
The complete script for this tutorial can be found here: CrackedPlateUnderTension.jl.

First, we have to load the Peridynamics.jl package.

using Peridynamics

Now whe have the exported types and methods available in the namespace. This allows us to construct a PointCloud by specifying the dimensions and the point spacing $\Delta x$.

length_x = 0.05 # [m]
length_y = 0.05 # [m]
length_z = 0.005 # [m]
Δx = length_y / 60 # point spacing: 60 points along y-describe_interactions
pc = PointCloud(length_x, length_y, length_z, Δx)

As next step, we define the material with the parameters horizon (horizon $\delta$ in peridynamics theory), density rho, youngs modulus E and critical energy release rate Gc.

mat = BondBasedMaterial(;
    horizon = 3.015Δx, # [m]
    rho = 7850.0, # [kg/m^3]
    E = 210e9, # [N/m^2]
    Gc = 1000.0, # [N/m]

Now we want the plate to have a crack from the left side to the middle. Therefore we need to specify a PreCrack object. A PreCrack is simply two Vector{Int}'s containing point indices. Points in point_id_set_a don't interact with points in point_id_set_b. So we need to specify all points above and below the crack, as seen in the following image:

(Visualization made with ParaView)

cracklength = 0.5 * length_x
precrack_set_a = findall(
    (pc.position[2, :] .>= 0) .&
    (pc.position[2, :] .< 12 * Δx) .&
    (pc.position[1, :] .<= -length_x / 2 + cracklength),
precrack_set_b = findall(
    (pc.position[2, :] .<= 0) .&
    (pc.position[2, :] .> -12 * Δx) .&
    (pc.position[1, :] .<= -length_x / 2 + cracklength),
precracks = [PreCrack(precrack_set_a, precrack_set_b)]

The PreCrack is then wrapped inside a Vector because PDSingleBodyAnalysis needs a Vector{PreCrack} in case you have multiple predefined cracks in your model.

Now we specify boundary conditions, so the crack has to grow under the load applied to the plate. Therefore, we want the five rows of points in the upper and lower part of the plate to have a constant velocity of $0.1\,\frac{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{s}}$ in the positive and negative $y$-direction to pull the plate apart.

bc_set_top = findall(pc.position[2,:] .> length_y / 2 - 5.1 * Δx)
bc_set_bottom = findall(pc.position[2,:] .< -length_y / 2 + 5.1 * Δx)
bc_top = VelocityBC(t -> 0.1, bc_set_top, 2)
bc_bottom = VelocityBC(t -> -0.1, bc_set_bottom, 2)
boundary_conditions = [bc_top, bc_bottom]

Now we specify the temporal discretization. Our simulation should run for 2000 time steps and the stable time step should be calculated.

td = TimeDiscretization(2000)

To save the results, we specify with ExportSettings that every 10 timesteps, the results should be saved to a folder named results/CrackedPlateUnderTension.

simulation_name = "CrackedPlateUnderTension"
resfolder = joinpath(@__DIR__, "results", simulation_name)
es = ExportSettings(resfolder, 10)

Now everything needed for the PDSingleBodyAnalysis is defined.

job = PDSingleBodyAnalysis(
    name = simulation_name,
    pc = pc,
    mat = mat,
    precracks = precracks,
    bcs = boundary_conditions,
    td = td,
    es = es,
results = submit(job);
Results after 2000 timesteps:

(Visualization made with ParaView)