API Documentation

Import EDF to Onda

OndaEDF.jl prefers "self-service" import over "automagic", and provides functionality to extract Onda.Samples and Onda.Annotations from an EDF.File. These can be written to disk (with Onda.store / Onda.write_annotations) or manipulated in memory as desired.

edf_to_onda_samples(edf::EDF.File; custom_extractors=())

Read signals from an EDF.File into a vector of Onda.Samples.

Collections of EDF.Signals are mapped as channels to Onda.Signals via simple "extractor" callbacks of the form:

edf::EDF.File -> (samples_info::Onda.SamplesInfo,

edf_to_onda_samples automatically uses a variety of default extractors derived from the EDF standard texts; see src/standards.jl for details. The caller can also provide additional extractors via the custom_extractors keyword argument.

EDF.Signal labels that are converted into Onda channel names undergo the following transformations:

  • the label is whitespace-stripped, parens-stripped, and lowercased
  • trailing generic EDF references (e.g. "ref", "ref2", etc.) are dropped
  • any instance of + is replaced with _plus_ and / with _over_
  • all component names are converted to their "canonical names" when possible (e.g. "m1" in an EEG-matched channel name will be converted to "a1").

See the OndaEDF README for additional details regarding EDF formatting expectations.

edf_to_onda_annotations(edf::EDF.File, uuid::UUID)

Extract EDF+ annotations from an EDF.File for recording with ID uuid and return them as a vector of Onda.Annotations. Each returned annotation has a value field that contains the string value of the corresponding EDF+ annotation.

If no EDF+ annotations are found in edf, then an empty Vector{Annotation} is returned.

Import utilities

extract_channels_by_label(edf::EDF.File, signal_names, channel_names)

For one or more signal names and one or more channel names, return all matching signals from an EDF.File, and the Onda.SamplesInfo struct that describes the extracted channels.

signal_names should be an iterable of Strings naming the signal types to extract (e.g., ["ecg", "ekg"]; ["eeg"]).

channel_names should be an iterable of channel specifications, each of which can be either a String giving the generated channel name, or a Pair mapping a canonical name to a list of alternatives that it should be substituted for (e.g., "canonical_name" => ["alt1", "alt2", ...]).

See OndaEDF.STANDARD_LABELS for the labels (signal_names => channel_namesPairs) that are used to extract EDF signals by default.

edf_signals_to_samplesinfo(edf, edf_signals, kind, channel_names, samples_per_record)

Generate a single Onda.SamplesInfo for the given collection of EDF.Signals corresponding to the channels of a single Onda signal. Sample units are converted to Onda units and checked for consistency, and a promoted encoding (resolution, offset, and sample type/rate) is generated.

No conversion of the actual signals is performed at this step.

Full-service import

For a more "full-service" experience, OndaEDF.jl also provides functionality to extract Onda.Samples and Onda.Annotations and then write them to disk:

store_edf_as_onda(path, edf::EDF.File, uuid::UUID=uuid4();
                  custom_extractors=(), import_annotations::Bool=true,
                  signals_prefix="edf", annotations_prefix=signals_prefix)

Convert an EDF.File to Onda.Samples and Onda.Annotations, store the samples in $path/samples/, and write the Onda signals and annotations tables to $path/$(signals_prefix).onda.signals.arrow and $path/$(annotations_prefix).onda.annotations.arrow. The default prefix is "edf", and if a prefix is provided for signals but not annotations both will use the signals prefix. The prefixes cannot reference (sub)directories.

Returns uuid => (signals, annotations).

Samples are extracted with edf_to_onda_samples, and EDF+ annotations are extracted with edf_to_onda_annotations if import_annotations==true (the default).

Collections of EDF.Signals are mapped as channels to Onda.Signals via simple "extractor" callbacks of the form:

edf::EDF.File -> (samples_info::Onda.SamplesInfo,

store_edf_as_onda automatically uses a variety of default extractors derived from the EDF standard texts; see src/standards.jl and extract_channels_by_label for details. The caller can also provide additional extractors via the custom_extractors keyword argument, and the edf_signals_to_samplesinfo utility can be used to extract a common Onda.SamplesInfo from a collection of EDF.Signals.

EDF.Signal labels that are converted into Onda channel names undergo the following transformations:

  • the label is whitespace-stripped, parens-stripped, and lowercased
  • trailing generic EDF references (e.g. "ref", "ref2", etc.) are dropped
  • any instance of + is replaced with _plus_ and / with _over_
  • all component names are converted to their "canonical names" when possible (e.g. for an EOG matched channel, "eogl", "loc", "lefteye", etc. are converted to "left").

See the OndaEDF README for additional details regarding EDF formatting expectations.

Export EDF from Onda

onda_to_edf(signals, annotations=[]; kwargs...)

Return an EDF.File containing signal data converted from the Onda signals table and (optionally) annotations from an annotations table.

Following the Onda v0.5 format, both signals and annotations can be any Tables.jl-compatible table (DataFrame, Arrow.Table, NamedTuple of vectors, vector of NamedTuples) which follow the signal and annotation schemas (respectively).

Each EDF.Signal in the returned EDF.File corresponds to a channel of an Onda.Signal.

The ordering of EDF.Signals in the output will match the order of the rows of the signals table (and within each channel grouping, the order of the signal's channels).