
This package implements the parquet tabular data storage format in pure Julia. A particular emphasis is placed on selective loading, schema introspection and the flexibility to load data from a variety of sources such as S3 or This package allows you to load specific "row groups" (subsets of rows which are serialized separately) and columns to minimize the cost of loading specific subsets of data. When memory mapping can be used this is done without loading more of the file than necessary.

Parquet data loaded by Parquet2.jl is organized analogously to the underlying binary data schema:

Dataset (← Tables.jl table)
    ⎸ RowGroup (← Tables.jl table)
    ⎸   ⎸ Column1 (← lazy AbstractVector)
    ⎸   ⎸ Column2 (← lazy AbstractVector)
    ⎸   ⎸ ⋮
    ⎸   ⎸ ColumnN (← lazy AbstractVector)
    ⎸ RowGroup2 (← Tables.jl table)
    ⎸ ⋮
    ⎸ RowGroupN (← Tables.jl table)
    ⎸   ⋮
  • Dataset: a Tables.jl table and an indexable set of RowGroup.
  • RowGroup: a Tables.jl table and an indexable (by string name or integer) set of Column.
  • Column: an abstraction for getting AbstractVector objects, which contain the deserialized contents of the parquet column.

Parquet files are divided into $n \ge 0$ RowGroups each of which represents a contiguous subset of rows in the full table. RowGroups typically correspond to files. Parquet2.jl treats the RowGroups as full tables in-and-of themselves and they can be loaded just like the full dataset.

Initialing a Dataset

The first step in reading parquet data is creating a Dataset object which contains only metadata.

using FilePathsBase
using Parquet2: Dataset

ds = Dataset("/path/to/file")  # this only loads metadata
ds = Dataset(p"s3://path/to/file")  # can understand path types (may require extension modules)
ds = Dataset("/path/to/dir.parquet/")  # parquets may be a directory that contain top-level metdata

Showing the dataset will display the schema, here is one of the validation datasets:

◖◗ ds = Dataset("test/data/std_fastparquet.parq")
≔ Dataset (31016 bytes)
	1. "floats": Union{Missing, Float64}
	2. "floats_missing": Union{Missing, Float64}
	3. "ints": Union{Missing, Int64}
	4. "ints_missing": Union{Missing, Float64}
	5. "strings": Union{Missing, String}
	6. "strings_missing": Union{Missing, String}
	7. "timestamps": Union{Missing, DateTime}
	8. "timestamps_missing": Union{Missing, DateTime}
	9. "missings": Missing
	10. "dictionary": Union{Missing, Int64}
	11. "dictionary_missing": Union{Missing, Int64}

The dataset is an indexable, iterable collection of RowGroup objects

length(ds)  # gives the number of row groups

rg = ds[1]  # first row group

◖◗ for rg ∈ ds
≔ RowGroup (14486 bytes) (250 rows)
	1. "floats": Union{Missing, Float64}
	2. "floats_missing": Union{Missing, Float64}
	3. "ints": Union{Missing, Int64}
	4. "ints_missing": Union{Missing, Float64}
	5. "strings": Union{Missing, String}
	6. "strings_missing": Union{Missing, String}
	7. "timestamps": Union{Missing, DateTime}
	8. "timestamps_missing": Union{Missing, DateTime}
	9. "missings": Missing
	10. "dictionary": Union{Missing, Int64}
	11. "dictionary_missing": Union{Missing, Int64}

≔ RowGroup (14480 bytes) (250 rows)
	1. "floats": Union{Missing, Float64}
	2. "floats_missing": Union{Missing, Float64}
	3. "ints": Union{Missing, Int64}
	4. "ints_missing": Union{Missing, Float64}
	5. "strings": Union{Missing, String}
	6. "strings_missing": Union{Missing, String}
	7. "timestamps": Union{Missing, DateTime}
	8. "timestamps_missing": Union{Missing, DateTime}
	9. "missings": Missing
	10. "dictionary": Union{Missing, Int64}
	11. "dictionary_missing": Union{Missing, Int64}

Note that each RowGroup matches the schema of the Dataset. The RowGroups belonging to a dataset need not have the same number of rows.

Accessing Data

Dataset and RowGroup both satisfy the Tables.jl columnar table interface and can therefore be easily converted to tables.

using Tables, DataFrames

using Parquet2: Dataset

# Dataset is an abstraction to provide an interface for loading data
ds = Dataset("/path/to/file")

sch = Tables.schema(ds)  # get the Tables.jl Schema object

c = Tables.getcolumn(ds, :col1)  # load *only* col1; others are not touched

c = Parquet2.load(ds, "col1")  # equivalent to the above

df = DataFrame(ds; copycols=false)  # load the entire table as a DataFrame

# it is suggested to do `copycols=false` unless you intend to write to the DataFrame
df = DataFrame(ds)

# columns are loaded in parallel by default, but this can be disabled
ds = Dataset("/path/to/file"; parallel_column_loading=false)

df1 = DataFrame(ds[1])  # load the first RowGroup as a DataFrame

meta = Parquet2.metadata(ds)  # auxiliary metadata can be accessed thusly
colmeta = Parquet2.metadata(ds[1]["col1"])  # auxiliary metadata by column

Columns will be read from the file or buffer and allocated every time Parquet2.load or, equivalently Tables.getcolumn is called on a Dataset or RowGroup. These operations should be considered expensive, and the API assumes they will be used sparingly. If you want to call something that frequently accesses columns, you should first make all Parquet2.load calls, returning fully materialized columns and then call your oprations on these. For example, when performing operations on columns, it is usually better to first collect the table in-memory with Tables.columntable or DataFrame.

Using TableOperations.jl to load Specific Columns

This package supports loading of specific columns leaving the rest untouched. With the exception of the top-level metadata, only data from selected columns is loaded.

While columns can easily be loaded individually with Tables.getcolumn or Parquet2.load, it is more convenient to select a subset of them using TableOperations.jl. In particular, see

For example

using TableOperations; const TO = TableOperations

ds = Parquet2.Dataset("/path/to/file")

# load *only* columns 1 and 2, others are skipped entirely
df = ds |>, :col2) |> DataFrame

# TableOperations is a dependency of Parquet2, so you can also do
df = ds |>, :col4) |> DataFrame

Writing Data

Files can be written with Parquet2.writefile. Tables being written must satisfy the Tables.jl interface (most Julia-ecosystem tables such as DataFrames already do this). They can be written to any filesystem which can be written to with the FilePathsBase interface.

For example

using Parquet2, DataFrames

using Parquet2: writefile

tbl = DataFrame(A=1:5, B=rand(5))
writefile("testfile.parq", tbl)  # write to disk at testfile.parq

io = IOBuffer()
writefile(io, tbl)  # write to IO buffer

writefile(Vector{UInt8}, tbl)  # write to an array

tbl = (A=1:5, B=rand(5))  # a NamedTuple is the archetyple Tables.jl copmatible object

writefile("testfile2.parq", tbl;
          npages=2,  # number of pages per column
          compression_codec=Dict("A"=>:zstd, "B"=>:snappy),  # compression codec per column
          column_metadata="A"=>Dict("frank"=>"reynolds"),  # per column auxiliary metadata
          metadata=Dict("charlie"=>"kelley"),  # file wide metadata

Note that any option which can be defined per-column such as npages and compression_codec can be specified either by value, in which case it'll be applied to all columns, dictionary per column, or pair for a single column.

Writing Row Groups

writefile uses the Tables.jl Tables.partitions function to decide how to group rows into RowGroups. Each partition is written as a single row group.

Column Statistics

The parquet format includes the ability to store computed statistics values in metadata so that they can be retrieved without the need to re-compute them. Statistics which can be stored are

  • Minimum value.
  • Maximum value.
  • Number of missing values.
  • Number of distinct values.

This package provides the option to compute these values when data is serialized, as well as the option to wrap the output AbstractVectors in a struct which will allow these to be retrieved rather than being re-computed with methods from Base.

tbl = (A=1:5, B=6:10, C=1.0:5.0)

# compute statistics when writing only for columns A and C
v = writefile(Vector{UInt8}, tbl; compute_statistics=["A", "C"])

# only wrap column A
# (note that if `copycols=true` the wrapper will get destroyed)
df = DataFrame(Dataset(v; use_statistics=["A"]); copycols=false)

minimum(df.A)  # this is simply retrieved rather than being re-computed
minimum(df.B)  # this was not stored and had to be re-computed
maximum(df.C)  # this was computed, but we didn't include it so it's computed again here

stats = Parquet2.ColumnStatistics(df.C)  # we can still access that stats though
count(ismissing, stats)

Multi-File Datasets


As far as we are aware, there is no formal specification for any multi-file parquet formats. The metadata contain fields which can indicate the locations of auxiliary files, but the most common multi-file formats do not even utilize this feature. Therefore, support for multi-file formats has been a matter of trial and error. We think Parquet2 currently supports the most common cases, described below.

Many parquet writers write output to many separate files with one or more row-groups per file. There are two common directory schema

  • Flat: a single directory containing many files.
  • "Hive" tree: directory names specify column values.

In both cases all files have an identical schema, but in the latter case there are additional implied columns with the values set depending on the location in the directory. The metadata may or may not be stored separately.

To load multiple files, the path of a directory containing parquet data can be passed to Dataset which will try to infer the structure. Because parquet directories structures are potentially enormous and may contain millions of individual files, Dataset will only load metadata from exactly one of these by default. This gives users the ability to inspect the structure and decide which files to load.

using Parquet2
using Parquet2: Dataset, filelist, appendall!, showtree

ds = Dataset("test/data/hive_fastparquet.parq")  # this is in the Parquet2 test directory

length(ds) == 0 # no row groups are active yet

The metadata for this dataset looks like:

≔ Dataset (1461 bytes)
        1. "A": String
        2. "B": String
        3. "data1": Union{Missing, Float64}
        4. "data2": Union{Missing, Float64}

The columns A and B are "implied", meaning they are only inferrable from the directory structure. Dataset shows these as String columns. Columns inferred from directory structure can only be strings.

Now we can inspect this dataset to decide what to load. We can see an explicit list of files

◖◗ filelist(ds)
3-element Vector{PosixPath}:

Or the column and directory structure

◖◗ showtree(ds)
├─ "A" => "1"
│  └─ "B" => "alpha"
├─ "A" => "2"
│  └─ "B" => "alpha"
└─ "A" => "3"
   └─ "B" => "beta"

Row groups from these files can now be appended using append!

append!(ds, filelist(ds)[1])  # add row groups from the first file
append!(ds, 1)  # a pun for the above.  in this case it throws an error because we already added it

append!(ds, "B"=>"alpha")  # add all row groups with B="alpha" (the first 2 files); doesn't error
append!(ds, "A"=>"1", "B"=>"alpha")  # add all row groups with *both* A="1" and B="alpha" (first 2)
append!(ds, A="3", B="beta")  # can also do this with keyword arguments

append!(ds, A="1", verbose=true)  # gives helpful log messages so we can see what happened

Note that calling append! will NOT read in the data from the files, only the metadata. Loading the data works the same way as in the single-file case, e.g. one can materialize columns with Parquet2.load, Tables.getcolumn or materializing the whole table with Tables.columns or DataFrame. However, whenever data is loaded, it will be loaded only from the row groups for which metadata has been loaded.

TL;DR shutup, I just want to read all the data

Parquet2.Dataset(directory_name; load_initial=true)

or, equivalently

ds = Parquet2.Dataset(directory_name)
# (again, you still need to load the data with DataFrame or whatever)

As we mentioned previously, parquet directory structures can be huge, and since there appears to be no formal specification for commonly used multi-file parquet formats, it might behoove you to check that Parquet2's idea of what files belong to the parquet is the same as yours with filelist. So, you should use these options only if you are sure it is a good idea!