Mustache.load(filepath, args...)

Load file specified through filepath and return the compiled tokens. Tokens are memoized for efficiency,

Additional arguments are passed to Mustache.parse (for adjusting the tags).

render([io], tokens, view)
render([io], tokens; kwargs...)
(tokens::MustacheTokens)([io]; kwargs...)

Render a set of tokens with a view, using optional io object to print or store.


  • io::IO: Optional IO object.

  • tokens: Either Mustache tokens, or a string to parse into tokens

  • view: A view provides a context to look up unresolved symbols demarcated by mustache braces. A view may be specified by a dictionary, a module, a composite type, a vector, a named tuple, a data frame, a Tables object, or keyword arguments.

render_from_file(filepath, view)
render_from_file(filepath; kwargs...)

Renders a template from filepath and view.