
Bors enabled

PredictMDExtra is a meta-package that installs all of the Julia dependencies of PredictMD (but not PredictMD itself).

Installing PredictMDExtra does not install PredictMD. If you would like a convenient way of installing PredictMD and all of its Julia dependencies, see PredictMDFull.

Table of Contents


PredictMDExtra is registered in the Julia General registry. Therefore, to install PredictMDExtra, simply open Julia and run the following four lines:

import Pkg
Pkg.activate("PredictMDEnvironment"; shared = true)
import PredictMDExtra

That being said, PredictMDExtra is not very useful by itself. Instead, I recommend that you install PredictMDFull, which includes both PredictMD and PredictMDExtra. To install PredictMDFull, simply open Julia and run the following four lines:

import Pkg
Pkg.activate("PredictMDEnvironment"; shared = true)
import PredictMDFull