Release Notes

Breaking Changes in NonlinearSolve.jl v3

  • GeneralBroyden and GeneralKlement have been renamed to Broyden and Klement respectively.
  • Compat for SimpleNonlinearSolve has been bumped to v1.
  • The old style of specifying autodiff with chunksize, standardtag, etc. has been deprecated in favor of directly specifying the autodiff type, like AutoForwardDiff.

Breaking Changes in SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl v1

  • Batched solvers have been removed in favor of BatchedArrays.jl. Stay tuned for detailed tutorials on how to use BatchedArrays.jl with NonlinearSolve & SimpleNonlinearSolve solvers.
  • The old style of specifying autodiff with chunksize, standardtag, etc. has been deprecated in favor of directly specifying the autodiff type, like AutoForwardDiff.
  • Broyden and Klement have been renamed to SimpleBroyden and SimpleKlement to avoid conflicts with NonlinearSolve.jl's GeneralBroyden and GeneralKlement, which will be renamed to Broyden and Klement in the future.
  • LBroyden has been renamed to SimpleLimitedMemoryBroyden to make it consistent with NonlinearSolve.jl's LimitedMemoryBroyden.