Models with preequilibration (steady-state simulation)

In this tutorial we show to create PEtabODEproblem for the small Branmark model which has a preequilibration condition. (≤ 75 states). This means that before the main simulation where we compare the model against data, the model must first be at a steady state $du = f(u, p, t) \approx 0$ which can be achieved via

  1. Simulations
  2. Rootfinding

To run the code you need the Brannmark PEtab files which can be found here. A fully runnable example of this tutorial can be found here.

First we read the model and load necessary libraries.

using PEtab
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Printf

pathYaml = joinpath(@__DIR__, "Brannmark", "Brannmark_JBC2010.yaml")
petabModel = readPEtabModel(pathYaml, verbose=true)
PEtabModel for model Brannmark. ODE-system has 9 states and 23 parameters.
Generated Julia files are at ...

Steady-state solver

For models with preequilibration before the main simulation we must solve for the steady state $du = f(u, p, t) ≈ 0$. This can be done via i) :Rootfinding where we use any algorithm from NonlinearSolve.jl to find the roots of $f$, and by ii) :Simulate where from the initial condition we simulate the model until it reaches a steady state. The latter is more stable and often performs best.

When creating a PEtabODEProblem we can set steady-state solver options via the function getSteadyStateSolverOptions, where the first argument is the method to use; either :Rootfinding or :Simulate (recommended). For :Simulate we can choose how to terminate steady-state simulation via the howCheckSimulationReachedSteadyState argument which accepts:

  1. :wrms : Weighted root-mean square $\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n \bigg( \frac{du[i]}{\mathrm{reltol}*u[i] + \mathrm{abstol}} \bigg) \frac{1}{n}} \leq 1$ where $n$ is the number of ODE:s.
  2. :Newton : If Newton-step Δu is sufficiently small $\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n \bigg( \frac{\Delta u[i]}{\mathrm{reltol}*u[i] + \mathrm{abstol}} \bigg) \frac{1}{n}} \leq 1$

Newton often perform better but requires an invertible Jacobian. In case it is non-invertible the code switches automatically to :wrms. (abstol, reltol) defaults to ODE solver tolerances divided by 100.

Below we use :Simulate with :wrms termination:

odeSolverOptions = getODESolverOptions(Rodas5P(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)
ssOptions = getSteadyStateSolverOptions(:Simulate,
petabProblem = setupPEtabODEProblem(petabModel, odeSolverOptions, 
p = petabProblem.θ_nominalT 
gradient = zeros(length(p)) 
cost = petabProblem.computeCost(p)
petabProblem.computeGradient!(gradient, p)
@printf("Cost= %.2f\n", cost)
@printf("First element in the gradient = %.2e\n", gradient[1])
Cost = 141.89
First element in the gradient = 2.70e-03

Some useful notes regarding the steady-state solver are:

  • In case a SteadyStateSolverOption is not specified the default is :Simulate with :wrms.
  • A separate steady-state solver option can also be set for the gradient via ssSolverGradientOptions.
  • All gradient and hessian options are compatible with :Simulate. :Rootfinding is only compatible with approaches using forward-mode automatic differentiation.