NonlinearSolve.jl Solvers

These are the native solvers of NonlinearSolve.jl.

General Keyword Arguments

Several Algorithms share the same specification for common keyword arguments. Those are documented in this section to avoid repetition. Certain algorithms might have additional considerations for these keyword arguments, which are documented in the algorithm's documentation.

  • linsolve: the LinearSolve.jl solvers used for the linear solves within the Newton method. Defaults to nothing, which means it uses the LinearSolve.jl default algorithm choice. For more information on available algorithm choices, see the LinearSolve.jl documentation.
  • precs: the choice of preconditioners for the linear solver. Defaults to using no preconditioners. For more information on specifying preconditioners for LinearSolve algorithms, consult the LinearSolve.jl documentation.
  • linesearch: the line search algorithm to use. Defaults to NoLineSearch(), which means that no line search is performed. Algorithms from LineSearches.jl must be wrapped in LineSearchesJL before being supplied. For a detailed documentation refer to Line Search Algorithms.
  • autodiff/jacobian_ad: etermines the backend used for the Jacobian. Note that this argument is ignored if an analytical Jacobian is passed, as that will be used instead. Defaults to nothing which means that a default is selected according to the problem specification! Valid choices are types from ADTypes.jl.
  • forward_ad/vjp_autodiff: similar to autodiff, but is used to compute Jacobian Vector Products. Ignored if the NonlinearFunction contains the jvp function.
  • reverse_ad/vjp_autodiff: similar to autodiff, but is used to compute Vector Jacobian Products. Ignored if the NonlinearFunction contains the vjp function.
  • concrete_jac: whether to build a concrete Jacobian. If a Krylov-subspace method is used, then the Jacobian will not be constructed and instead direct Jacobian-Vector products J*v are computed using forward-mode automatic differentiation or finite differencing tricks (without ever constructing the Jacobian). However, if the Jacobian is still needed, for example for a preconditioner, concrete_jac = true can be passed in order to force the construction of the Jacobian.

Nonlinear Solvers

NewtonRaphson(; concrete_jac = nothing, linsolve = nothing, linesearch = NoLineSearch(),
    precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, autodiff = nothing)

An advanced NewtonRaphson implementation with support for efficient handling of sparse matrices via colored automatic differentiation and preconditioned linear solvers. Designed for large-scale and numerically-difficult nonlinear systems.

DFSane(; σ_min = 1 // 10^10, σ_max = 1e10, σ_1 = 1, M::Int = 10, γ = 1 // 10^4,
    τ_min = 1 // 10, τ_max = 1 // 2, n_exp::Int = 2, max_inner_iterations::Int = 100,
    η_strategy = (fn_1, n, x_n, f_n) -> fn_1 / n^2)

A low-overhead and allocation-free implementation of the df-sane method for solving large-scale nonlinear systems of equations. For in depth information about all the parameters and the algorithm, see La Cruz et al. [2].

Keyword Arguments

  • σ_min: the minimum value of the spectral coefficient σₙ which is related to the step size in the algorithm. Defaults to 1e-10.
  • σ_max: the maximum value of the spectral coefficient σₙ which is related to the step size in the algorithm. Defaults to 1e10.

For other keyword arguments, see RobustNonMonotoneLineSearch.

Broyden(; max_resets::Int = 100, linesearch = NoLineSearch(), reset_tolerance = nothing,
    init_jacobian::Val = Val(:identity), autodiff = nothing, alpha = nothing)

An implementation of Broyden's Method [3] with resetting and line search.

Keyword Arguments

  • max_resets: the maximum number of resets to perform. Defaults to 100.

  • reset_tolerance: the tolerance for the reset check. Defaults to sqrt(eps(real(eltype(u)))).

  • alpha: If init_jacobian is set to Val(:identity), then the initial Jacobian inverse is set to be (αI)⁻¹. Defaults to nothing which implies α = max(norm(u), 1) / (2 * norm(fu)).

  • init_jacobian: the method to use for initializing the jacobian. Defaults to Val(:identity). Choices include:

    • Val(:identity): Identity Matrix.
    • Val(:true_jacobian): True Jacobian. This is a good choice for differentiable problems.
  • update_rule: Update Rule for the Jacobian. Choices are:

    • Val(:good_broyden): Good Broyden's Update Rule
    • Val(:bad_broyden): Bad Broyden's Update Rule
    • Val(:diagonal): Only update the diagonal of the Jacobian. This algorithm may be useful for specific problems, but whether it will work may depend strongly on the problem
Klement(; max_resets = 100, linsolve = NoLineSearch(), linesearch = nothing,
    precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, alpha = nothing, init_jacobian::Val = Val(:identity),
    autodiff = nothing)

An implementation of Klement [4] with line search, preconditioning and customizable linear solves. It is recommended to use Broyden for most problems over this.

Keyword Arguments

  • max_resets: the maximum number of resets to perform. Defaults to 100.

  • alpha: If init_jacobian is set to Val(:identity), then the initial Jacobian inverse is set to be αI. Defaults to 1. Can be set to nothing which implies α = max(norm(u), 1) / (2 * norm(fu)).

  • init_jacobian: the method to use for initializing the jacobian. Defaults to Val(:identity). Choices include:

    • Val(:identity): Identity Matrix.
    • Val(:true_jacobian): True Jacobian. Our tests suggest that this is not very stable. Instead using Broyden with Val(:true_jacobian) gives faster and more reliable convergence.
    • Val(:true_jacobian_diagonal): Diagonal of True Jacobian. This is a good choice for differentiable problems.
LimitedMemoryBroyden(; max_resets::Int = 3, linesearch = NoLineSearch(),
    threshold::Val = Val(10), reset_tolerance = nothing, alpha = nothing)

An implementation of LimitedMemoryBroyden [5] with resetting and line search.

Keyword Arguments

  • max_resets: the maximum number of resets to perform. Defaults to 3.
  • reset_tolerance: the tolerance for the reset check. Defaults to sqrt(eps(real(eltype(u)))).
  • threshold: the number of vectors to store in the low rank approximation. Defaults to Val(10).
  • alpha: The initial Jacobian inverse is set to be (αI)⁻¹. Defaults to nothing which implies α = max(norm(u), 1) / (2 * norm(fu)).

Nonlinear Least Squares Solvers

GaussNewton(; concrete_jac = nothing, linsolve = nothing, linesearch = NoLineSearch(),
    precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, adkwargs...)

An advanced GaussNewton implementation with support for efficient handling of sparse matrices via colored automatic differentiation and preconditioned linear solvers. Designed for large-scale and numerically-difficult nonlinear least squares problems.

Both Nonlinear & Nonlinear Least Squares Solvers

These solvers can be used for both nonlinear and nonlinear least squares problems.

TrustRegion(; concrete_jac = nothing, linsolve = nothing, precs = DEFAULT_PRECS,
    radius_update_scheme = RadiusUpdateSchemes.Simple, max_trust_radius::Real = 0 // 1,
    initial_trust_radius::Real = 0 // 1, step_threshold::Real = 1 // 10000,
    shrink_threshold::Real = 1 // 4, expand_threshold::Real = 3 // 4,
    shrink_factor::Real = 1 // 4, expand_factor::Real = 2 // 1,
    max_shrink_times::Int = 32, vjp_autodiff = nothing, autodiff = nothing)

An advanced TrustRegion implementation with support for efficient handling of sparse matrices via colored automatic differentiation and preconditioned linear solvers. Designed for large-scale and numerically-difficult nonlinear systems.

Keyword Arguments

  • radius_update_scheme: the scheme used to update the trust region radius. Defaults to RadiusUpdateSchemes.Simple. See RadiusUpdateSchemes for more details. For a review on trust region radius update schemes, see Yuan [6].

For the remaining arguments, see NonlinearSolve.GenericTrustRegionScheme documentation.

LevenbergMarquardt(; linsolve = nothing,
    precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, damping_initial::Real = 1.0, α_geodesic::Real = 0.75,
    damping_increase_factor::Real = 2.0, damping_decrease_factor::Real = 3.0,
    finite_diff_step_geodesic = 0.1, b_uphill::Real = 1.0, autodiff = nothing,
    min_damping_D::Real = 1e-8, disable_geodesic = Val(false))

An advanced Levenberg-Marquardt implementation with the improvements suggested in Transtrum and Sethna [1]. Designed for large-scale and numerically-difficult nonlinear systems.

Keyword Arguments

  • damping_initial: the starting value for the damping factor. The damping factor is inversely proportional to the step size. The damping factor is adjusted during each iteration. Defaults to 1.0. See Section 2.1 of Transtrum and Sethna [1].
  • damping_increase_factor: the factor by which the damping is increased if a step is rejected. Defaults to 2.0. See Section 2.1 of Transtrum and Sethna [1].
  • damping_decrease_factor: the factor by which the damping is decreased if a step is accepted. Defaults to 3.0. See Section 2.1 of Transtrum and Sethna [1].
  • min_damping_D: the minimum value of the damping terms in the diagonal damping matrix DᵀD, where DᵀD is given by the largest diagonal entries of JᵀJ yet encountered, where J is the Jacobian. It is suggested by Transtrum and Sethna [1] to use a minimum value of the elements in DᵀD to prevent the damping from being too small. Defaults to 1e-8.
  • disable_geodesic: Disables Geodesic Acceleration if set to Val(true). It provides a way to trade-off robustness for speed, though in most situations Geodesic Acceleration should not be disabled.

For the remaining arguments, see GeodesicAcceleration and NonlinearSolve.LevenbergMarquardtTrustRegion documentations.

PseudoTransient(; concrete_jac = nothing, linsolve = nothing,
    linesearch::AbstractNonlinearSolveLineSearchAlgorithm = NoLineSearch(),
    precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, autodiff = nothing)

An implementation of PseudoTransient Method [7] that is used to solve steady state problems in an accelerated manner. It uses an adaptive time-stepping to integrate an initial value of nonlinear problem until sufficient accuracy in the desired steady-state is achieved to switch over to Newton's method and gain a rapid convergence. This implementation specifically uses "switched evolution relaxation" [8] SER method.

Keyword Arguments

  • alpha_initial : the initial pseudo time step. It defaults to 1e-3. If it is small, you are going to need more iterations to converge but it can be more stable.


NonlinearSolvePolyAlgorithm(algs, ::Val{pType} = Val(:NLS)) where {pType}

A general way to define PolyAlgorithms for NonlinearProblem and NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem. This is a container for a tuple of algorithms that will be tried in order until one succeeds. If none succeed, then the algorithm with the lowest residual is returned.


  • algs: a tuple of algorithms to try in-order! (If this is not a Tuple, then the returned algorithm is not type-stable).
  • pType: the problem type. Defaults to :NLS for NonlinearProblem and :NLLS for NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem. This is used to determine the correct problem type to dispatch on.


using NonlinearSolve

alg = NonlinearSolvePolyAlgorithm((NewtonRaphson(), Broyden()))
FastShortcutNonlinearPolyalg(::Type{T} = Float64; concrete_jac = nothing,
    linsolve = nothing, precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, must_use_jacobian::Val = Val(false),
    prefer_simplenonlinearsolve::Val{SA} = Val(false), autodiff = nothing) where {T}

A polyalgorithm focused on balancing speed and robustness. It first tries less robust methods for more performance and then tries more robust techniques if the faster ones fail.


  • T: The eltype of the initial guess. It is only used to check if some of the algorithms are compatible with the problem type. Defaults to Float64.
FastShortcutNLLSPolyalg(::Type{T} = Float64; concrete_jac = nothing, linsolve = nothing,
    precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, kwargs...)

A polyalgorithm focused on balancing speed and robustness. It first tries less robust methods for more performance and then tries more robust techniques if the faster ones fail.


  • T: The eltype of the initial guess. It is only used to check if some of the algorithms are compatible with the problem type. Defaults to Float64.
RobustMultiNewton(::Type{T} = Float64; concrete_jac = nothing, linsolve = nothing,
    precs = DEFAULT_PRECS, autodiff = nothing)

A polyalgorithm focused on robustness. It uses a mixture of Newton methods with different globalizing techniques (trust region updates, line searches, etc.) in order to find a method that is able to adequately solve the minimization problem.

Basically, if this algorithm fails, then "most" good ways of solving your problem fail and you may need to think about reformulating the model (either there is an issue with the model, or more precision / more stable linear solver choice is required).


  • T: The eltype of the initial guess. It is only used to check if some of the algorithms are compatible with the problem type. Defaults to Float64.

Advanced Solvers

All of the previously mentioned solvers are wrappers around the following solvers. These are meant for advanced users and allow building custom solvers.

ApproximateJacobianSolveAlgorithm{concrete_jac, name}(; linesearch = missing,
    trustregion = missing, descent, update_rule, reinit_rule, initialization,
    max_resets::Int = typemax(Int), max_shrink_times::Int = typemax(Int))
ApproximateJacobianSolveAlgorithm(; concrete_jac = nothing,
    name::Symbol = :unknown, kwargs...)

Nonlinear Solve Algorithms using an Iterative Approximation of the Jacobian. Most common examples include Broyden's Method.

Keyword Arguments

GeneralizedFirstOrderAlgorithm{concrete_jac, name}(; descent, linesearch = missing,
    trustregion = missing, jacobian_ad = nothing, forward_ad = nothing,
    reverse_ad = nothing, max_shrink_times::Int = typemax(Int))
GeneralizedFirstOrderAlgorithm(; concrete_jac = nothing, name::Symbol = :unknown,

This is a Generalization of First-Order (uses Jacobian) Nonlinear Solve Algorithms. The most common example of this is Newton-Raphson Method.

First Order here refers to the order of differentiation, and should not be confused with the order of convergence.

trustregion and linesearch cannot be specified together.

Keyword Arguments

GeneralizedDFSane{name}(linesearch, σ_min, σ_max, σ_1)

A generalized version of the DF-SANE algorithm. This algorithm is a Jacobian-Free Spectral Method.


  • linesearch: Globalization using a Line Search Method. This needs to follow the NonlinearSolve.AbstractNonlinearSolveLineSearchAlgorithm interface. This is not optional currently, but that restriction might be lifted in the future.
  • σ_min: The minimum spectral parameter allowed. This is used to ensure that the spectral parameter is not too small.
  • σ_max: The maximum spectral parameter allowed. This is used to ensure that the spectral parameter is not too large.
  • σ_1: The initial spectral parameter. If this is not provided, then the algorithm initializes it as σ_1 = <u, u> / <u, f(u)>.