Choosing the best options for a PEtab problem

PEtab.jl supports several gradient and hessian methods. In addition, it is compatible with the ODE solvers in the DifferentialEquations.jl package, hence, there are many possible choices when creating a PEtabODEProblem via setupPEtabODEProblem. To help navigate these based on an extensive benchmark study we here provide recommended settings that often work well for specific problem types.


Every problem is unique, and the recommended settings here often work well but might not optimal for a specific model.

Small models ($\leq 20$ parameters and $\leq 15$ ODE:s)

ODE solver: For small stiff models the Rosenbrock Rodas5P() solver is often one of the fastest and most accurate ODE solvers. Julia bdf-solvers such as QNDF() can also perform well here, but they are often less accurate and reliable (fail more often) than Rodas5P(). If the model is “mildly” stiff composite solvers such as AutoVern7(Rodas5P()) often performs best. Regardless of solver we recommend to use low tolerances (around abstol, reltol = 1e-8, 1e-8) to obtain accurate gradients.

Gradient method: For small models forward-mode automatic differentiation via ForwardDiff.jl performs best, and is often twice as fast as the forward-sensitivity equations approach in AMICI. Thus, we recommend gradientMethod=:ForwardDiff.

  • Note1 - For :ForwardDiff the user can set the chunk-size. This can substantially improve performance, and we plan to add automatic tuning of it.
  • Note2 - If the model has many simulation condition specific parameters (parameters that only appear in a subset of simulation conditions) it can be efficient to set splitOverConditions=true (see this tutorial).

Hessian method: For small models it is computationally feasible to compute an accurate full hessian via ForwardDiff.jl. For most models we benchmarked providing a hessian improved convergence. Thus, we recommend hessianMethod=:ForwardDiff.

  • Note1 - For models with preequilibration (steady-state simulations) our benchmarks suggest it might be better to use the Gauss-Newton hessian approximation.
  • Note2 - For models where it too expansive to compute the full hessian (e.g. due to many simulation conditions) the hessian block approximation can be a good option.
  • Note3 - In particular the interior-point Newton method from Optim.jl performs well if provided with a full hessian.

All-to-all, for a small model a good setup often is:

odeSolverOptions = getODESolverOptions(Rodas5P(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)
petabProblem = setupPEtabODEProblem(petabModel, odeSolverOptions, 

Medium-sized models ($\leq 75$ parameters and $\leq 50$ ODE:s)

ODE solver: For medium-sized stiff models the bdf-solvers such as QNDF() are among the fastest, while being sufficiently accurate. The drawback with Julia bdf-solvers is that for certain models (e.g. with many events) they frequently fail at low tolerances. If this happens a good plan b option is KenCarp4(). Another good option is Sundial's CVODE_BDF(), however it is not recommended since as it is written in C++ and thus is not compatible with forward-mode automatic differentiation. Regardless of solver we recommend to use low tolerances (around abstol, reltol = 1e-8, 1e-8) to obtain accurate gradients.

Gradient method: For medium-sized models when the hessian is approximated via the Gauss-Newton method (often performs best) we recommend computing the gradient via the forward sensitivities (gradientMethod=:ForwardEquations) where the sensitives are computed via forward-mode automatic differentiation (sensealg=:ForwardDiff). The main benefit is that if the optimizers always computes the gradient before the hessian these sensitivities can be reused when computing the hessian. Otherwise, if for example a BFGS hessian-approximation is used gradientMethod=:ForwardDiff often performs best.

  • Note1 - For :ForwardDiff the user can set the chunk-size. This can substantially improve performance, and we plan to add automatic tuning of it.
  • Note2 - If the model has many simulation condition specific parameters (parameters that only appear in a subset of simulation conditions) it can be efficient to set splitOverConditions=true (see this tutorial).

Hessian method: For medium-sized models it is typically computationally infeasible to compute an accurate full hessian via ForwardDiff.jl. Rather we recommend the Gauss-Newton hessian approximation which often performs better than the commonly used (L)-BFGS approximation. Thus, we recommend hessianMethod=:GaussNewton.

  • Note1 - In particular trust-region Newton methods such as performs well if provided with a full hessian. Interior-point methods do not perform as well.

All-to-all, in case the gradient is always computed before the optimizer hessian good setup often is:

odeSolverOptions = getODESolverOptions(QNDF(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)
petabProblem = setupPEtabODEProblem(petabModel, odeSolverOptions, 

Otherwise, a good setup is:

odeSolverOptions = getODESolverOptions(QNDF(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)
petabProblem = setupPEtabODEProblem(petabModel, odeSolverOptions, 

Large models ($\geq 75$ parameters and $\geq 50$ ODE:s)

ODE solver: For large models we recommend too first benchmark different ODE solvers suitable for large models such as; QNDF(), FBDF(), KenCarp4(), and CVODE_BDF(). Moreover, we recommend too test providing the ODE solver with a sparse Jacobian (sparseJacobian::Bool=false), and to test different linear solvers such as CVODE_BDF(linsolve=:KLU). More details on how to efficiently solve a large stiff models can be found here.

  • Note - We strongly recommend comparing different ODE solvers as this can lead to a substantial reduction of runtime.

Gradient method: For large models the most scalable approach is adjoint sensitivity analysis (gradientMethod=:Adjoint). Currently, for sensealg we support InterpolatingAdjoint() and QuadratureAdjoint() from SciMLSensitivity (see their documentation for info), and as it is more reliable we recommend InterpolatingAdjoint().

  • Note1 - For adjoint sensitivity analysis we recommend to manually set the ODE solver gradient options. Currently, CVODE_BDF() outperform all native Julia solvers.
  • Note2 - The user can provide any options InterpolatingAdjoint() and QuadratureAdjoint() accept.
  • Note3 - Currently adjoint sensitivity analysis is not as reliable in Julia as in AMICI (see), but our benchmarks show that SciMLSensitivity has the potential to be faster.

Hessian method: For large models computing the sensitives (Gass-Newton) or a full hessian is not computationally feasible. Hence, the best option is often to use some L-(BFGS) approximation. BFGS support is built into most available optimizers such as Optim.jl, Ipopt.jl and

All-to-all for a large model a good setup often is:

odeSolverOptions = getODESolverOptions(CVODE_BDF(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8) 
odeSolverGradientOptions = getODESolverOptions(CVODE_BDF(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8) 
petabProblem = setupPEtabODEProblem(petabModel, odeSolverOptions, 