

Tools for solving Keplerian orbits, especially in the context of exoplanet detection and modelling. The functions of this package allow one to propagate two-body orbits using a variety of orbital basis sets (classic Campbell, Thiele-Innes, and Cartesian state-vectors.). A fully featured A Plots.jl recipe is included for easily plotting different orbit properties in space or time, or against other variables.

Bound circular and elliptical orbits are fully supported. Support for hyperbolic orbits is experimental.

Among other uses, it can be used to calculates the projected positions of planets, radial velocity, and proper motion anomaly. It is also a great tool for visualizing different orbits (see examples) and generating nice animations (e.g. with Plots or Luxor.jl).

This package has been designed for good performance and composability with a wide range of packages in the Julia ecosystem. Automatic differentiation with ForwardDiff, Enzyme, and Zygote are supported.

A variety of Kepler solvers are provided. Arbitrary precision can be achieved by specifying orbits using Julia's built in BigFloat datatype and using a solver with user-specified tolerance.

To fit orbits to observations, see Octofitter.jl.

See also AstroImages.jl.