AnimSolveCallback{R <: Renderer}

A callback for anim_solve that animates the solving process of a SymbolicPlanners.jl [Planner]. The behavior of this callback can be customized on a per-renderer and per-plannerbasis by defining a new method for(cb::AnimSolveCallback{R <: Renderer)(planner::Planner, args...)`.


Displayable animation which wraps a VideoStream object. Can be displayed with show(io, MIME"text/html"(), anim), or saved with save(path, anim).

BasicGraphic(shape; attributes...)

Basic graphic type, containing a primitive shape and a dictionary of attributes.

BlocksworldLayout(; kwargs...)

Layout for blocksworld problems. Blocks are stacked bottom-up from a table, except for the block that is currently held by the gripper.

Keyword Arguments

  • Ptype = Float64: Type of coordinates.
  • n_locs = 3: Number of locations, including the table, gripper, ceiling, and locations of the base blocks.
  • block_width = 1.0: Width of each block.
  • block_height = 1.0: Height of each block.
  • block_gap = 0.5: Horizontal gap between blocks.
  • table_height = block_height: Height of the table.
  • gripper_height: Height of the gripper.

A Canvas is a mutable container for renderable outputs produced by a Renderer, consisting of a reference to the figure and grid layout on which the output is rendered, the PDDL State that the output is based on, and a dictionary of additional Observables.


Abstract supertype for all controllers. When attached to a canvas, a controller interprets user input as PDDL actions and updates the canvas accordingly.

Can be attached to a canvas using add_controller!, and removed using remove_controller.

GraphworldRenderer(; options...)

Customizable renderer for domains with fixed locations and movable objects connected in a graph. The layout of the graph can be controlled with the graph_layout option, which takes a function that returns an AbstractLayout given the number of locations.

By default, the graph is laid out using the StressLocSpringMov layout, which arranges the first n_locs nodes via stress minimization, and uses spring/repulsion for the remaining nodes.

General options

  • resolution::Tuple{Int64, Int64}: Default figure resolution, in pixels.
  • graph_layout::Function: Function n_locs -> (graph -> positions) that returns an AbstractLayout.
  • is_loc_directed::Bool: Whether the edges between locations are directed.
  • is_mov_directed::Bool: Whether the edges between movable objects are directed.
  • has_mov_edges::Bool: Whether there are edges between movable objects.
  • locations::Vector{Julog.Const}: PDDL objects that correspond to fixed locations.
  • location_types::Vector{Symbol}: PDDL object types that correspond to fixed locations.
  • movables::Vector{Julog.Const}: PDDL objects that correspond to movable objects.
  • movable_types::Vector{Symbol}: PDDL object types that correspond to movable objects.
  • loc_edge_fn::Function: Function (dom, s, l1, l2) -> Bool that checks if l1 connects to l2.
  • loc_edge_label_fn::Function: Function (dom, s, l1, l2) -> String that labels edge (l1, l2).
  • mov_loc_edge_fn::Function: Function (dom, s, obj, loc) -> Bool that checks if mov is at loc.
  • mov_loc_edge_label_fn::Function: Function (dom, s, obj, loc) -> String that labels edge (mov, loc).
  • mov_edge_fn::Function: Function (dom, s, m1, m2) -> Bool that checks if m1 connects to m2.
  • mov_edge_label_fn::Function: Function (dom, s, m1, m2) -> String that labels edge (m1, m2).
  • loc_renderers::Dict{Julog.Const, Function}: Location object renderers, of the form (domain, state, loc) -> Graphic.
  • mov_renderers::Dict{Julog.Const, Function}: Movable object renderers, of the form (domain, state, obj) -> Graphic.
  • loc_type_renderers::Dict{Symbol, Function}: Per-type location renderers, of the form (domain, state, loc) -> Graphic.
  • mov_type_renderers::Dict{Symbol, Function}: Per-type movable renderers, of the form (domain, state, obj) -> Graphic.
  • graph_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}: Default options for graph rendering, passed to the graphplot recipe.
  • axis_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}: Default display options for axis.
  • state_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}: Default options for state rendering.
  • anim_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}: Default options for animation rendering.

State options

These options can be passed as keyword arguments to render_state:

  • show_location_graphics = true: Whether to show location graphics.
  • show_location_labels = true: Whether to show location labels.
  • show_movable_graphics = true: Whether to show movable object graphics.
  • show_movable_labels = true: Whether to show movable object labels.
  • show_edge_labels = false: Whether to show edge labels.
  • location_node_color = :black: Color of location nodes.
  • location_edge_color = :black: Color of edges between locations.
  • movable_node_color = :gray: Color of movable object nodes.
  • movable_edge_color = (:mediumpurple, 0.75): Color of edges between locations and movable objects.
  • label_offset = 0.15: How much labels are offset from the center of their corresponding objects. Larger values move the labels further away.
GridworldRenderer(; options...)

Customizable renderer for 2D gridworld domains.

General options

  • resolution::Tuple{Int64, Int64}: Default figure resolution, in pixels.
  • grid_fluents::Vector{Julog.Term}: PDDL fluents that represent the grid layers (walls, etc).
  • grid_colors::Vector: Colors for each grid layer.
  • has_agent::Bool: Whether the domain has an agent not associated with a PDDL object.
  • get_agent_x::Function: Function that returns the PDDL fluent for the agent's x position.
  • get_agent_y::Function: Function that returns the PDDL fluent for the agent's y position.
  • get_obj_x::Function: Takes an object constant and returns the PDDL fluent for its x position.
  • get_obj_y::Function: Takes an object constant and returns the PDDL fluent for its y position.
  • agent_renderer::Function: Agent renderer, of the form (domain, state) -> Graphic.
  • obj_renderers::Dict{Symbol, Function}: Per-type object renderers, of the form (domain, state, obj) -> Graphic.
  • obj_type_z_order::Vector{Symbol}: Z-order for object types, from bottom to top.
  • locations::Vector{Tuple}: List of (x, y, label, color) tuples to label locations on the grid.
  • show_inventory::Bool: Whether to show an object inventory for each function in inventory_fns.
  • inventory_fns::Vector{Function}: Inventory indicator functions of the form (domain, state, obj) -> Bool.
  • inventory_types::Vector{Symbol}: Types of objects that can be each inventory.
  • inventory_labels::Vector{String}: Axis titles / labels for each inventory.
  • inventory_labelsize::Real: Inventory label font size.
  • state_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}: Default options for state rendering.
  • trajectory_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}: Default options for trajectory rendering.
  • anim_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}: Default options for animation rendering.

State options

These options can be passed as keyword arguments to render_state:

  • show_grid::Bool = true: Whether to show grid variables (walls, etc).
  • show_agent::Bool = true: Whether to show the agent.
  • show_objects::Bool = true: Whether to show objects.
  • show_locations::Bool = true: Whether to show locations.
  • show_inventory::Bool = true: Whether to show inventories.
  • caption = nothing: Caption to display below the figure.
  • caption_font = :regular: Font for the caption.
  • caption_size = 24: Font size for the caption.
  • caption_color = :black: Font color for the caption.
  • caption_padding = 12: Padding for the caption.
  • caption_rotation = 0: Rotation for the caption.

Trajectory options

These options can be passed as keyword arguments to render_trajectory:

  • :agent_color = black: Marker color of agent tracks.
  • :agent_start_color = agent_color: Marker color of agent tracks at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color.
  • :tracked_objects = Const[]: Moving objects to plot marker tracks for.
  • :object_colors = Symbol[]: Marker colors to use for tracked objects.
  • :object_start_colors = object_colors: Marker colors to use for tracked objects at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color.
  • :tracked_types = Symbol[]: Types of objects to track.
  • :type_colors = Symbol[]: Marker colors to use for tracked object types.
  • :type_start_colors = type_colors: Marker colors to use for tracked object types at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color.
  • :track_arrowmarker = '▶': Marker to use for directed tracks.
  • :track_stopmarker = '⦿': Marker to use for stationary tracks.
  • :track_markersize = 0.3: Size of track markers.

Animation options

These options can be passed as keyword arguments to animation functions:

  • captions = nothing: Captions to display for each timestep, e.g., ["t=1", "t=2", ...]. Can be provided as a vector of strings, or a dictionary mapping timesteps to strings. If nothing, no captions are displayed.
  • trail_length = 0: Length of trail tracks to display for each agent or tracked object. If 0, no trail tracks are displayed.
    key1 => act1, key2 => act2, ...,
    extra_key1, extra_key2, ...;
    exclusive=true, callback=nothing

A controller that maps keyboard input to PDDL actions.


  • keymap: A dictionary mapping keyboard keys to PDDL actions.

  • extrakeys: Keys mapped to remaining available actions (default: number keys).

  • extraprocess: Function (state, acts) -> acts that filters/processes remaining actions.

  • restart_key: Restart button if an initial state is specified.

  • exclusive: Whether an action is executed only if no other keys are pressed.

  • callback: Post-action callback f(canvas, domain, state, act, next_state).

  • obsfunc

    order = [:up, :horizontal, :down],
    stop_early = [true, false, false]

Transition that interpolates between node positions by moving horizontally and vertically.


  • order::Vector{Symbol} = [:up, :horizontal, :down]: Order in which to interpolate between node positions. Valid values are :up, :down, :left, :right, :horizontal, and :vertical.
  • stop_early::Vector{Bool} = [true, false, false]: Whether to stop interpolating early for each direction. If true, then the transition will stop once that direction is done. If no nodes have moved in that direction, then the transition will continue to the next direction.
MarkerGraphic(marker, x, y, [w=1.0, h=w]; attributes...)

A marker graphic with a given position and size, rendered using scatter with the corresponding marker type.

MultiGraphic(graphics; attributes...)

Composite graphic type, containing a tuple of graphics in depth-order and a dictionary of attributes.


A Renderer defines how a PDDL State for a specific Domain should be rendered. A concrete sub-type of Renderer should be implemented for a PDDL domain (or family of PDDL domains, e.g. 2D gridworlds) for users who wish to visualize that domain.

(r::Renderer)(domain::Domain, args...; options...)
(r::Renderer)(canvas::Canvas, domain::Domain, args...; options...)

Once a Renderer has been constructed, it can be used to render PDDL states and other entities by calling it with the appropriate arguments.

StressLocSpringMov(; kwargs...)(adj_matrix)

Returns a layout that first places the first n_locs nodes using stress minimization, then places the remaining nodes using spring/repulsion.

Keyword Arguments

  • dim = 2, Ptype = Float64: Dimension and output type.
  • n_locs = 0: Number of nodes to place using stress minimization.
  • stress_kwargs = Dict{Symbol, Any}(): Keyword arguments for Stress.
  • spring_kwargs = Dict{Symbol, Any}(:C => 0.3): Keyword arguments for Spring.
TextGraphic(str, x, y, [fontsize]; attributes...)

A text graphic with a given position and [fontsize], rendered using the text plotting command.

BlocksworldRenderer(; options...)

Specialization of GraphworldRenderer for the blocksworld domain, which uses a custom BlocksworldLayout and default renderers for blocks and tables. The following blocksworld-specific options are supported:


  • block_type::Symbol: PDDL type of blocks, defaults to :block
  • block_width::Real: Width of blocks, defaults to 1.0
  • block_height::Real: Height of blocks, defaults to 1.0
  • block_gap::Real: Gap between blocks, defaults to 0.5
  • table_height::Real: Height of table, defaults to block_height
  • gripper_height::Real: Height of blocks when they are picked up. Defaults to slightly above the tallest block tower.
  • block_colors: Colorscheme for blocks, defaults to a discretization of the plasma colorscheme.
  • block_renderer: Renderer for blocks, defaults to a colored square with the block name as white text in the center.
BoxGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0;
           color=:burlywood3, is_open=false, kwargs...)

Cardboard box graphic, consisting of a box with a lid.

CityGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0;
            color=:grey, kwargs...)

City graphic, made of three rectangles with slightly different shading.

GemGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0, sides=6, aspect=0.75;
           color=:royalblue, strokewidth=1.0, kwargs...)

Gem graphic, consisting of a N-gon and a smaller N-gon inside it.

HumanGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0;
             color=:black, kwargs...)

Human character graphic, consisting of a circular head, and a trapezoidal torso, two-segment arms, and legs.

KeyGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0;
           color=:goldenrod1, shadow_color=:black, kwargs...)

Key graphic, consisting of a key with a handle and two teeth.

LockedDoorGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0;
                  color=:gray, strokewidth=1.0, kwargs...)

Locked door graphic, consisting of square with a keyhole in it.


Construct a n-sided regular polygon centered at x and y with radius 1.

QuestionBoxGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0;
                   color=:burlywood3, text_color=:white,
                   is_open=false, kwargs...)

Question box graphic, consisting of a box with a lid and question mark.


Construct a rectangle centered at x and y with width w and height h.

RobotGraphic(x=0.0, y=0.0, size=1.0;
             color=:slategray, kwargs...)

Robot prefab character graphic, consisting of a semi-circular head with an antenna, two arms, a body and a wheel.


Construct a trapezoid at x and y with top and bottom width a, bottom width b, and height h. The top can be shifted by an offset (zero by default).

add_controller!(canvas, controller, domain, [init_state];

Adds a controller to a canvas for a given PDDL domain. An initial state init_state can be specified to enable restart functionality.

anim_initialize!(canvas, renderer, domain, state;
                 callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs...)

Initializes an animation that will be rendered on the canvas. Called by anim_plan and anim_trajectory as an initialization step.

By default, this just renders the initial state on the canvas. This function can be overloaded for different Renderer types to implement custom initializations, e.g., to add captions or other overlays.

anim_plan([path], renderer, domain, state, actions;
          format="mp4", framerate=5, show=false,
          record_init=true, options...)
anim_plan!([anim|path], canvas, renderer, domain, state, actions;
           format="mp4", framerate=5, show=is_displayed(canvas),
           record_init=true, options...)

Uses renderer to animate a series of actions in a PDDL domain starting from state (updating the canvas if one is provided). An Animation object is returned, which can be saved or displayed.

An existing anim can provided as the first argument, so that frames are appended to that animation (format and frame rates are ignored in this case). Alternatively, if a path is specified, the animation is saved to that file, and the path is returned.

Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it.

anim_plan([path], renderer, domain, state, actions;
          format="mp4", framerate=5, show=false,
          record_init=true, options...)
anim_plan!([anim|path], canvas, renderer, domain, state, actions;
           format="mp4", framerate=5, show=is_displayed(canvas),
           record_init=true, options...)

Uses renderer to animate a series of actions in a PDDL domain starting from state (updating the canvas if one is provided). An Animation object is returned, which can be saved or displayed.

An existing anim can provided as the first argument, so that frames are appended to that animation (format and frame rates are ignored in this case). Alternatively, if a path is specified, the animation is saved to that file, and the path is returned.

Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it.

anim_refine!([path], renderer,
             sol, planner, domain, state, spec;
             format="mp4", framerate=30, show=false,
             record_init=true, options...)

anim_refine!([anim|path], canvas, renderer,
             sol, planner, domain, state, spec;
             format="mp4", framerate=30, show=is_displayed(canvas),
             record_init=true, options...)

Uses renderer to animate the refinement of an existing solution by a SymbolicPlanners.jl planner in a PDDL domain (updating the canvas if one is provided).

Returns a tuple (anim, sol) where anim is an Animation object containing the animation, and sol is the solution returned by planner. If anim is provided as the first argument, then additional frames are added to the animation. Alternatively, if a path is provided, the animation is saved to that file, and (path, sol) is returned.

Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it.

anim_solve([path], renderer, planner, domain, state, spec;
           format="mp4", framerate=30, show=false,
           record_init=true, options...)

anim_solve!([anim|path], canvas, renderer,
            planner, domain, state, spec;
            format="mp4", framerate=30, show=is_displayed(canvas),
            record_init=true, options...)

Uses renderer to animate the solving process of a SymbolicPlanners.jl planner in a PDDL domain (updating the canvas if one is provided).

Returns a tuple (anim, sol) where anim is an Animation object containing the animation, and sol is the solution returned by planner. If anim is provided as the first argument, then additional frames are added to the animation. Alternatively, if a path is provided, the animation is saved to that file, and (path, sol) is returned.

Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it.

anim_solve([path], renderer, planner, domain, state, spec;
           format="mp4", framerate=30, show=false,
           record_init=true, options...)

anim_solve!([anim|path], canvas, renderer,
            planner, domain, state, spec;
            format="mp4", framerate=30, show=is_displayed(canvas),
            record_init=true, options...)

Uses renderer to animate the solving process of a SymbolicPlanners.jl planner in a PDDL domain (updating the canvas if one is provided).

Returns a tuple (anim, sol) where anim is an Animation object containing the animation, and sol is the solution returned by planner. If anim is provided as the first argument, then additional frames are added to the animation. Alternatively, if a path is provided, the animation is saved to that file, and (path, sol) is returned.

Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it.

anim_trajectory([path], renderer, domain, trajectory, [actions];
                format="mp4", framerate=5, show=false,
                record_init=true, options...)
anim_trajectory!([anim|path], canvas, renderer,
                 domain, trajectory, [actions];
                 format="mp4", framerate=5, show=is_displayed(canvas),
                 record_init=true, options...)

Uses renderer to animate a trajectory in a PDDL domain (updating the canvas if one is provided). An Animation object is returned, which can be saved or displayed.

An existing anim can provided as the first argument, so that frames are appended to that animation (format and frame rates are ignored in this case). Alternatively, if a path is specified, the animation is saved to that file, and the path is returned.

Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it.

anim_trajectory([path], renderer, domain, trajectory, [actions];
                format="mp4", framerate=5, show=false,
                record_init=true, options...)
anim_trajectory!([anim|path], canvas, renderer,
                 domain, trajectory, [actions];
                 format="mp4", framerate=5, show=is_displayed(canvas),
                 record_init=true, options...)

Uses renderer to animate a trajectory in a PDDL domain (updating the canvas if one is provided). An Animation object is returned, which can be saved or displayed.

An existing anim can provided as the first argument, so that frames are appended to that animation (format and frame rates are ignored in this case). Alternatively, if a path is specified, the animation is saved to that file, and the path is returned.

Note that once an animation is displayed or saved, no frames can be added to it.

anim_transition!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, [action, t];
                 callback=nothing, overlay=nothing, kwargs...)

Animates a transition from the current state stored in the canvas to the newly provided state (via action at timestep t if provided). Called by anim_plan and anim_trajectory to animate a series of state transitions.

By default, this updates the canvas with the new state, then runs the overlay and callback functions (if provided) on canvas (e.g. to ovelay annotations, or to record a frame).

This function can be overloaded for different Renderer types to implement custom transitions, e.g., transitions that involve multiple frames.

  • captions = nothing: Captions to display for each timestep, e.g., ["t=1", "t=2", ...]. Can be provided as a vector of strings, or a dictionary mapping timesteps to strings. If nothing, no captions are displayed.
  • trail_length = 0: Length of trail tracks to display for each agent or tracked object. If 0, no trail tracks are displayed.
  • show_location_graphics = true: Whether to show location graphics.
  • show_location_labels = true: Whether to show location labels.
  • show_movable_graphics = true: Whether to show movable object graphics.
  • show_movable_labels = true: Whether to show movable object labels.
  • show_edge_labels = false: Whether to show edge labels.
  • location_node_color = :black: Color of location nodes.
  • location_edge_color = :black: Color of edges between locations.
  • movable_node_color = :gray: Color of movable object nodes.
  • movable_edge_color = (:mediumpurple, 0.75): Color of edges between locations and movable objects.
  • label_offset = 0.15: How much labels are offset from the center of their corresponding objects. Larger values move the labels further away.
  • show_grid::Bool = true: Whether to show grid variables (walls, etc).
  • show_agent::Bool = true: Whether to show the agent.
  • show_objects::Bool = true: Whether to show objects.
  • show_locations::Bool = true: Whether to show locations.
  • show_inventory::Bool = true: Whether to show inventories.
  • caption = nothing: Caption to display below the figure.
  • caption_font = :regular: Font for the caption.
  • caption_size = 24: Font size for the caption.
  • caption_color = :black: Font color for the caption.
  • caption_padding = 12: Padding for the caption.
  • caption_rotation = 0: Rotation for the caption.
  • :agent_color = black: Marker color of agent tracks.
  • :agent_start_color = agent_color: Marker color of agent tracks at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color.
  • :tracked_objects = Const[]: Moving objects to plot marker tracks for.
  • :object_colors = Symbol[]: Marker colors to use for tracked objects.
  • :object_start_colors = object_colors: Marker colors to use for tracked objects at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color.
  • :tracked_types = Symbol[]: Types of objects to track.
  • :type_colors = Symbol[]: Marker colors to use for tracked object types.
  • :type_start_colors = type_colors: Marker colors to use for tracked object types at the start of the trajectory, which fade into the main color.
  • :track_arrowmarker = '▶': Marker to use for directed tracks.
  • :track_stopmarker = '⦿': Marker to use for stationary tracks.
  • :track_markersize = 0.3: Size of track markers.
new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, figure::Figure)
new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, axis::Axis)
new_canvas(renderer::Renderer, gridpos::GridPosition)

Creates a new Canvas to be used by renderer. An existing figure, axis, or gridpos can be specified to use as the base for the new canvas.

render_controls!(canvas, controller, domain)

Renders controls for a controller to a canvas.

render_plan!(canvas, renderer, domain, state, actions)

Uses renderer to render a series of actions in a PDDL domain starting from state. Renders to a canvas on top of any existing content.

render_plan(renderer, domain, state, actions; options...)

Uses renderer to render a series of actions in a PDDL domain starting from state. Constructs and returns a new Canvas.

render_sol!(canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer,
            domain::Domain, state::State, sol::Solution)

Uses renderer to render a planning solution sol starting from a state in a PDDL domain. Renders to a canvas on top of any existing content.

           domain::Domain, state::State, sol::Solution)

Uses renderer to render a planning solution sol starting from a state in a PDDL domain. Constructs and returns a new Canvas.

render_state!(canvas, renderer, domain, state; options...)

Uses renderer to render a state of a PDDL domain to an existing canvas, rendering over any existing content.

render_state(renderer, domain, state)

Uses renderer to render a state of a PDDL domain. Constructs and returns a new Canvas.

render_storyboard(anim::Animation, [idxs]; options...)

Renders an Animation as a series of (bitmap) images in a storyboard. Returns a Figure where each frame is a subplot.

The frames to render can be specified by idxs, a vector of indices. If idxs is not specified, all frames are rendered.


  • n_rows = 1: Number of storyboard rows.
  • n_cols = nothing: Number of storyboard columns (default: number of frames).
  • figscale = 1: Scales figure size relative to number of pixels required to fit all frames at their full resolution.
  • titles: List or dictionary of frame titles.
  • subtitles: List or dictionary of frame subtitles.
  • xlabels: List or dictionary of x-axis labels per frame.
  • ylabels: List or dictionary of y-axis labels per frame.

Options that control title and label styling (e.g. titlesize) can also be specified as keyword arguments. See Axis for details.

render_trajectory!(canvas::Canvas, renderer::Renderer,
                   domain::Domain, trajectory::AbstractVector{<:State})

Uses renderer to render a trajectory of PDDL domain states. Renders to a canvas on top of any existing content.

                  domain::Domain, trajectory::AbstractVector{<:State})

Uses renderer to render a trajectory of PDDL domain states. Constructs and returns a new Canvas.


Rotate a graphic by θ radians around a point c.


Scale by a horizontal factor x and vertical factor y around a point c.