Parameters in NuclearToolkit

Here is the summary of optional parameters, which can be specified by users like this:


If you do not specify the optional argument fn_params, the pacakege tries to read optional_parameters.jl in the current path.

  • For ChiEFTint
    • n_mesh::Int64, number of momentum mesh
    • pmax_fm::Float64, maximum pmax in fm$^{-1}$
    • emax::Int64, emax quanta
    • Nnmax::Int64, Nnmax quanta
    • chi_order::Int64, order of chiral EFT potenteial (0:LO 1:NLO 2:NNLO 3:N3LO 4:N4LO)
    • calc_NN::Bool, calculate NN part
    • calc_3N::Bool, calculate eff2n (2n3n) part
    • coulomb::Bool, calculate Coulomb term
    • calc_EperA::Bool, calculate E/A
    • hw::Float64 hbar omega in MeV
    • srg::Bool, SRG transformation (NN-only)
    • srg_lambda::Float64, resolution scale for SRG in $fm^{-1}$
    • tbme_fmt::String file format of matrix-elements of free-space interaction. "snt" or "snt.bin" is supported
    • fn_tbme::String file name of output interaction
    • pottype::String potential type (em500n3lo,emn500n3lo,emn500n4lo)
    • kF::Float64 Fermi momentum for 2n3n in fm$^{-1}$
  • For IMSRG
    • smax::Float64 max flow parameter s
    • dsmax::Float64 maximum step size for IMSRG flow
    • maxnormOmega::Float64 tol for norm of IMSRG generator
    • denominatorDelta::Float64 denominator delta for multi-shell interaction