MainModule (PosDefManifold.jl)

This is the main unit containing the PosDefManifoldmodule.

It uses the following standard Julia packages:


Examples in some units of PosDefManifold also uses the Plots package. Take a look at this tutorial for an introduction to data plotting with Julia.

The main module does not contains functions, but it declares all constant, types and aliases of Julia functions used in all units.

tips & tricks


constantvaluenumeric value


aliasJulia functionin Packagetab-completitionREPL support

All packages above are built-in julia packages.


Metric::Enumerated type

@enum Metric begin
  Euclidean    =1
  invEuclidean =2
  ChoEuclidean =3
  logEuclidean =4
  LogCholesky  =5
  Fisher       =6
  logdet0      =7
  Jeffrey      =8
  VonNeumann   =9
  Wasserstein  =10

Riemannian manipulations are defined for a given metric (see metrics). An instance for this type is requested as an argument in many functions contained in the riemannianGeometry.jl unit in order to specify the metric.

 ## Example
 # generate a 15x15 symmetric positive definite matrix
 # distance from P to the identity matrix according to the logdet0 metric
 d=distance(logdet0, P)

If you want to work consistently with a specific metric, you may want to declare in your script a global variable such as

global metric=logdet0  or  global metric=Metric(Int(logdet0)),

and then pass metric as argument in all your computations, e.g., referring to the above example,

d=distance(metric, P).

To know what is the current metric, you can get it as a string using:


To see the list of metrics in type Metric use:


Array of Matrices types

𝕄Vector type


This is a vector of general Matrix matrices, alias of MatrixVector. Julia sees it as: Array{Array{T,2} where T,1}. See aliases for the 𝕄 symbol and typecasting matrices for the use of matrices in PosDefManifold.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

𝕄Vector₂ type


This is a vector of 𝕄Vector type objects, i.e., a vector of vectors of matrices. It is the alias of MatrixVector₂. Julia sees it as: Array{Array{Array{T,2} where T,1},1}.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension. However the several 𝕄Vector objects it holds do not need to have the same length.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

𝔻Vector type


This is a vector of Diagonal matrices, alias of DiagonalVector. Julia sees it as: Array{Diagonal,1}. See aliases for the 𝔻 symbol and typecasting matrices for the use of Diagonal matrices in PosDefManifold.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

𝔻Vector₂ type


This is a vector of 𝔻Vector type objects, i.e., a vector of vectors of Diagonal matrices. It is the alias of DiagonalVector₂. Julia sees it as: Array{Array{Diagonal,1},1}.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension. However the several 𝔻Vector objects it holds do not need to have the same length.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

𝕃Vector type


This is a vector of LowerTriangular matrices, alias of LowerTriangularVector. Julia sees it as: Array{LowerTriangular,1}. See aliases for the 𝕃 symbol and typecasting matrices for the use of LowerTriangular matrices in PosDefManifold.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

𝕃Vector₂ type


This is a vector of 𝕃Vector type objects, i.e., a vector of vectors of LowerTriangular matrices. It is the alias of LowerTriangularVector₂. Julia sees it as: Array{Array{LowerTriangular,1},1}.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension. However the several 𝕃Vector objects it holds do not need to have the same length.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

ℍVector type


This is a vector of Hermitian matrices, alias of HermitianVector. Julia sees is at: Array{Hermitian,1}.See aliases for the ℍ symbol and typecasting matrices for the use of Hermitian matrices in PosDefManifold.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

ℍVector₂ type


This is a vector of ℍVector type objects, i.e., a vector of vectors of Hermitian matrices. It is the alias of HermitianVector₂. Julia sees it as: Array{Array{Hermitian,1},1}.

Nota bene

This object is meant to hold matrices living in the same manifold, therefore it is assumed by all methods that all matrices it holds are of the same dimension. However the several ℍVector objects it holds do not need to have the same length.

Seedim, typeofMatrix

RealOrComplex type

RealOrComplex=Union{Real, Complex}

This is the Union of Real and Complex types.

AnyMatrix type

AnyMatrix=Union{𝔻{T}, 𝕃{T}, ℍ{T}, 𝕄{T}} where T<:RealOrComplex

This is the Union of real or complex Diagonal, LowerTriangular, Hermitian and Matrix types. It is often used in the definition of functions.


AnyMatrixVector type

AnyMatrixVector=Union{𝕄Vector, 𝔻Vector, 𝕃Vector, ℍVector}

This is the Union of 𝕄Vector, 𝔻Vector, 𝕃Vector and ℍVector. It is often used in the definition of functions. See Array of Matrices types.

AnyMatrixVector₂ type

AnyMatrixVector₂=Union{𝕄Vector₂, 𝔻Vector₂, 𝕃Vector₂, ℍVector₂}

This is the Union of 𝕄Vector₂, 𝔻Vector₂, 𝕃Vector₂, ℍVector₂. It is often used in the definition of functions. See Array of Matrices types.

tips & tricks

typecasting matrices

Several functions in PosDefManifold implement multiple dispatch and can handle several kinds of matrices as input, however the core functions for manipulating objects on the Riemannian manifold of positive definite matrices act by definition on positive definite matrices only. Those matrices must therefore be either symmetric positive definite (SPD, real) or Hermitian positive definite (HPD, complex). Such matrices are uniformly identified in PosDefManifold as being of the Hermitian type, using the standard LinearAlgebra package. The alias is used consistently in the code (see aliases). If the input is not flagged as Hermitian, the functions restricting the input to positive definite matrices will not be accessible.


julia> using LinearAlgebra

julia> f(S::Hermitian)=S*S'
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> A=randn(3, 3)
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 -0.67407  -0.344258    0.203714
 -1.06551  -0.0233796   0.975465
 -1.04727  -1.19807    -0.0219121

julia> H=A*A' # although SPD, H is not automatically flagged as Hermitian
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.614384  0.924991  1.11391
 0.924991  2.08738   1.12251
 1.11391   1.12251   2.53263

julia> f(H)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching f(::Array{Float64,2})
Closest candidates are:
  f(::Hermitian) at none:1

If you construct a positive definite matrix and it is not flagged, you can do so simply by typecasting it, that is, passing as argument to the functions Hermitian(P) instead of just P. The alias can be used for short, i.e., ℍ(P). Continuing the example above:

julia> f(ℍ(H))  # this way it works, equivalent to f(Hermitian(H))
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 2.47388  3.74948  4.54381
 3.74948  6.4728   6.21635
 4.54381  6.21635  8.91504

Be careful: Hermitian(P) will construct and Hermitian matrix from the argument. If the matrix argument is not symmetric (if real) or Hermitian (if complex) it will be made so by copying the transpose (if real) or complex conjugate and transpose (if complex) of a triangular part into the other. See Hermitian.

If you want to construct an ℍVector type from, say, two Hermitian matrices P and Q, don't write A=[P, Q], but rather A=ℍVector([P, Q]). In fact, the first is seen by Julia as

2-element Array{Hermitian{Float64,Array{Float64,2}},1},

while the latter as

2-element Array{Hermitian,1},

which is the type expected in all functions taking an ℍVector type as argument.

Other functions act on generic matrices (of type Matrix). This is seen by Julia as Array{T,2} where T. Keep in mind that the functions writing on the argument matrix such as normalizeCol! will give an error if you pass an Hermitian matrix, since Julia does not allow writing on non-diagonal elements of those matrices. In this case typecast it in another object using the Matrix type; suppose H is Hermitian, you would use for example:

julia> X=Matrix(H)
julia> normalizeCol!(X, 1)
julia> norm(X[:, 1])

Some more examples:

  • Typecasting Adjoint matrices:


  • here is how to get an Hermitian matrix out of the diagonal part of an Hermitian matrix H:


  • here is how to get a LowerTriangular matrix out of an Hermitian matrix H:


For example, you can use this to pass a full inter-distance matrix to the laplacian function to obtain the Laplacian matrix.

A useful function is typeofMatrix. For example, the following line typecasts matrix M to the type of matrix P and put the result in A:



Some functions in PosDefManifold explicitly call BLAS routines for optimal performnce. This is reported in the help section of the concerned functions. Most functions calls BLAS routine implicitly via Julia. You can set the number of threads the BLAS library should use by:

using LinearAlgebra

where n is the number of threads. By default, PosDefManifold reserves to BLAS all CPU threads available on your computer (given by the output of Sys.CPU_THREADS). The number of threads used by Julia for multi-threaded computations is given by the output of function Threads.nthreads(). In Windows this latter number of threads is set to half the available threads. In Linux and OSX defaults to one and is controlled by an environment variable, i.e.,


In Linux, working with the Atom IDE, you also have to set to global the field found in Atom under Settings(or Preferences)/julia-client/Settings/Julia Options/Number of Threads.

In Windows, set the desired number of threads in the settings of the julia-client Juno package.

See for example this post, this post and julia doc on threads.

Notice that PosDefManifold features many multi-threaded functions and these may allow a gain in computation time only if Julia is instructed to use at least two threads.