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Options.jl is a Julia package that provides a convenient and flexible way to work with optional values, inspired by Rust's Option type. It offers a set of functions and a custom Option type, allowing you to handle optional values more effectively and write cleaner code.


  • Option type: The package defines the Option{T} type, which represents an optional value that can either be Some(value) or None. The Option{T} type is generic, allowing you to work with any data type.

  • Functions for option handling: Options.jl provides a collection of functions for working with Option{T} values. These functions include isempty, get, map, and_then, and or_else, allowing you to check for emptiness, retrieve values with fallback options, transform options, and chain operations on options.


Here's a quick example to showcase the usage of Options.jl:

using Options

x = Options.Some(42)
y = Options.None

println(Options.isempty(x))                 # Output: false
println(Options.get(x, 0))                  # Output: 42
result = Options.and_then(x, val -> val + 1, 0)
println(result)                     # Output: 43
fallback = () -> 100
result = Options.or_else(y, fallback)
println(result)                     # Output: 100


To install Options.jl, you can use the Julia package manager. Open a Julia REPL and run the following command:

]add Options


Contributions to Options.jl are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or would like to contribute to the project, please create a new issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


Options.jl is released under the MIT License.