NeuroAnalysis - Neural Signal Analysis

API Reference


Generates linearly interpolated colors between key colors inclusively.

return an Array of colors.


2D cas function defined as $cas(x+y) = cos(x+y) + sin(x+y)$

  • kx: Frequency in cycle/unit_x
  • ky: Frequency in cycle/unit_y
  • phase: Phase of a cycle in [0, 1] scale
  • isnorm: scale cas in [-√2, √2] to [-1, 1]

cas function defined as $cas(x) = cos(x) + sin(x)$

  • f: Frequency in cycle/unit_x
  • phase: Phase of a cycle in [0, 1] scale
  • isnorm: scale cas in [-√2, √2] to [-1, 1]

cas phase to sin phase, phase is in [0, 1] scale


$cas(x) = √2 sin(x + π/4)$


Properties of Circular Tuning

- Prefered Angle with Peak Response
- Selectivity Index
    - version 1: (ResponsePeak - ResponseOpposing)/ResponsePeak
    - version 2: (ResponsePeak - ResponseOpposing)/(ResponsePeak + ResponseOpposing)
- Half Width at Half Peak-to-Trough
  1. x: angles in radius
  2. y: responses
  • od: opposing angle distance to prefered angle, e.g. π for DSI, 0.5π for OSI
  • fn: factor name

Complex sum of angles and corresponding image responses

  1. image responses [height, width, n]
  2. angles in radius [n]
  • centerfun: function to get center for sdfactor (median)
  • presdfactor: center +- sdfactor * sd, for clamping before filtering
  • filter: filter kernel
  • sufsdfactor: center +- sdfactor * sd, for clamping after filtering
  • responsesign: increasing/decreasing(+/-) response

return complex map, angle map, and magnitude map


Mean image responses of each conditions

  1. rs: responses of each epoch [height, width, nepoch]
  2. ci: epoch indices of repeats for each condition

In Condition Tests, find each unique condition, number of repeats and its indices


Group repeats of Conditions, get Mean and SEM of responses

  1. rs: responses of each trial
  2. ci: trial indices of repeats for each condition

Normalized(coincidence/spike), condition/trial-averaged Cross-Correlogram of binary spike trains.

  • Correction: shuffle=true

    (Bair, W., Zohary, E., and Newsome, W.T. (2001). Correlated Firing in Macaque Visual Area MT: Time Scales and Relationship to Behavior. J. Neurosci. 21, 1676–1697.)




1D Current Source Density for voltage traces from a equidistant linear array of electrodes.

  1. data: ch x sample or ch x sample x epoch(volts)

  2. method:

  • CSD: finite difference approximation of second spatial derivatives of potentials, C = - ∇⋅σ∇ϕ, σ is conductivity tensor, ϕ is potential. (Nicholson & Freeman, 1975, J Neurophysiol, 38(2): 356-68)

  • iCSD: solve C -> ϕ forward model, then get Ĉ by the inverse transformation matrix, here C is modeled by δ-source, i.e. infinitely thin current source disc of radius r. (Petterson et al., 2006, J Neurosci Methods, 154(1-2):116-33)

  • kCSD: kernal CSD ()

  • h: channel spacing(micrometer)

  • c: conductivity of extracellular medium(siemans/meter)

  • r: radius(micrometer) of δ-source

  • return: CSD(amps/meter^3)


Discrete Fourier Transform at frequencies

\[DFT[k] = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n] e^{\frac{-2\Pi ink}{N}}, k = 0:N-1, N = length(x), fₛ sampling x, fₖ = fₛ/N sampling DTFT\]

  1. signal
  2. simpling frequency of signal
  3. at which frequencies DFT are directly evaluated

Direction tuning significance using dot product with empirical orientation preference This function calculates the probability that the "true" direction tuning vector of a neuron has non-zero length. It performs this by empirically determing the unit orientation vector, and then computing the dot product of the direction vector for each trial onto the overall orientation vector, and then looking to see if the average is non-zero.

Inputs: ANGLES is a vector of direction angles at which the response has been measured. RATES is the response of the neuron in to each angle; each row should contain responses from a different trial. Output: P the probability that the "true" direction tuning vector is non-zero.

See: Mazurek, Kagan, Van Hooser 2014; Frontiers in Neural Circuits


Drop array dims according to MATLAB convention.

  • scalar: scalar instead of 1x1 array
  • rvector: vector instead of 1xN array
  • cvector: vector instead of Nx1 array

Epochs of Neuropixels data stream (Channels x Samples), optionally gain corrected(voltage), line noise(60,120,180Hz) removed, bandpass filtered and common average referenced


Epoch of a Spike Train x, where min <= x[i] < max.

kwargs isminzero, ismaxzero and shift set epoch zero value to min+shift or max+shift.


  • y: epoch of the Spike Train
  • n: number of elements in the epoch, or divided by duration(max-min) of the epoch, based on kwargs israte
  • w: epoch window(min,max)
  • i: indices of epoch elements in the original Spike Train, such that y = x[i]

See also: epochspiketrains, epochspiketrainresponse


Response of each epoch of a Spike Train, could be mean firing rate or number of spikes based on kwarg israte.


This is a faster(~500x) version compared to epochspiketrainresponse, but only works when x, mins and maxs are ascendingly ordered, and each maxs-mins range are none-overlapping.


Estimate the F1 Ori and SpatialFreq of an image from its 2D powerspectrum.

  1. x: 2D powerspectrum
  2. freqd1: frequencies of dim 1
  3. freqd2: frequencies of dim 2


  • ori: Orientation in radius[0,π], 0 is -, increase counter-clock wise
  • sf: SpatialFreq along the line perpendicular to ori

Tuning properties of factor response

  1. fl: factor levels

  2. fr: factor responses for each level

    Angle, Orientation and Direction follow the same convention such that 0 is -/→, then increase counter-clock wise.

    For cases where Orientation and Direction are interlocked(drifting grating): - when Orientation is -(0), then Direction is ↑(90) - when Direction is →(0), then Orientation is |(-90)


fill data in the shape of mask, where masked channels are replaced with local average


Find levels for each factor and indices, repetition for each level


Convert raw Neuropixels data to gain-corrected voltages. The saved-channel id subset in data will be used to get corresponding gain.

The full conversion with gain is:

$dataVolts = dataInt * fi2v / gain$

Note that each channel may have its own gain.

  1. y: the saved data stream, excluding the last Sync channel.
  2. meta: corresponding meta for y

Goodness of Fit Metrics:

  • r: Pearson Correlation Coefficient
  • mae: Mean Absolute Error
  • rmse: Root Mean Squared Error
  • rae: Relative Absolute Error
  • rse: Relative Squared Error
  • r2: R Squared
  • adjr2: Adjusted-R²
  • s: Residual Standard Error
  • aic: Akaike Information Criterion
  • bic: Bayesian Information Criterion
  1. y: responses
  2. ŷ: model predictions
  • n: sample size
  • e: errors(y - ŷ)
  • k: number of predictors
  • df: degree of freedom(n - k - 1)

Generate Grating Image, match the implementation in Experica grating shader.

  • θ: Orientation (radius), 0 is -, increase counter-clock wise
  • sf: SpatialFreq (cycle/deg)
  • tf: TemporalFreq (cycle/sec)
  • t: Time (second)
  • phase: Phase of a cycle in [0, 1] scale
  • size: Tuple of image size in degree
  • ppd: pixel per degree
  • isnorm: return image in [0, 1] or [-1, 1]

2D sin grating function

  • μ₁: x offset
  • μ₂: y offset
  • θ: Orientation in radius, 0 is -, increase counter-clock wise
  • f: Frequency in cycle/unit_x/y
  • phase: Phase of a cycle in [0, 1] scale

sin grating function

  • μ: x offset
  • f: Frequency in cycle/unit_x
  • phase: Phase of a cycle in [0, 1] scale

Generalized von Mises function [1]

\[f(α) = βe^{κ₁(cos(α - μ₁) - 1) + κ₂(cos2(α - μ₂) - 1)}\]


Gatto, R., and Jammalamadaka, S.R. (2007). The generalized von Mises distribution. Statistical Methodology 4, 341–353.


left and right half width of v relative to y[start], -Inf/Inf when no v is found.

  • start: index of y which is the center of the width
  • v: value on which width is cutoff
  • circ: whether y is defined on circular domain and width can wrap around
  • x: domain of y, return width when x provided, otherwise return cutoff indices

Generate gratings in Hartley space (PL)

  • kx, ky: wavenumber along x, y axis
  • bw: black and white (phase) flip
  • stisize: stimulus size in visual angle (degree); note that sz[1]=sz[2]

if norm=true,Return image in [0,1], otherwise return image in [-1,1]


Generate Hartley Subspace, where k is frequency in cycle/unit_x/y. [1]

  • kbegin: k >= kbegin
  • kend: k <= kend
  • dk: Δk, step on k axis
  • phase: phase in [0, 1] scale, default 0.
  • shape: :square or :circle shape subspace
  • addhalfcycle: add half cycle shifted hartleys
  • blank: the element of hartley as blank, default uniform gray.
  • nblank: number of blanks to add


Ringach, D.L., Sapiro, G., and Shapley, R. (1997). A subspace reverse-correlation technique for the study of visual neurons. Vision Research 37, 2455–2464.


Hotelling's T-Squared test for one multivariate sample.

Performs Hotelling's T^2 test on multivariate samples X to determine if the data have mean MU. X should be a NxP matrix with N observations of P-dimensional data, and the mean MU to be tested should be 1xP. the significance level α is 0.05 by default.

H is 1 if the null hypothesis (that the mean of X is equal to MU) can be rejected at significance level α. P is the actual P value.

The code is based on HotellingT2.m by A. Trujillo-Ortiz and R. Hernandez-Walls.


Check if any group in response is significently different from at least one other group in response


Check if any sub group of response is significently different from baseline by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test


Check if std of a spatial-temporal kernal within response time window significently higher than that of the baseline time window


Normalize values of an array to be between -1 and 1

original sign of the array values is maintained.


Read variables of a MATLAB MAT file into a Dictionary

  1. f: MAT file path
  2. vars: variable names in the varset to read
  • varset: variable names to select in vars
  • scalar: scalar instead of 1x1 matrix
  • rvector: vector instead of 1xN matrix
  • cvector: vector instead of Nx1 matrix

Map time between ref and target, according to the timing diff between target and ref of the same sync signal


This function calculates the ROC curve, which represents the 1-specificity and sensitivity of two classes of data, (i.e., class1 and class2).

The function also returns all the needed quantitative parameters: threshold position, distance to the optimum point, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, area under curve (AROC), positive and negative predicted values (PPV, NPV), false negative and positive rates (FNR, FPR), false discovery rate (FDR), false omission rate (FOR), F1 score, Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), Informedness (BM) and Markedness; as well as the number of true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), and false negatives (FN).

Rewrite from Víctor Martínez-Cagigal (2020). ROC Curve, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved February 11, 2020.


Properties of Spatial Frequency Tuning

- Prefered Spatial Frequency with Peak Response
- Half Width at Half Peak-to-Trough
- Freq Passing Type {A:All Pass, H:High Pass, L:Low Pass, B:Band Pass}
- Bandwidth ``log2(H_cut/L_cut)``
- Passwidth at Half Peak-to-Trough constrained by low freq lim and high freq lim
  1. x: sf in cycle/degree
  2. y: responses

sin phase to cas phase, phase is in [0, 1] scale


$cas(x) = √2 sin(x + π/4)$


Spike Triggered Average of Images

  1. x: Matrix where each row is one image
  2. y: Vector of image response
  • norm: normalization factor, default no normalization. it could be $sum(y)$ if y is number of spike or spike rate, then STA would be spiking probability.
  • whiten: whiten factor, default no whiten. it could be $(xᵀx)⁻¹$ or inverse of covariance matrix, that decorrelate STA.

von Mises function [1]

\[f(α) = βe^{κ(cos(n(α - μ)) - 1)}\]


Swindale, N.V. (1998). Orientation tuning curves: empirical description and estimation of parameters. Biol Cybern 78, 45–56.

  • β: amplitude at μ
  • μ: angle of peak
  • κ: width parameter
  • n: frequency parameter

Generates linearly interpolated ColorGradient between key colors.
