
This is the documentation of PEtab.jl, a Julia package that imports ODE parameter estimation problem specified in the PEtab format into Julia.

By leveraging the ODE solvers in Julia’s DifferentialEquations.jl package, and symbolic model processing via ModelingToolkit.jl, PEtab.jl achieves fast model simulations. This combined with support for gradients via forward- and adjoint-sensitivity approaches, and hessian via both exact and approximate methods means PEtab.jl provides everything needed to perform efficient parameter estimation for both big and small models. In an extensive benchmark study (soon to appear on Archive) PEtab.jl was in many cases 3-4 faster than the PyPesto toolbox which leverages the AMICI interface to the Sundial's suite.

In this documentation you can find:

  • Getting started (a recommended introduction)
  • Tutorials for medium-sized models, small models with several conditions specific parameters, and models with pre-equilibration conditions (steady-state simulations).
  • Available hessian and gradient options.
  • A discussion on best options for specific model types (small, medium and large models)


To read SBML files PEtab.jl uses the Python python-libsbml library which can be installed via:

pip install python-libsbml

Given this PEtab.jl can be installed via

julia> ] add PEtab

Feature list

  • Symbolic model preprocessing via ModelingToolkit
  • Support for all ODE solvers in DifferentialEquations.jl
  • Gradient via:
    • Forward-mode automatic differentiation using ForwardDiff.jl
    • Forward sensitivity analysis either via ForwardDiff.jl or SciMLSensitivity.jl
    • Adjoint sensitivity via any of the algorithms in SciMLSensitivity.jl
    • Automatic differentiation via Zygote.jl
  • Hessians computed
    • “exactly" via forward-mode automatic differentiation using ForwardDiff.jl
    • approximately via a block approach using ForwardDiff.jl
    • approximately via the Gauss-Newton method (often outperform (L)-BFGS)
  • Pre-equilibration and pre-simulation conditions
  • Support for models with discrete events and logical operations


We will soon publish a preprint you can cite if you found PEtab.jl helpful in your work.