Models with pre-equilibration (steady-state simulation)

In this tutorial, we'll create a PEtabODEproblem for the Brannmark model, which requires pre-equilibration before comparing the model against data. In other words, the model must first reach a steady state where $du = f(u, p, t) \approx 0$ before it is matches against data. This can be achieved through simulations or root finding.

To run the code, you will need the Brannmark PEtab files which can be found here. A fully runnable example of this tutorial is available here.

First, we load the necessary libraries and read the model.

using PEtab
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Printf

pathYaml = joinpath(@__DIR__, "Brannmark", "Brannmark_JBC2010.yaml")
petabModel = readPEtabModel(pathYaml, verbose=true)
PEtabModel for model Brannmark. ODE-system has 9 states and 23 parameters.
Generated Julia files are at ...

Steady-state solver

When dealing with pre-equilibration models, we must first reach a steady state $du = f(u, p, t) ≈ 0$ before running the main simulation. We can do this in two ways: i) using :Rootfinding, where we use any algorithm from NonlinearSolve.jl to find the roots of $f$, and ii) using :Simulate, where we simulate the model from the initial condition until it reaches a steady state. The latter method is more stable and often performs better.

When creating a PEtabODEProblem, we can set steady-state solver options via SteadyStateSolverOptions. The first argument is the method to use, either :Rootfinding or :Simulate (recommended). For :Simulate, we can choose how to terminate the steady-state simulation using the howCheckSimulationReachedSteadyState argument, which accepts two options:

  1. :wrms: the weighted root-mean square $\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n \bigg( \frac{du[i]}{\mathrm{reltol}*u[i] + \mathrm{abstol}} \bigg) \frac{1}{n}} \leq 1$, where $n$ is the number of ODEs.
  2. :Newton: if the Newton-step $\Delta u$ is sufficiently small $\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n \bigg( \frac{\Delta u[i]}{\mathrm{reltol}*u[i] + \mathrm{abstol}} \bigg) \frac{1}{n}} \leq 1$.

Newton often performs better, but it requires an invertible Jacobian. If the Jacobian is non-invertible, the code automatically switches to :wrms. The default values for abstol and reltol are the tolerances of the ODE solver divided by 100.

In the example below, we use :Simulate with :wrms termination:

petabProblem = createPEtabODEProblem(petabModel, 
p = petabProblem.θ_nominalT 
gradient = zeros(length(p)) 
cost = petabProblem.computeCost(p)
petabProblem.computeGradient!(gradient, p)
@printf("Cost= %.2f\n", cost)
@printf("First element in the gradient = %.2e\n", gradient[1])
Cost = 141.89
First element in the gradient = 2.70e-03

Some useful notes regarding the steady-state solver:

  • If you do not specify a SteadyStateSolverOption, the default option is :Simulate with :wrms.
  • You can also set a separate steady-state solver option for the gradient using ssSolverGradientOptions.
  • All gradient and hessian options are compatible with :Simulate. However, :Rootfinding is only compatible with approaches that use forward-mode automatic differentiation.