μ=f, Σ=g) returns a callable which returns a measure with parameters determined by functions f, g...

f(x) = x*m
g(_) = K
k = kernel(Gaussian; μ=f, Σ=g)
mean(k(3.0)) == 3*m && cov(k(3.0)) == K

# output

Linear and affine Gaussian kernel

Gaussian kernel become especially powerful if combined with linear and affine mean functions, AffineMap, LinearMap, ConstantMap:

B = [0.8 0.5; -0.1 0.8]
β = [0.1, 0.2]
Q = [0.2 0.0; 0.0 1.0]

x = [0.112, -1.22]
b = AffineMap(B, β)

b(x) == B*x + β

# output


Kernels with affine mean and constant covariance propagate Gaussian uncertainty:

k = kernel(Gaussian, μ = AffineMap(B, β), Σ=ConstantMap(Q))

m = [1.0, 0.5]
K = Matrix(1.0I, 2, 2)
p = Gaussian(μ=m, Σ=K)

k(p) isa Gaussian

# output


Backward and forward passes

Backward and forward functions with signature `

message, marginal = backward(BF(), kernel, argument)
marginal = forward(BF(), kernel, message)(argument)

define a generic interface to a 2-pass backward filtering, forward smoothing algorithm. For each transition, the backward pass produces a message for the forward pass.

Example: Bayesian regression with BF()

BF() specifies the exact (conjugate) linear-Gaussian backward filter, forward smoothing version without importance weights. BFFG() defines a more general approach which also works for non-linear transitions. Let's first consider the simpler case, in a Bayesian regression example:

$\beta \sim N(\mu_0, \sigma^2 V_0).$

$Y \mid \beta \sim N(X\beta, \sigma^2)$


Small data set.

x = [18.25 19.75 16.5 18.25 19.50 16.25 17.25 19.00 16.25 17.50][:]
y = [36 42 33 39 43 34 37 41 27 30][:]
n = length(x)

# output


The conjugate prior on the parameter $\beta$ is Gaussian,

$\beta \sim N(\mu_0, \sigma^2 V_0).$

We write it as kernel (without arguments) as well:

σ2 = 8.0 # noise level

μ0 = zeros(2)
V0 = 10*I(2)
Σ0 = σ2*V0 # prior

prior = kernel(Gaussian; μ=ConstantMap(μ0), Σ=ConstantMap(Σ0))

mean(prior()) == μ0

# output


Conditional on the parameter vector $\beta$, a regression model:

$Y \mid \beta \sim N(X\beta, \sigma^2)$ where X is the design matrix.

Thus we can express this as linear Gaussian kernel:

X = [x ones(n)] # Design matrix

Σ = Diagonal(σ2*ones(n)) # noise covariance

model = kernel(Gaussian; μ=LinearMap(X), Σ=ConstantMap(Σ))

# output

Combined forward model

Summarizing, with prior and model, we have

β = rand(prior())
y = rand(model(β))

Think of this as the composition of kernels.

Backward pass

The backward pass takes observations $y$ into account and propagates uncertainty backward through the model.

m2, p2 = backward(BF(), model, y)
m1, p1 = backward(BF(), prior, p2)

# output

At each step it produces a filtered distribution p1, p2 and a message m1, m2 for the forward pass.

Forward pass

This BF() forward pass computes marginal distributions of latents. Because the parameters $\beta$ are the latent outcome of the prior, we need at least one step of the forward pass. A second step of the forward pass would just give the observations back.

posterior = forward(BF(), prior, m1)()
# observations = forward(BF(), model, m2)(posterior)

mean(posterior), cov(posterior)

# output
([2.4874650784715016, -8.120051139323095], [0.1700435105146037 -3.00522441850067; -3.00522441850067 53.904213732907884])


  • Frank van der Meulen, Moritz Schauer (2020): Automatic Backward Filtering Forward Guiding for Markov processes and graphical models. [arXiv:2010.03509].