
This is a wrapper package for importing solvers from Sundials into the SciML interface. Note that these solvers do not come by default, and thus one needs to install the package before using these solvers:

using Pkg
using Sundials

These methods can be used independently of the rest of NonlinearSolve.jl.

Solver API


KINSOL: Newton-Krylov technique solver

    linear_solver = :Dense,
    jac_upper = 0,
    jac_lower = 0,
    userdata = nothing,
    prec_side = 0,
    krylov_dim = 0,
    globalization_strategy = :None

The choices for the linear solver are:

  • :Dense: A dense linear solver
  • :Band: A solver specialized for banded Jacobians. If used, you must set the position of the upper and lower non-zero diagonals via jac_upper and jac_lower.
  • :LapackDense: A version of the dense linear solver that uses the Julia-provided OpenBLAS-linked LAPACK for multithreaded operations. This will be faster than :Dense on larger systems but has noticeable overhead on smaller (<100 ODE) systems.
  • :LapackBand: A version of the banded linear solver that uses the Julia-provided OpenBLAS-linked LAPACK for multithreaded operations. This will be faster than :Band on larger systems but has noticeable overhead on smaller (<100 ODE) systems.
  • :GMRES: A GMRES method. Recommended first choice Krylov method.
  • :BCG: A biconjugate gradient method
  • :PCG: A preconditioned conjugate gradient method. Only for symmetric linear systems.
  • :TFQMR: A TFQMR method.
  • :KLU: A sparse factorization method. Requires that the user specify a Jacobian. The Jacobian must be set as a sparse matrix in the ODEProblem type.

The choices for globalization strategy are:

  • :None: No globalization strategy
  • :LineSearch: A line search globalization strategy