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The NavAbility SDK for Julia.


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Using the SDK

A Note About Supported Functionality

The CloudDFG driver is an implementation of a DistributedFactorGraphs.jl driver and supports all the functionality. However, because of the asynchronous nature of the calls, the majority of add* calls (e.g. addVariable! addFactor!) return task ID's, which need to be polled if synchronous operation is required.

The intended nature of this driver is to allow users to import local graphs into the cloud for rapid asynchronous solving and querying, so priority is given to functions like copyGraph! and ls. Please reach out if you are looking for specific functionality that does not exist yet.

Lastly, specialized functions are also being added to allow large graphs to be efficiently imported. More to follow on this.


Establishing a connection simply requires that you generate a client, which will direct your browser to log you into NavAbility:

cfg = CloudDFG(solverParams=SolverParams(graphinit=false))

If you already have a token and want to do a non-interactive login, you can pass the token directly in:

cfg = CloudDFG(token=token, solverParams=SolverParams(graphinit=false))

Note: graphinit=false is required in the solver parameters to stop IncrementalInference from attempting to initialize the nodes locally. They are initialized and solved automatically in the cloud.

Importing NavAbilitySDK.jl

NavAbilitySDK is intended to be used in conjunction with DistributedFactorGraphs.jl, IncrementalInference.jl, and possibly RoME.jl, so the following packages should be imported:

using DistributedFactorGraphs, IncrementalInference, RoME
using NavAbilitySDK

Building Graphs

Graphs can be build directly using IncrementalInference.jl's addVariable! and addFactor!:

# Add a factor
taskId = addVariable!(cfg, :x0, Pose2)
# Wait for it to exist
while !(:x0 in ls(cfg)) sleep(1); end
# Add a prior
taskId = addFactor!(cfg, [:x0], PriorPose2( MvNormal([10; 10; pi/6.0], Matrix(Diagonal([0.1;0.1;0.05].^2))) ) )

The recommended approach, however, is to instantiate a local graph and then upload the local data using copyData!:

hex = generateCanonicalFG_Hexagonal()
copyGraph!(cfg, hex, ls(hex), lsf(hex))

Lastly, a more surgical method is to simply upload the local elements directly from a graph whenever is suitable:

# Create a local graph
lfg = initfg() # LightDFG
v0 = addVariable!(lfg, :x0, Pose2)
v1 = addVariable!(lfg, :x1, Pose2)
## Prior factor
x0f1 = addFactor!(lfg, [:x0], PriorPose2( MvNormal([10; 10; pi/6.0], Matrix(Diagonal([0.1;0.1;0.05].^2))) ) ) 
## Pose2Pose2 factors
pp = Pose2Pose2(MvNormal([10.0;0;pi/3], Matrix(Diagonal([0.1;0.1;0.1].^2))))
x0x1f1 = addFactor!(lfg, [:x0; :x1], pp)

# Upload these nodes to a CloudDFG instance `cfg`
result = addVariable!(cfg, v0)
result = addVariable!(cfg, v1)
result = addFactor!(cfg, x0f1)
result = addFactor!(cfg, x0x1f1)

Note: At the moment the RoME.jl graph generators cannot be used directly (e.g. hex = generateCanonicalFG_Hexagonal(;fg=CloudDFG(solverParams=SolverParams()))) because they expect synchronous behavior. We'll look at supporting these in the future, however locally building graphs and pushing them in bulk into the cloud is more efficient so supporting this is deprioritized for the moment.

Checking for Task Completion

Until we implement the event and subscription API, you will need to poll data to confirm that it's been imported. Here are a few simple patterns to do this.

To check the data copy from dfg to cfg has completed:

  while !(setdiff(ls(dfg), ls(cfg)) == []) 
    @info "Waiting for variables: $(setdiff(ls(dfg), ls(cfg)))"
  while !(setdiff(lsf(dfg), lsf(cfg)) == []) 
    @info "Waiting for factors: $(setdiff(lsf(dfg), lsf(cfg)))"

To check whether a graph has solved at least once on the :default key:

  while !all([haskey(getVariable(cfg, v).ppeDict, :default) for v in ls(cfg)]) 
    @info "Waiting for it to solve"; 

Querying Data

Data can be queried as though the data is local using getVariable/getVariables and getFactor/getFactors:

x0 = getVariable(cfg, :x0)
x0f1 = getVariable(cfg, :x0f1)

The standard ls and lsf functions (with optional regular expressions) are supported to allow for searching the graph:

variableIds = ls(cfg)
factorIds = lsf(cfg)
poseIds = listVariables(cfg, r"x\d")
poseFactorIds = listFactors(cfg, r"x0.*")

Requesting Solves

Solving is done automatically, however you can always request additional solves that will be run asynchronously.

# Request a resolve
taskId = solveSession!(cfg)

Federates solves are not run automatically and should be run by creating a ScopeInput and passing it to solveFederated!. ScopeInput is a combination of all environment IDs, user IDs, robot IDs, and session ID of all the data that is part of the federated graph.

Note: This structure will change soon and will be announced in a release.

# Create and request a federated solve
cfg2 = deepcopy(cfg);
cfg2.sessionId *= "_session2"
copyGraph!(cfg2, dfg, ls(dfg), lsf(dfg))
scopeInput = ScopeInput([], [cfg.userId], [cfg.robotId], [cfg.sessionId, cfg2.sessionId])
taskId = solveFederated!(cfg, scopeInput)

Feedback or Requests

Please feel free to create an issue if you would like specific functionality or have any questions. Alternatively you can reach out directly via email at info@navability.io.

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