
The aim of this package is to provide a simple and comfortable interface for managing multimodal data. It is built on top of DataFrames.jl with Machine learning applications in mind.


Currently this packages is still not registered so you need to run the following commands in a Julia REPL to install it:

import Pkg

To install the developement version, run:

import Pkg


To instantiate a multimodal dataset, use the MultiDataset constructor by providing: a) a DataFrame containing all variables from different modalities, and b) a Vector{Vector{Union{Symbol,String,Int64}}} object representing a grouping of some of the variables (identified by column index or name) into different modalities.

julia> using MultiData

julia> ts_cos = [cos(i) for i in 1:50000];

julia> ts_sin = [sin(i) for i in 1:50000];

julia> df_data = DataFrame(
                  :id => [1, 2],
                  :age => [30, 9],
                  :name => ["Python", "Julia"],
                  :stat => [deepcopy(ts_sin), deepcopy(ts_cos)]
2×4 DataFrame
 Row │ id     age    name    stat                              
     │ Int64  Int64  String  Array…                            
   1 │     1     30  Python  [0.841471, 0.909297, 0.14112, -0…
   2 │     2      9  Julia   [0.540302, -0.416147, -0.989992,…

julia> grouped_variables = [[2,3], [4]]; # group 2nd and 3rd variables in the first modality
                                         # the 4th variable in the second modality and
                                         # leave the first variable as a "spare variable"

julia> md = MultiDataset(df_data, grouped_variables)
● MultiDataset
  └─ dimensionalities: (0, 1)
- Modality 1 / 2
  └─ dimensionality: 0
2×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ age    name   
     │ Int64  String
   1 │    30  Python
   2 │     9  Julia
- Modality 2 / 2
  └─ dimensionality: 1
2×1 SubDataFrame
 Row │ stat                              
     │ Array…                            
   1 │ [0.841471, 0.909297, 0.14112, -0…
   2 │ [0.540302, -0.416147, -0.989992,…
- Spare variables
  └─ dimensionality: 0
2×1 SubDataFrame
 Row │ id    
     │ Int64
   1 │     1
   2 │     2

Now md holds a MultiDataset and all of its modalities can be conveniently iterated as elements of a Vector:

julia> for (i, f) in enumerate(md)
           println("Modality: ", i)
Modality: 1
2×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ age    name   
     │ Int64  String
   1 │    30  Python
   2 │     9  Julia

Modality: 2
2×1 SubDataFrame
 Row │ stat                              
     │ Array…                            
   1 │ [0.841471, 0.909297, 0.14112, -0…
   2 │ [0.540302, -0.416147, -0.989992,…

Note that each element of a MultiDataset is a SubDataFrame:

julia> eltype(md)
Spare variables

Spare variables will never be seen when accessing a MultiDataset through its iterator interface. To access them see sparevariables.