Fixed Point Solvers

Currently we don't have an API to directly specify Fixed Point Solvers. However, a Fixed Point Problem can be trivially converted to a Root Finding Problem. Say we want to solve:

\[f(u) = u\]

This can be written as:

\[g(u) = f(u) - u = 0\]

$g(u) = 0$ is a root finding problem. Note that we can use any root finding algorithm to solve this problem. However, this is often not the most efficient way to solve a fixed point problem. We provide a few algorithms available via extensions that are more efficient for fixed point problems.

Note that even if you use one of the Fixed Point Solvers mentioned here, you must still use the NonlinearProblem API to specify the problem, i.e., $g(u) = 0$.

Using native NonlinearSolve.jl methods is the recommended approach. For systems where constructing Jacobian Matrices are expensive, we recommend using a Krylov Method with one of those solvers.

Full List of Methods

We are only listing the methods that natively solve fixed point problems.


  • SpeedMappingJL(): accelerates the convergence of a mapping to a fixed point by the Alternating cyclic extrapolation algorithm (ACX).


  • FixedPointAccelerationJL(): accelerates the convergence of a mapping to a fixed point by the Anderson acceleration algorithm and a few other methods.


In our tests, we have found the anderson method implemented here to NOT be the most robust.
