dot(x, A, y)

Compute the dot product x' * A * y between two vectors x and y.

minimize!(o::GenericMinimizer, fn::Function, lb::NTuple{ND}, ub::NTuple{ND}; itmax::Int=210*ND, dmax::Real=1e-7, avgtimes::Int=1)

An interface function to proceed the minimization.


  • obj: An object for the minimization created by minimizer(...).
  • fn: Objective function to be minimized. fn should be callable with only one argument of fn(x::Vector). If you have any additional arguments need to pass into it, dispatch the function by fcall(fn, x) = fn(x; kwargs...)
  • lb: Lower bounds of minimization which are forced to be feasible.
  • ub: Upper bounds of minimization which are forced to be feasible.
  • itmax: Maximum of minimizg iteration (optional).
  • dmax: An Euclidean distance acts as a criterion to prevent the population falling into local minimal (optional).
  • avgtimes: Number of average times of the whole minimization process (optional).
minimizer(ND::Int; NP::Int=35*ND, NE::Int=ND+1)

An interface function to create/initialize an object for the minimization.


  • ND: Dimension of parameters to be minimized.
  • NP: Desired population size (optional).
  • NE: Desired size of elites (optional).

Matrix trace. Sums the diagonal elements of A. A must be a square matrix.