

PowerNetworkMatrices.jl is a Julia package for the evaluation of network matrices given the system's data. The package allows to compute the matrices according to different methods, providing a flexibe and powerful tool.

The documentation and code are organized according to the needs of different users depending on their skillset and requirements. In broad terms there are three categories:

  • Modeler: Users that want to run a particular analysis or experiment and use PowerNetworkMatrices.jl to develop data sets.

  • Model Developer: Users that want to develop custom components and structs in order to exploit PowerNetworkMatrices.jl features to produce custom data sets.

  • Code Base Developers: Users that want to add new core functionalities or fix bugs in the core capabilities of PowerNetworkMatrices.jl.

PowerNetworkMatrices.jl is an active project under development, and we welcome your feedback, suggestions, and bug reports.


The latest stable release of PowerNetworkMatrices can be installed using the Julia package manager with

] add PowerNetworkMatrices

For the current development version, "checkout" this package with

] add PowerNetworkMatrices#master

PowerNetworkMatrices has been developed as part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning (SIIP) initiative at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).