
This is a wrapper package for using ODE solvers from DifferentialEquations.jl into the SciML interface. Note that these solvers do not come by default, and thus one needs to install the package before using these solvers:

using Pkg
using SteadyStateDiffEq

These methods can be used independently of the rest of NonlinearSolve.jl

Solver API

DynamicSS(alg = nothing; tspan = Inf)

Requires that an ODE algorithm is given as the first argument. The absolute and relative tolerances specify the termination conditions on the derivative's closeness to zero. This internally uses the TerminateSteadyState callback from the Callback Library. The simulated time for which given ODE is solved can be limited by tspan. If tspan is a number, it is equivalent to passing (zero(tspan), tspan).

Example usage:

using SteadyStateDiffEq, OrdinaryDiffEq
sol = solve(prob, DynamicSS(Tsit5()))

using Sundials
sol = solve(prob, DynamicSS(CVODE_BDF()); dt = 1.0)

The default alg of nothing works only if DifferentialEquations.jl is installed and loaded.


If you use CVODE_BDF you may need to give a starting dt via dt = .....*

SSRootfind(alg = nothing)

Use a Nonlinear Solver to find the steady state. Requires that a nonlinear solver is given as the first argument.


The default alg of nothing works only if NonlinearSolve.jl is installed and loaded.