Nonlinear System Solvers

solve(prob::NonlinearProblem, alg; kwargs...)

Solves for $f(u) = 0$ in the problem defined by prob using the algorithm alg. If no algorithm is given, a default algorithm will be chosen.

The default method FastShortcutNonlinearPolyalg is a good choice for most problems. It is a polyalgorithm that attempts to use a fast algorithm (Klement, Broyden) and if that fails it falls back to a more robust algorithm (NewtonRaphson) before falling back the most robust variant of TrustRegion. For basic problems this will be very fast, for harder problems it will make sure to work.

If one is looking for more robustness then RobustMultiNewton is a good choice. It attempts a set of the most robust methods in succession and only fails if all of the methods fail to converge. Additionally, DynamicSS can be a good choice for high stability if the root corresponds to a stable equilibrium.

As a balance, NewtonRaphson is a good choice for most problems that aren't too difficult yet need high performance, and TrustRegion is a bit less performant but more stable. If the problem is well-conditioned, Klement or Broyden may be faster, but highly dependent on the eigenvalues of the Jacobian being sufficiently small.

NewtonRaphson and TrustRegion are designed for for large systems. They can make use of sparsity patterns for sparse automatic differentiation and sparse linear solving of very large systems. Meanwhile, SimpleNewtonRaphson and SimpleTrustRegion are implementations which are specialized for small equations. They are non-allocating on static arrays and thus really well-optimized for small systems, thus usually outperforming the other methods when such types are used for u0. Additionally, these solvers can be used inside GPU kernels. See PSOGPU.jl for an example of this.

Full List of Methods


For the full details on the capabilities and constructors of the different solvers, see the Detailed Solver APIs section!


These are the core solvers, which excel at large-scale problems that need advanced linear solver, automatic differentiation, abstract array types, GPU, sparse/structured matrix support, etc. These methods support the largest set of types and features, but have a bit of overhead on very small problems.

  • NewtonRaphson(): A Newton-Raphson method with swappable nonlinear solvers and autodiff methods for high performance on large and sparse systems.
  • TrustRegion(): A Newton Trust Region dogleg method with swappable nonlinear solvers and autodiff methods for high performance on large and sparse systems.
  • LevenbergMarquardt(): An advanced Levenberg-Marquardt implementation with the improvements suggested in the Transtrum and Sethna [1]. Designed for large-scale and numerically-difficult nonlinear systems.
  • PseudoTransient(): A pseudo-transient method which mixes the stability of Euler-type stepping with the convergence speed of a Newton method. Good for highly unstable systems.
  • RobustMultiNewton(): A polyalgorithm that mixes highly robust methods (line searches and trust regions) in order to be as robust as possible for difficult problems. If this method fails to converge, then one can be pretty certain that most (all?) other choices would likely fail.
  • FastShortcutNonlinearPolyalg(): The default method. A polyalgorithm that mixes fast methods with fallbacks to robust methods to allow for solving easy problems quickly without sacrificing robustness on the hard problems.
  • Broyden(): Generalization of Broyden's Quasi-Newton Method with Line Search and Automatic Jacobian Resetting. This is a fast method but unstable when the condition number of the Jacobian matrix is sufficiently large.
  • Klement(): Generalization of Klement's Quasi-Newton Method with Line Search and Automatic Jacobian Resetting. This is a fast method but unstable when the condition number of the Jacobian matrix is sufficiently large.
  • LimitedMemoryBroyden(): An advanced version of SimpleLimitedMemoryBroyden which uses a limited memory Broyden method. This is a fast method but unstable when the condition number of the Jacobian matrix is sufficiently large. It is recommended to use Broyden or Klement instead unless the memory usage is a concern.


These methods are included with NonlinearSolve.jl by default, though SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl can be used directly to reduce dependencies and improve load times. SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl's methods excel at small problems and problems defined with static arrays.

  • SimpleNewtonRaphson(): A simplified implementation of the Newton-Raphson method.
  • SimpleBroyden(): The classic Broyden's quasi-Newton method.
  • SimpleLimitedMemoryBroyden(): A low-memory Broyden implementation, similar to L-BFGS. This method is common in machine learning contexts but is known to be unstable in comparison to many other choices.
  • SimpleKlement(): A quasi-Newton method due to Klement. It's supposed to be more efficient than Broyden's method, and it seems to be in the cases that have been tried, but more benchmarking is required.
  • SimpleTrustRegion(): A dogleg trust-region Newton method. Improved globalizing stability for more robust fitting over basic Newton methods, though potentially with a cost.
  • SimpleDFSane(): A low-overhead implementation of the df-sane method for solving large-scale nonlinear systems of equations.
  • SimpleHalley(): A low-overhead implementation of the Halley method. This is a higher order method and thus can converge faster to low tolerances than a Newton method. Requires higher order derivatives, so best used when automatic differentiation is available.

When used with certain types for the states u such as a Number or StaticArray, these solvers are very efficient and non-allocating. These implementations are thus well-suited for small systems of equations.


SteadyStateDiffEq.jl uses ODE solvers to iteratively approach the steady state. It is a very stable method for solving nonlinear systems with stable equilibrium points, though often more computationally expensive than direct methods.

  • DynamicSS(): Uses an ODE solver to find the steady state. Automatically terminates when close to the steady state.
  • SSRootfind(): Uses a NonlinearSolve compatible solver to find the steady state.


This is a wrapper package for importing solvers from NLsolve.jl into the SciML interface.

Submethod choices for this algorithm include:

  • :anderson: Anderson-accelerated fixed-point iteration
  • :newton: Classical Newton method with an optional line search
  • :trust_region: Trust region Newton method (the default choice)


MINPACK.jl is a wrapper package for bringing the Fortran solvers from MINPACK. However, our benchmarks reveal that these methods are rarely competitive with our native solvers. Thus, our recommendation is to use these only for benchmarking and debugging purposes.

Submethod choices for this algorithm include:

  • :hybr: Modified version of Powell's algorithm.
  • :lm: Levenberg-Marquardt.
  • :lmdif: Advanced Levenberg-Marquardt
  • :hybrd: Advanced modified version of Powell's algorithm


Sundials.jl are a classic set of C/Fortran methods which are known for good scaling of the Newton-Krylov form. However, KINSOL is known to be less stable than some other implementations.

  • KINSOL(): The KINSOL method of the SUNDIALS C library


SIAMFANLEquations.jl is a wrapper for the methods in the SIAMFANLEquations.jl library.

Other solvers listed in Fixed Point Solvers, FastLevenbergMarquardt.jl and LeastSquaresOptim.jl can also solve nonlinear systems.