

Shape types and functions.

iscongruent(p1::Shape, p2::Shape)::Bool
≅(p1::Shape, p2::Shape)::Bool

True if shapes are the same but in different positions (origins), standard mathematical definition.


Returns Tuple of Dim Functions which define outer boundary of shape when given boundary coordinate t∈[0,1]

Sphere([origin=zeros(),] radius)

A Shape where boundary is a fixed distance from the origin. In 2D this is a circle, in 3D the usual sphere, and in higher dimensions if difficult to visualise.

Box([origin::AbstractVector{T}=zeros(),] dimensions::AbstractVector{T})

A Box for 2D and 3D with axis aligned sides, defined by dimensions and origin (at the center).


A shape where anything inside could cause a disturbance at the listener position from a point source wavefront starting at the listener. Also everything inside has a positive x coordinate. It is equivalent to a segment of a circle.

More precisely, if the listener is at (lx,ly) then the interior of the shape is defined as sqrt((x-lx)^2+(y-ly)^2)<time and x>0


A shape where anything inside could cause a disturbance at the listener position from a planar wavefront parallel to the y axis starting at the listener. Also everything inside has a positive x coordinate.

More precisely, if the listener is at (lx,ly) then the interior of the shape is defined as x-lx+sqrt((x-lx)^2+(y-l_y)^2)<time and x>0

Physical property

Physical properties types and functions.


An abstract type used to represent the physical medium, the dimension of the field, and the number of spatial dimensions.


Extract the dimension of the field of this physical property

Extract the dimension of the field of this type of physical property


Extract the dimension of the space that this physical property lives in

Extract the dimension of the space that this type of physical property lives in


A tuples of vectors of the field close to the boundary of the shape. The field is calculated from sim::FrequencySimulation, but the PhysicalMedium inside and outside of the shape are assumed to be given by insidemedium and outsidemedium.


Particle types and functions.

Particle(medium::PhysicalMedium, shape::Shape)

Create particle with inner medium and shape (types and dimension must agree).

iscongruent(p1::AbstractParticle, p2::AbstractParticle)::Bool
≅(p1::AbstractParticle, p2::AbstractParticle)::Bool

Returns true if medium and shape of particles are the same, ignoring origin, false otherwise.


Source types and functions.

PlaneSource(medium::P, amplitude::SVector, direction::SVector)

Is a struct type which describes a plane-wave source that drives/forces the whole system. It has three fields: a physical medium, an amplitude of the source, and the direction the propagate in direction.

For any given angular frequency ω, the PlaneSource has the value $e^{i ω/c \mathbf v \cdot \mathbf x }$ at the point $\mathbf x$, where $c$ is the medium wavespeed and $\mathbf v$ is the direction.

Source(medium::P, field::Function, coef::Function)

Is a struct type which describes the source field that drives/forces the whole system. It is also described as an incident wave. It has three fields Source.medium, Source.field, and Source.coef.

The source field at the position 'x' and angular frequency 'ω' is given by

x = [1.0,0.0]
ω = 1.0

The field Source.coef regularbasisfunction(medium::Acoustic{T,2}, ω::T)

source_expand(Source, centre; basis_order = 4)

Returns a function of (x,ω) which approximates the value of the source at (x,ω). That is, the source is written in terms of a regular basis expansion centred at centre.


Impulse types and functions.


See also: DiscreteImpulse, frequency_to_time


A struct used to represent an analytic impulse function. Has two fields: in_time a function of time t, and in_freq a function of the angular frequency ω. in_freq should be the Fourier transform of in_time, though this is not enforced.

We use the Fourier transform convention: F(ω) = ∫ f(t)exp(imωt) dt, f(t) = (2π)^(-1) * ∫ F(ω)exp(-imωt) dω.

An impluse f(t) is convoluted in time with the field u(t), however we avoid the convolution by working with the fourier transform F(ω) of the impulse f(t), which results in

frequency to time: (2π)^(-1) * ∫ F(ω)U(ω)exp(-imωt) dω


Dirac Delta function of unit area in the frequency domain centred at ω=ω0.

Warning: in frequency space this is a singuarity and so may lead to unexpected behaviour.


Dirac Delta function of unit area in the time domain centred at t=t0.

Warning: in the time domain this is a singuarity and so may lead to unexpected behaviour.


Convert a FrequencySimulationResult into a TimeSimulationResult by using the inverse fourier transform. Assumes only positive frequencies and a real time signal


See also: DiscreteImpulse, ContinuousImpulse

Calculates the time response from the frequency response by approximating an inverse Fourier transform. The time signal is assumed to be real and the frequenices ω_vec are assumed to be positive (can include zero) and sorted. The result is convoluted in time ωith the user specified impulse.

We use the Fourier transform convention: F(ω) = ∫ f(t)exp(imωt) dt f(t) = (2π)^(-1) * ∫ F(ω)exp(-imωt) dt

To easily sample any time, the default is not FFT, but a discrete version of the transform above.


Convert a TimeSimulationResult into a FrequencySimulationResult by using the fourier transform. Assumes only positive frequencies and a real time signal


The inverse of the function frequencytotime (only an exact inverse when using :dft integration). We use the Fourier transform convention: F(ω) = ∫ f(t)exp(imω*t) dt


returns an array of time from the frequency array ωvec. Uses the same convention for sampling the time as the discrete Fourier transfrom. Assumes ωvec is ordered and non-negative.


Simulation types and functions.

run(sim::FrequencySimulation, x, ω; basis_order=5)

Run the simulation sim for the position x and angular frequency ω.

Position can be an SVector or Vector{SVector} and frequency can be a float or vector of floats.

run(sim::FrequencySimulation, region::Shape;
    res=20, xres=res, yres=res, basis_order=5)

Run the simulation sim for a grid of positions in region and for angular frequency ω.

Frequency can be a float or vector of floats. The resolution of the grid points is defined by xres and yres.

basis_coefficients(sim::FrequencySimulation, ω::AbstractFloat; basis_order::Int=5)::Matrix{Complex}

Return coefficients for bases around each particle for a given simulation and angular frequency (ω).

field(result::SimulationResult, [i::Integer, j::Integer])

Get field from result, optionally specifying indices.

Returns single value of/matrix of complex SVectors() if vector field, and complex float if scalar field.

t_matrix(particle, medium, ω, order)

Returns a finite T-matrix, with size depending on order, for a specific particle within a medium with specific physical properties.

t_matrix(Particle{T,2,Acoustic{T,2},Sphere{T,2}}, Acoustic{T,2}, ω, order)

The T-matrix for a 2D circlular acoustic particle in a 2D acoustic medium.

t_matrix(CapsuleParticle{T,2,Acoustic{T,2},Sphere{T,2}}, Acoustic{T,2}, ω, order)

The T-matrix for a 2D circlular capsule particle in an acoustic medium.

t_matrix(Particle{T,3,Acoustic{T,3},Sphere{T,3}}, Acoustic{T,3}, ω, order)

The T-matrix for a 3D spherical acoustic particle in a 3D acoustic medium.

get_t_matrices(PhysicalMedium, Vector{Particles}, ω, basis_order::Integer)

Returns vector of T-matrices from a vector of particles in a specific domain. Can save computation if multiple of the same kind of particle are present in the vector.