
Welcome to the documentation for ModalDecisionTrees.


A decision is an object that is placed at an internal decision node, and influences on how the instances are routed to its left or right child.


These types are introduced so that additional information currently not present in a ModalDecisionTree-structure – for example, the names of the variables – can be used for visualization. This additional information is stored in the variable info of these types. It is a NamedTuple. So it can be used to store arbitraty information, apart from the two points mentioned. In analogy to the type definitions of ModalDecisionTree, the generic type S is the type of the variable values used within a node as a threshold for the splits between its children and T is the type of the output given (basically, a Number or a String).


Return for each node given, its children.

In case of a ModalDecisionTree there are always exactly two children, because the model produces binary trees where all nodes have exactly one left and one right child. children is used for tree traversal. The additional information info is carried over from node to its children.

printnode(io::IO, node::InfoNode)
printnode(io::IO, leaf::InfoLeaf)

Write a printable representation of node or leaf to output-stream io. If have a field called

  • modality_variable_names it is expected to be an array of arrays of variable names corresponding to the variable names used in the tree nodes; note that there are two layers of reference because variables are grouped into modalities (see MLJ's docs for ModalDecisionTree: @doc ModalDecisionTree) They will be used for printing instead of the ids.

Note that the left subtree of any split node represents the 'yes-branch', while the right subtree the 'no-branch', respectively. print_tree outputs the left subtree first and then below the right subtree.

build_stump(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)
build_tree(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)
build_forest(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)

Train a decision stump (i.e., decision tree with depth 1), a decision tree, or a random forest model on logiset X with labels Y and weights W.

build_stump(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)
build_tree(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)
build_forest(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)

Train a decision stump (i.e., decision tree with depth 1), a decision tree, or a random forest model on logiset X with labels Y and weights W.

build_stump(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)
build_tree(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)
build_forest(X, Y, W = nothing; kwargs...)

Train a decision stump (i.e., decision tree with depth 1), a decision tree, or a random forest model on logiset X with labels Y and weights W.


Perform the modal step, that is, evaluate an existential formula on a set of worlds, eventually computing the new world set.

wrap(node::MDT.DTInternal, info = NamedTuple())
wrap(leaf::MDT.AbstractDecisionLeaf, info = NamedTuple())

Add to each node (or leaf) the additional information info and wrap both in an InfoNode/InfoLeaf. Typically a node or a leaf is obtained by creating a decision tree using either the native interface of ModalDecisionTrees.jl or via other interfaces which are available for this package (e.g., MLJ, see their docs for further details). Using the function build_tree of the native interface returns such an object. To use a ModalDecisionTree mdt (obtained this way) with the abstraction layer provided by the AbstractTrees-interface implemented here and optionally add variable names (modality_variable_names, an arrays of arrays of strings) use the following syntax:

  1. wdc = wrap(mdt)
  2. wdc = wrap(mdt, (modality_variable_names = modality_variable_names, ))

In the first case mdt gets just wrapped, no information is added. No. 2 adds variable names. Note that the trailing comma is needed, in order to create a NamedTuple.


A model type for constructing a modal decision tree, based on unknown.jl, and implementing the MLJ model interface.

From MLJ, the type can be imported using

ModalDecisionTree = @load ModalDecisionTree pkg=unknown

Do model = ModalDecisionTree() to construct an instance with default hyper-parameters. Provide keyword arguments to override hyper-parameter defaults, as in ModalDecisionTree(max_depth=...).

ModalDecisionTree implements Modal C4.5. This classification and regression algorithm, originally presented in Manzella et al. (2021). "Interval Temporal Random Forests with an Application to COVID-19 Diagnosis". 10.4230/LIPIcs.TIME.2021.7, is an extension of the CART and C4.5 decision tree learning algorithms that leverages the expressive power of modal logics of time and space to perform temporal/spatial reasoning on non-scalar data, such as time-series and images.

The symbolic, probabilistic model is able to extract logical descriptions of the data in terms of logical formulas (see SoleLogics.jl) on atoms that are scalar conditions on the variables (or features); for example, min[V2] ≥ 10, that is, "the minimum of variable 2 is not less than 10". As such, the model is suitable for tasks that involve non-scalar data, but require some level of interpretable and transparent modeling. At the moment, the only loss functions available are Shannon's entropy (classification) and variance (regression).

Training data

In MLJ or MLJBase, bind an instance model to data with mach = machine(model, X, y) where

  • X: any table of input features (e.g., a DataFrame) whose columns each have one of the following element scitypes: Continuous, Count, OrderedFactor, or any 0-, 1-, 2-dimensional array with elements of these scitypes; check column scitypes with schema(X)
  • y: is the target, which can be any AbstractVector whose element scitype is Multiclass, Continuous, Finite, or Textual; check the scitype with scitype(y)

Train the machine with fit!(mach).


  • max_depth=-1: Maximum depth of the decision tree (-1=any)

  • min_samples_leaf=4: Minimum number of samples required at each leaf

  • min_purity_increase=0.002: Minimum value for the loss function needed for a split

  • max_purity_at_leaf=Inf: Minimum value for the loss function needed for a split

  • max_modal_depth=-1: Maximum modal depth of the decision tree (-1=any). When this depth is reached, only propositional decisions are taken.

  • n_subfeatures=0: Number of features to select at random at each node (0 for all),

or a Function that outputs this number, given a number of available features.

  • feature=[minimum, maximum] Feature functions to be used by the tree to mine scalar conditions (e.g., minimum[V2] ≥ 10)

  • featvaltype=Float64 Output type for feature functions, when it cannot be inferred (e.g., with custom feature functions provided).

  • relations=nothing Relations that the model uses to look for patterns; it can be a symbol in [:IA, :IA3, :IA7, :RCC5, :RCC8], where :IA stands for Allen's Interval Algebra (13 relations in 1D, 169 relations in 2D), :IA3 and :IA7 are coarser fragments with 3 and 7 relations, respectively, :RCC5 and :RCC8 are Region Connection Calculus algebras with 5 and 8 topological operators, respectively. Relations from :IA, :IA3, :IA7, capture directional aspects of the relative arrangement of two intervals in time (or rectangles in a 2D space), while relations from :RCC5 and :RCC8 only capture topological aspects and are therefore rotation and flip-invariant. This hyper-parameter defaults to either no relation (adimensional data), IA7 interval relations (1- and 2-dimensional data)..

  • initconditions=nothing initial conditions for evaluating modal decisions at the root; it can be a symbol in [:startwithglobal, :startatcenter]. :startwithglobal forces the first decision to be a global decision (e.g., ⟨G⟩ (minimum[V2] ≥ 10), which translates to "there exists a region where the minimum of variable 2 is higher than 10"). :startatcenter forces the first decision to be evaluated on the smallest central world, that is, the central value of a time-series, or the central pixel of an image. This hyper-parameter defaults to :startwithglobal.

  • downsize=true Whether to perform automatic downsizing, by means of moving average. In fact, this algorithm has high complexity (both time and space), and can only handle small time-series (< 100 points) & small images (< 10 x 10 pixels). When set to true, automatic downsizing is performed; when it is an NTuple of Integers, a downsizing of dimensional data to match that size is performed.

  • print_progress=false: set to true for a progress bar

  • post_prune=false: set to true for post-fit pruning

  • merge_purity_threshold=1.0: (post-pruning) merge leaves having combined purity >= merge_purity_threshold

  • display_depth=5: max depth to show when displaying the tree(s)

  • rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG: random number generator or seed

  • display_depth=5: max depth to show when displaying the tree


  • predict(mach, Xnew): return predictions of the target given features Xnew having the same scitype as X above.

Fitted parameters

The fields of fitted_params(mach) are:

  • model: the tree object, as returned by the core algorithm
  • var_grouping: the adopted grouping of the features encountered in training, in an order consistent with the output of printmodel. The MLJ interface can currently deal with scalar, temporal and spatial features, but has one limitation, and one tricky procedure for handling them at the same time. The limitation is for temporal and spatial features to be uniform in size across the instances (the algorithm will automatically throw away features that do not satisfy this constraint). As for the tricky procedure: before the learning phase, features are divided into groups (referred to as modalities) according to each variable's channel size, that is, the size of the vector or matrix. For example, if X is multimodal, and has three temporal features :x, :y, :z with 10, 10 and 20 points, respectively, plus three spatial features :R, :G, :B, with the same size 5 × 5 pixels, the algorithm assumes that :x and :y share a temporal axis, :R, :G, :B share two spatial axis, while :z does not share any axis with any other variable. As a result, the model will group features into three modalities: - {1} [:x, :y] - {2} [:z] - {3} [:R, :G, :B] and var_grouping will be [["x", "y"], ["z"], ["R", "G", "B"]].

"R", "G", "B"]


The fields of report(mach) are:

  • printmodel: method to print a pretty representation of the fitted model, with single argument the tree depth. The interpretation of the tree requires you to understand how the current MLJ interface of ModalDecisionTrees.jl handles features of different modals. See var_grouping above. Note that the split conditions (or decisions) in the tree are relativized to a specific modality, of which the number is shown.
  • var_grouping: the adopted grouping of the features encountered in training, in an order consistent with the output of printmodel. See var_grouping above.
  • feature_importance_by_count: a simple count of each of the occurrences of the features across the model, in an order consistent with var_grouping.
  • classes_seen: list of target classes actually observed in training.


using MLJ
using ModalDecisionTrees
using Random

tree = ModalDecisionTree(min_samples_leaf=4)

# Load an example dataset (a temporal one)
X, y = ModalDecisionTrees.load_japanesevowels()
N = length(y)

mach = machine(tree, X, y)

# Split dataset
p = randperm(N)
train_idxs, test_idxs = p[1:round(Int, N*.8)], p[round(Int, N*.8)+1:end]

# Fit
fit!(mach, rows=train_idxs)

# Perform predictions, compute accuracy
yhat = predict_mode(mach, X[test_idxs,:])
accuracy = MLJ.accuracy(yhat, y[test_idxs])

# Access raw model

"{1} ⟨G⟩ (max[coefficient1] <= 0.883491)                 3 : 91/512 (conf = 0.1777)
✔ {1} ⟨G⟩ (max[coefficient9] <= -0.157292)                      3 : 89/287 (conf = 0.3101)
│✔ {1} ⟨L̅⟩ (max[coefficient6] <= -0.504503)                     3 : 89/209 (conf = 0.4258)
││✔ {1} ⟨A⟩ (max[coefficient3] <= 0.220312)                     3 : 81/93 (conf = 0.8710)
││✘ {1} ⟨L̅⟩ (max[coefficient1] <= 0.493004)                     8 : 47/116 (conf = 0.4052)
│✘ {1} ⟨A⟩ (max[coefficient2] <= -0.285645)                     7 : 41/78 (conf = 0.5256)
│ ✔ {1} min[coefficient3] >= 0.002931                   4 : 34/36 (conf = 0.9444)
│ ✘ {1} ⟨G⟩ (min[coefficient5] >= 0.18312)                      7 : 39/42 (conf = 0.9286)
✘ {1} ⟨G⟩ (max[coefficient3] <= 0.006087)                       5 : 51/225 (conf = 0.2267)
 ✔ {1} ⟨D⟩ (max[coefficient2] <= -0.301233)                     5 : 51/102 (conf = 0.5000)
 │✔ {1} ⟨D̅⟩ (max[coefficient3] <= -0.123654)                    5 : 51/65 (conf = 0.7846)
 │✘ {1} ⟨G⟩ (max[coefficient9] <= -0.146962)                    7 : 16/37 (conf = 0.4324)
 ✘ {1} ⟨G⟩ (max[coefficient9] <= -0.424346)                     1 : 47/123 (conf = 0.3821)
  ✔ {1} min[coefficient1] >= 1.181048                   6 : 39/40 (conf = 0.9750)
  ✘ {1} ⟨G⟩ (min[coefficient4] >= -0.472485)                    1 : 47/83 (conf = 0.5663)

A model type for constructing a modal random forest, based on unknown.jl, and implementing the MLJ model interface.

From MLJ, the type can be imported using

ModalRandomForest = @load ModalRandomForest pkg=unknown

Do model = ModalRandomForest() to construct an instance with default hyper-parameters. Provide keyword arguments to override hyper-parameter defaults, as in ModalRandomForest(sampling_fraction=...). ModalRandomForest implements the standard Random Forest algorithm, originally published in Breiman, L. (2001): "Random Forests.", Machine Learning, vol. 45, pp. 5–32, based on Modal C4.5. This classification and regression algorithm, originally presented in Manzella et al. (2021). "Interval Temporal Random Forests with an Application to COVID-19 Diagnosis". 10.4230/LIPIcs.TIME.2021.7, is an extension of the CART and C4.5 decision tree learning algorithms that leverages the expressive power of modal logics of time and space to perform temporal/spatial reasoning on non-scalar data, such as time-series and images.

The symbolic, probabilistic model is able to extract logical descriptions of the data in terms of logical formulas (see SoleLogics.jl) on atoms that are scalar conditions on the variables (or features); for example, min[V2] ≥ 10, that is, "the minimum of variable 2 is not less than 10". As such, the model is suitable for tasks that involve non-scalar data, but require some level of interpretable and transparent modeling. At the moment, the only loss functions available are Shannon's entropy (classification) and variance (regression).

Training data

In MLJ or MLJBase, bind an instance model to data with mach = machine(model, X, y) where

  • X: any table of input features (e.g., a DataFrame) whose columns each have one of the following element scitypes: Continuous, Count, OrderedFactor, or any 0-, 1-, 2-dimensional array with elements of these scitypes; check column scitypes with schema(X)
  • y: is the target, which can be any AbstractVector whose element scitype is Multiclass, Continuous, Finite, or Textual; check the scitype with scitype(y)

Train the machine with fit!(mach).


  • n_trees=10: number of trees to train

  • sampling_fraction=0.7 fraction of samples to train each tree on

  • max_depth=-1: Maximum depth of the decision tree (-1=any)

  • min_samples_leaf=1: Minimum number of samples required at each leaf

  • min_purity_increase=-Inf: Minimum value for the loss function needed for a split

  • max_purity_at_leaf=Inf: Minimum value for the loss function needed for a split

  • max_modal_depth=-1: Maximum modal depth of the decision tree (-1=any). When this depth is reached, only propositional decisions are taken.

  • n_subfeatures: Number of features to select at random at each node (0 for all),

or a Function that outputs this number, given a number of available features. Defaulted to ceil(Int, sqrt(x)).

  • feature=[minimum, maximum] Feature functions to be used by the tree to mine scalar conditions (e.g., minimum[V2] ≥ 10)

  • featvaltype=Float64 Output type for feature functions, when it cannot be inferred (e.g., with custom feature functions provided).

  • relations=nothing Relations that the model uses to look for patterns; it can be a symbol in [:IA, :IA3, :IA7, :RCC5, :RCC8], where :IA stands for Allen's Interval Algebra (13 relations in 1D, 169 relations in 2D), :IA3 and :IA7 are coarser fragments with 3 and 7 relations, respectively, :RCC5 and :RCC8 are Region Connection Calculus algebras with 5 and 8 topological operators, respectively. Relations from :IA, :IA3, :IA7, capture directional aspects of the relative arrangement of two intervals in time (or rectangles in a 2D space), while relations from :RCC5 and :RCC8 only capture topological aspects and are therefore rotation and flip-invariant. This hyper-parameter defaults to either no relation (adimensional data), IA7 interval relations (1- and 2-dimensional data)..

  • initconditions=nothing initial conditions for evaluating modal decisions at the root; it can be a symbol in [:startwithglobal, :startatcenter]. :startwithglobal forces the first decision to be a global decision (e.g., ⟨G⟩ (minimum[V2] ≥ 10), which translates to "there exists a region where the minimum of variable 2 is higher than 10"). :startatcenter forces the first decision to be evaluated on the smallest central world, that is, the central value of a time-series, or the central pixel of an image. This hyper-parameter defaults to :startwithglobal.

  • downsize=true Whether to perform automatic downsizing, by means of moving average. In fact, this algorithm has high complexity (both time and space), and can only handle small time-series (< 100 points) & small images (< 10 x 10 pixels). When set to true, automatic downsizing is performed; when it is an NTuple of Integers, a downsizing of dimensional data to match that size is performed.

  • print_progress=false: set to true for a progress bar

  • post_prune=false: set to true for post-fit pruning

  • merge_purity_threshold=1.0: (post-pruning) merge leaves having combined purity >= merge_purity_threshold

  • display_depth=5: max depth to show when displaying the tree(s)

  • rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG: random number generator or seed

  • n_subrelations=identity Number of relations to randomly select at any point of the tree. Must be a function of the number of the available relations. It defaults to identity, that is, consider all available relations.
  • n_subfeatures=x -> ceil(Int64, sqrt(x)) Number of functions to randomly select at any point of the tree. Must be a function of the number of the available functions. It defaults to x -> ceil(Int64, sqrt(x)), that is, consider only about square root of the available functions.
  • ntrees=50 Number of trees in the forest.
  • sampling_fraction=0.7 Fraction of samples to train each tree on.
  • rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG Random number generator or seed.


  • predict(mach, Xnew): return predictions of the target given features Xnew having the same scitype as X above. Predictions are probabilistic, but uncalibrated.
  • predict_mode(mach, Xnew): instead return the mode of each prediction above.

Fitted parameters

The fields of fitted_params(mach) are:

  • model: the forest object, as returned by the core algorithm
  • var_grouping: the adopted grouping of the features encountered in training, in an order consistent with the output of printmodel. The MLJ interface can currently deal with scalar, temporal and spatial features, but has one limitation, and one tricky procedure for handling them at the same time. The limitation is for temporal and spatial features to be uniform in size across the instances (the algorithm will automatically throw away features that do not satisfy this constraint). As for the tricky procedure: before the learning phase, features are divided into groups (referred to as modalities) according to each variable's channel size, that is, the size of the vector or matrix. For example, if X is multimodal, and has three temporal features :x, :y, :z with 10, 10 and 20 points, respectively, plus three spatial features :R, :G, :B, with the same size 5 × 5 pixels, the algorithm assumes that :x and :y share a temporal axis, :R, :G, :B share two spatial axis, while :z does not share any axis with any other variable. As a result, the model will group features into three modalities: - {1} [:x, :y] - {2} [:z] - {3} [:R, :G, :B] and var_grouping will be [["x", "y"], ["z"], ["R", "G", "B"]].


The fields of report(mach) are:

  • printmodel: method to print a pretty representation of the fitted model, with single argument the depth of the trees. The interpretation of the tree requires you to understand how the current MLJ interface of ModalDecisionTrees.jl handles features of different modals. See var_grouping above. Note that the split conditions (or decisions) in the tree are relativized to a specific frame, of which the number is shown.
  • var_grouping: the adopted grouping of the features encountered in training, in an order consistent with the output of printmodel. See var_grouping above.
  • feature_importance_by_count: a simple count of each of the occurrences of the features across the model, in an order consistent with var_grouping.
  • classes_seen: list of target classes actually observed in training.


using MLJ
using ModalDecisionTrees
using Random

forest = ModalRandomForest(ntrees = 50)

# Load an example dataset (a temporal one)
X, y = ModalDecisionTrees.load_japanesevowels()
N = length(y)

mach = machine(forest, X, y)

# Split dataset
p = randperm(N)
train_idxs, test_idxs = p[1:round(Int, N*.8)], p[round(Int, N*.8)+1:end]

# Fit
fit!(mach, rows=train_idxs)

# Perform predictions, compute accuracy
Xnew = X[test_idxs,:]
ynew = predict_mode(mach, Xnew) # point predictions
accuracy = MLJ.accuracy(ynew, y[test_idxs])
yhat = predict_mode(mach, Xnew) # probabilistic predictions
pdf.(yhat, "1")    # probabilities for one of the classes ("1")

# Access raw model
report(mach).printmodel(3) # Note that the output here can be quite large.