(Semi-)Automatic Sparsity Detection

This section describes how to enable Sparsity Detection. For a detailed tutorial on how to use this in an actual problem, see this tutorial on Efficiently Solving Large Sparse Ill-Conditioned Nonlinear Systems.

Notation wise we are trying to solve for x such that nlfunc(x) = 0.

Case I: Sparse Jacobian Prototype is Provided

Let's say you have a Sparse Jacobian Prototype jac_prototype, in this case you can create your problem as follows:

prob = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(nlfunc; sparsity = jac_prototype), x0)
# OR
prob = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(nlfunc; jac_prototype = jac_prototype), x0)

NonlinearSolve will automatically perform matrix coloring and use sparse differentiation.

Now you can help the solver further by providing the color vector. This can be done by

prob = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(nlfunc; sparsity = jac_prototype,
        colorvec = colorvec), x0)
# OR
prob = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(nlfunc; jac_prototype = jac_prototype,
        colorvec = colorvec), x0)

If the colorvec is not provided, then it is computed on demand.


One thing to be careful about in this case is that colorvec is dependent on the autodiff backend used. Forward Mode and Finite Differencing will assume that the colorvec is the column colorvec, while Reverse Mode will assume that the colorvec is the row colorvec.

Case II: Sparsity Detection algorithm is provided

If you don't have a Sparse Jacobian Prototype, but you know the which sparsity detection algorithm you want to use, then you can create your problem as follows:

prob = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(nlfunc; sparsity = SymbolicsSparsityDetection()),
    x0)  # Remember to have Symbolics.jl loaded
# OR
prob = NonlinearProblem(NonlinearFunction(nlfunc; sparsity = ApproximateJacobianSparsity()),

These Detection Algorithms are from SparseDiffTools.jl, refer to the documentation there for more details.

Case III: Sparse AD Type is being Used

If you constructed a Nonlinear Solver with a sparse AD type, for example

NewtonRaphson(; autodiff = AutoSparseForwardDiff())
# OR
TrustRegion(; autodiff = AutoSparseZygote())

then NonlinearSolve will automatically perform matrix coloring and use sparse differentiation if none of sparsity or jac_prototype is provided. If Symbolics.jl is loaded, we default to using SymbolicsSparsityDetection(), else we default to using ApproximateJacobianSparsity().

Case I/II take precedence for sparsity detection and we perform sparse AD based on those options if those are provided.


If you provide a non-sparse AD, and provide a sparsity or jac_prototype then we will use dense AD. This is because, if you provide a specific AD type, we assume that you know what you are doing and want to override the default choice of nothing.