How to use NuclearToolkit.jl

In this page, we explain the main interfaces of NuclearToolkit.jl with sample codes.

Generate Chiral EFT potentials

The ChiEFTint subblock provides the codes to generate nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials from Chiral effective field theory. You can specify the options through optional_parameters.jl, if it exists in the working directory. A sample of optional_parameters.jl is available on the repository, and see the Optional parameters page for more details.

The main API is make_chiEFTint() and the sample code is given below.

using NuclearToolkit
#1). generate NN interaction file in snt or snt.bin format

#2). 1). & showing how much time and memory has been used

#3). You can specify the parameters for ChiEFTint through the optional argument `fn_params`

#4). You don't need to write out the snt/snt.bin file, but want to calibrate or sample the LECs in the 3NF using HFMBPT.
#    You have to specify the number of itertions, target nuclei, optimizer:

Working on a super-computer

You can also run Julia codes on a super-computer. Pkg (Julia's builtin package manager) intalls the Julia packages in $JULIA_DEPOT_PATH, which is ~/.julia by default. When working on a working node (w/o permissions to access ~/), overwrite the JULIA_DEPOT_PATH by export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH="PATH_TO_JULIA_DEPOT".


For now, utilizing MPI is limited to LECs calibration with HF-MBPT & MCMC. One cannot benefit from many-node parallelization for most of many-body methods in the package. If you have feature requests on it or are willing to contribute along this line, please make an issue.

In NuclearToolkit.jl, many-nodes calculation utilizing MPI.jl is supported for LECs calibration with HF-MBPT. A sample script for that, let's call mpisample.jl, can be something like

using NuclearToolkit

Then, you can run with, e.g., 20 nodes:

mpirun -np 20 PATH_TO_JULIA/julia mpisample.jl

HF-MBPT calculations

You can evaluate ground state properties by the so-called Hartree-Fock many-body perturbation theory (HF-MBPT). The hf_main function in HartreeFock is the main interface.

You must specify target nuclei, snt file (generated by chiEFTint), harmonic oscillator parameter hw, model space size emax.

using NuclearToolkit
hw = 20; emax=4
sntf = "path_to_your.snt"
#1). you can evaluate HF-MBPT(3) estimate of g.s. energy of the target nuclus
nucs = ["O16","Ca40"]

#2). nucs can be both string and [Z,N] array
nucs = [ [8,8], [20,20]]

#3). specify Rp2 operators if you need
nucs = ["O16","Ca40"]

IMSRG calculations

One can perform in-medium similarity renormalization group (IM-SRG) calculations by specifing the optional argument doIMSRG=true:

using NuclearToolkit
hw = 20; emax=4
nucs = ["He4","O16"]
sntf = "path_to_your.snt"

Since the IM-SRG is one of the post-HF methods, it uses the same interface for HF(-MBPT).

VS-IMSRG calculations

You can also perform valence-space IMSRG (VS-IMSRG) decoupling to derive shell-model interactions for a target model space. The API is similar to the IMSRG case, but you must specify core, ref, and vspace.

using NuclearToolkit
hw = 20; emax=4
core = "O16"; vspace="sd-shell", ref="core"
nucs = ["Mg24"]
sntf = "path_to_your.snt"

#1). derivation of sd-shell interaction on top of the 16O core w/o target/ensemble normal ordering

#2). derivation of sd-shell interaction on top of the 16O core w/ target/ensemble normal ordering
nucs = ["Mg24"]

The output of VS-IMSRG is always in ".snt" format, which can be used in shell-model part of the package or KSHELL.

valence shell-model calculations

You need to specify the effective interaction (in snt format), number of eigenvalues, and target total J to perform shell-model calculations.

using NuclearToolkit
hw = 20; emax=4;
vs_sntf = "vsimsrg_sd-shell_coreO16refO16_O16_hw20e4_Delta0.0.snt"

#1). 10 lowest states

#2). 10 lowest states with J = 0
targetJ = [0]

The codes are rather optimized to repeat smaller calculations (up to 48Cr on the pf shell) iteratively, (i.e., memory-hogging compared to other shell-model codes). For nuclei in a larger model space than the pf shell, it is recommended to use the KSHELL by Prof. Noritaka Shimizu.