
The nodal basis corresponding to Jacobi Gauss quadrature in [-1,1] with parameters α, β and scalar type T.

GaussJacobi(p::Int, α, β, T=Float64)

Generate the JacobiLegendre basis of degree p with parameters α, β and scalar type T.

change_basis!(ret, dest_basis::NodalBasis{Domain},
              values, src_basis::NodalBasis{Domain}) where {Domain<:AbstractDomain}

Perform the change of basis for the coefficients values from src_basis to dest_basis and store the resulting coefficients in ret.

function change_basis(dest_basis::NodalBasis{Domain},
                      values, src_basis::NodalBasis{Domain}) where {Domain<:AbstractDomain}

Perform the change of basis for the coefficients values from src_basis to dest_basis.

compute_coefficients!(uval::AbstractVector, u, basis::NodalBasis{Line})

Compute the nodal values of the function u at the nodes corresponding to the nodal basis basis and store the result in uval.

compute_coefficients(u, basis::NodalBasis{Line})

Compute the nodal values of the function u at the nodes corresponding to the nodal basis basis.

derivative_at(x::Real, values, nodes, baryweights)

Compute the derivative of the function represented by values on the nodes at x using the corresponding barycentric weights baryweights. [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 36].

derivative_matrix(nodes, baryweights)

Compute the derivative matrix corresponding to nodes and baryweights. [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 37].

evaluate_coefficients(u, basis::NodalBasis{Line}, npoints=2*length(basis.nodes))

Evaluate the coefficients u of the nodal basis basis at npoints equally spaced nodes. Returns xplot, uplot, where xplot contains the equally spaced nodes and uplot the corresponding values of u.

evaluate_coefficients!(xplot, uplot, u, basis::NodalBasis{Line})

Evaluate the coefficients u of the nodal basis basis at npoints equally spaced nodes and store the result in xplot, uplot. Returns xplot, uplot, where xplot contains the equally spaced nodes and uplot the corresponding values of u.

gegenbauer(x, p::Integer)

Evaluate the Gegenbauer polynomial with parameter α of degree p at x using the three term recursion.

hahn(x, p::Integer, α, β, N::Integer)

Evaluate the Hahn polynomial with parameters α, β, N of degree p at x using the three term recursion [Öffner, Zweidimensionale klassische und diskrete orthogonale Polynome, Chapter 5].

hermite(x, p::Integer)

Evaluate the Hermite polynomial of degree p at x using the three term recursion.

integrate(func, u, weights)

Map the function func to the coefficients u and integrate with respect to the quadrature rule given by weights.

interpolate(x::Real, nodes, values, baryweights)

Interpolate the function represented by values on the nodes using the corresponding barycentric weights baryweights. [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 31].

interpolation_matrix(destination, source, baryweights)

Compute the matrix performing interpolation from src to dest, where baryweights are the barycentric weights corresponding to src. [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 32].

jacobi(x, p::Integer, α, β)

Evaluate the Legendre polynomial with parameters α, β of degree p at x using the three term recursion [Karniadakis and Sherwin, Spectral/hp Element Methods for CFD, Appendix A].

jacobi_vandermonde(nodes, α, β)

Computes the Vandermonde matrix with respect to the Jacobi polynomials with parameters α, β and the nodal basis on nodes. The Vandermonde matrix V is the transformation matrix from the modal Jacobi basis to the nodal Lagrange basis associated with nodes.

laguerre(x, p::Integer, α)

Evaluate the generalised Laguerre polynomial with parameter α of degree p at x using the three term recursion.

laguerre(x, p::Integer)

Evaluate the Laguerre polynomial of degree p at x using the three term recursion.

legendre(x, p::Integer)

Evaluate the Legendre polynomial of degree p at x using the three term recursion [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 20].

legendre_D(p, T=Float64)

Computes the derivative matrix in the modal Legendre basis up to degree p using the scalar type T.

legendre_M(p, T=Float64)

Computes the diagonal mass matrix in the modal Legendre basis up to degree p using the scalar type T.


Computes the Vandermonde matrix with respect to the Legendre polynomials and the nodal basis on nodes. The Vandermonde matrix V is the transformation matrix from the modal Legendre basis to the nodal Lagrange basis associated with nodes.

map_from_canonical!(x, ξ, xmin, xmax, basis::NodalBasis{Line})

Map the given canonical coordinate ξ in the interval [-1, 1] to the corresponding coordinate x in the interval [xmin, xmax], updating x.

map_from_canonical(ξ, xmin, xmax, basis::NodalBasis{Line})

Map the given canonical coordinate ξ in the interval [-1, 1] to the corresponding coordinate x in the interval [xmin, xmax].

map_to_canonical!(ξ, x, xmin, xmax, basis::NodalBasis{Line})

Map the given coordinate x in the interval [xmin, xmax] to the corresponding canonical coordinate ξ in the interval [-1, 1], updating ξ.

map_to_canonical(x, xmin, xmax, basis::NodalBasis{Line})

Map the given coordinate x in the interval [xmin, xmax] to the corresponding canonical coordinate ξ in the interval [-1, 1].


Return the matrices

  • D, derivative matrix
  • M, mass matrix
  • R, restriction matrix (interpolation to the boundaries)
  • B, boundary normal matrix
  • MinvRtB = M \ R' * B

used in the formulation of flux reconstruction / correction procedure via reconstruction using summation-by-parts operators, cf. Ranocha, Öffner, Sonar (2016) Summation-by-parts operators for correction procedure via reconstruction, Journal of Computational Physics 311, 299-328.


Compute the barycentric weights corresponding to the nodes x. [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 30].

gauss_jacobi_nodes_and_weights(p, α, β, T=Float64::Type, tol=4*eps(T), maxit=100)

Compute the Gauss-Jacobi nodes and weights for polynomials of degree p with parameters α, β using the scalar type T, tolerance tol and maximal number of Newton iterations maxit [Karniadakis and Sherwin, Spectral/hp Element Methods for CFD, Appendix B].

gauss_legendre_nodes_and_weights(p, T=Float64::Type, tol=4*eps(T), maxit=100)

Compute the Gauss-Legendre nodes and weights for polynomials of degree p using the scalar type T, tolerance tol and maximal number of Newton iterations maxit [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 23].

jacobi_and_derivative(x, p::Integer, α, β)

Evaluate the Jacobi polynomial with parameters α, β of degree p and its derivative at x using the three term recursion [Karniadakis and Sherwin, Spectral/hp Element Methods for CFD, Appendix A].

legendre_and_derivative(x, p::Integer)

Evaluate the Legendre polynomial of degree p and its derivative at x using the three term recursion [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 22].

lobatto_legendre_nodes_and_weights(p, T=Float64::Type, tol=4*eps(T), maxit=100)

Compute the Lobatto-Legendre nodes and weights for polynomials of degree p using the scalar type T, tolerance tol and maximal number of Newton iterations maxit [Kopriva, Implementing Spectral Methods for PDEs, Algorithm 25].