
A lightweight Julia package for computational pipelines.

Building reusable pipelines and workflows is easier than you have ever thought.

Package Features

  • Easy to build both simple and complex tasks.

  • Supports external command lines and pure Julia functions.

  • Supports resuming interrupted tasks, skipping finished tasks.

  • Supports dependency check.

  • Supports inputs, outputs validation, and so on.


Pipelines.jl can be installed using the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run

pkg> add Pipelines
# If it fails, use
pkg> add https://github.com/cihga39871/Pipelines.jl.git

To use the package, type

using Pipelines

Quick Start

Pipelines are built with multiple CmdPrograms. A CmdProgram contains a command template and name lists of inputs/outputs. The names of inputs/outputs will be replaced by real values when executing the program.

Let's set up a simple program to print values using echo:

using Pipelines

echo = CmdProgram(
    inputs = ["INPUT1", "INPUT2"],
    cmd = `echo INPUT1 INPUT2`   

Running the program is just like running other Cmd, but here we need to specify inputs by using Dict{String}.

inputs = Dict(
    "INPUT1" => "Hello,",
    "INPUT2" => `Pipeline.jl`
run(echo, inputs)
Program will not run twice by default!

If you run a program with the same inputs again, the program will just return the same result, display a warning message without running the command twice.

run(echo, inputs)

This is because the program will generate a file (run id file) in the current directory indicating the program has been run. Several methods can be used to re-run a program:

# Method 1: stop checking finished program
run(echo, inputs; skip_when_done = false)

# Method 2: delete the run_id_file before running again:
cmd, run_id_file = run(echo, inputs; dry_run = true) # Dry-run returns the command and run id file without running it.
rm(run_id_file)  # remove the run_id_file

# Method 3: Do not generate run_id_file when first running.
run(echo, inputs; touch_run_id_file=false)

Program with Outputs

Unlike the first example, many programs write files as outputs. Pipelines.jl has an elegant way to handle it.

The following program prints values simultaneously, sort them, and save to a file.

prog = CmdProgram(
    inputs = ["INPUT1", "INPUT2", "INPUT3"],
    outputs = ["OUTPUT_FILE"],
    cmd = pipeline(`echo INPUT1 INPUT2` & `echo INPUT3`, `sort`, "OUTPUT_FILE")

inputs = Dict(
    "INPUT1" => "Hello,",
    "INPUT2" => `Pipeline.jl`,
    "INPUT3" => 39871
outputs = Dict("OUTPUT_FILE" => "out.txt")

run(prog, inputs, outputs) # will return (success::Bool, outputs)

It is inconvenient to specify outputs every time, so we provide an argument (infer_outputs::Function) in CmdProgram to generate default outputs from inputs.

prog = CmdProgram(
    inputs = ["INPUT1", "INPUT2", "INPUT3"],
    outputs = ["OUTPUT_FILE"],
    cmd = pipeline(`echo INPUT1 INPUT2` & `echo INPUT3`, `sort`, "OUTPUT_FILE"),
    infer_outputs = inputs -> Dict(
    	"OUTPUT_FILE" => inputs["INPUT1"] * ".txt"
success, outputs = run(prog, inputs)

We can also generate default outputs without running the program:

outputs = infer_outputs(prog, inputs)

Julia Program

Pipelines also defined JuliaProgram type for pure Julia functions. It is like CmdProgram and remain most compatibility. More details are in the Julia Program, Manual Page.

Future Development

  • Support running competitive tasks with locks.

Change log



  • Better interpolation in Cmd.

    # old version
    `$(dep.exec) --args`
    # or
    `$(exec(dep)) --args`
    # now
    `$dep --args`


  • New JuliaProgram for pure Julia implementation.

  • Program is the Abstract type containing CmdProgram and JuliaProgram substypes.