Nonlinear Least Squares Solvers

solve(prob::NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem, alg; kwargs...)

Solves the nonlinear least squares problem defined by prob using the algorithm alg. If no algorithm is given, a default algorithm will be chosen.

The default method FastShortcutNLLSPolyalg is a good choice for most problems. It is a polyalgorithm that attempts to use a fast algorithm (GaussNewton) and if that fails it falls back to a more robust algorithms (LevenbergMarquardt, TrustRegion).

Full List of Methods


  • LevenbergMarquardt(): An advanced Levenberg-Marquardt implementation with the improvements suggested in the Transtrum and Sethna [1]. Designed for large-scale and numerically-difficult nonlinear systems.
  • GaussNewton(): A Gauss-Newton method with swappable nonlinear solvers and autodiff methods for high performance on large and sparse systems.
  • TrustRegion(): A Newton Trust Region dogleg method with swappable nonlinear solvers and autodiff methods for high performance on large and sparse systems.


These methods are included with NonlinearSolve.jl by default, though SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl can be used directly to reduce dependencies and improve load times. SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl's methods excel at small problems and problems defined with static arrays.

  • SimpleGaussNewton(): Simple Gauss Newton implementation using QR factorizations for numerical stability (aliased to SimpleNewtonRaphson).


A wrapper over FastLevenbergMarquardt.jl. Note that it is called FastLevenbergMarquardt since the original package is called "Fast", though benchmarks demonstrate LevenbergMarquardt() usually outperforms.


A wrapper over LeastSquaresOptim.jl. Has a core algorithm LeastSquaresOptimJL(alg; linsolve) where the choices for alg are:

  • :lm a Levenberg-Marquardt implementation
  • :dogleg a trust-region dogleg Gauss-Newton

And the choices for linsolve are:

  • :qr
  • :cholesky
  • :lsmr a conjugate gradient method (LSMR with diagonal preconditioner).


MINPACK.jl methods are fine for medium-sized nonlinear solves. They are the FORTRAN standard methods which are used in many places, such as SciPy. However, our benchmarks demonstrate that these methods are not robust or stable. In addition, they are slower than the standard methods and do not scale due to lack of sparse Jacobian support. Thus they are only recommended for benchmarking and testing code conversions.

Submethod choices for this algorithm include:

  • :hybr: Modified version of Powell's algorithm.
  • :lm: Levenberg-Marquardt.
  • :lmdif: Advanced Levenberg-Marquardt
  • :hybrd: Advanced modified version of Powell's algorithm


NonlinearLeastSquaresProblems can be converted into an OptimizationProblem and used with any solver of Optimization.jl.